Site Meter / CANinKandaharAug2010


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August 2010

31 Aug 10

Brian Pinksen, R.I.P.   Commander-in-Chief's Statement - Prime Minister's Statement - Defence Minister's Statement - Expected back later this week


"Assignment Kandahar: Peace declared in village, war continues outside"


30 Aug 10

Brian Pinksen, R.I.P.:  Newfoundland Reservist Dies of Injuries in Nakhonay IED Blast - More - more - more


23 Aug 10

"Canada turned down a direct plea from NATO to send more troops into southern Afghanistan in the run-up to last year's Afghan presidential election" - More


"U.S. troop surge hitting the ground in Kandahar" - "Security Force Captures Taliban Commander in Kandahar" - "Security Force Targets Taliban Commander in Zabul" - "Three Taliban commanders have been killed in gunfire in Kandahar province in southern Afghanistan"


Blog Watch:  Withdrawal=Bloodbath


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links only to non-terrorist sites):  Taliban claim attacks on logistics vehicles in Kandahar, Helmand


22 Aug 10

"Assignment Kandahar: Pistol Pete’s patrol"


"Security Force Captures Taliban Commander in Kandahar" - "Taliban Commander Targeted in Kandahar" - Afghan civilian shot, tied up between IEDs in Kandahar - Six AFG Cops Found Dead in Helmand Cop Shop - Part of Taliban Campaign Against AFG Cops?


More on Two AUS Troops Killed in Uruzgan Blast - Family Statements Here and Here


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links only to non-terrorist sites):  Taliban claim responsiblity for killing ANP, a spy and "cowardly minions" in RC-S


Update on Coming Parliamentary Elections


21 Aug 10

"No easy task for troops holding former Taliban hotbed" - "Brig.-Gen. Vance has made Nakhonay one of the Canadian mission’s top priorities and you‘ll be hearing a lot about the place in the coming weeks and months."


CF Chief of Defence Staff:  Outgoing Ombudsman is Correct About Issues Needing Changes for Wounded Warriors - More - more - Call for Commons Committee to Study Wounded Warrior Issues - Column: "Stogran said he intends to spend his last three months as ombudsman carrying the flag for veterans, but hopefully he will load his magazine with real arguments and not emotional appeals."


Canada's Post-2011 Mission in AFG: "If we are nation-building, scrap the 2011 deadline, buy the adherence of the Pakistanis and get on with it. If we are running for the exit as soon as enough central government Afghans have been trained and the arrangements made to prevent the country becoming a hornets' nest of international terrorism again, let's say so and get on with that."


"Canadian, Dutch commanders exchange lessons on troops' withdrawal from Afghanistan"


Khadr Trial:  Judge Says Threats of Gang Rape =/= Torture


Two AUS Troops Killed, Two Wounded in Uruzgan Blast


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links only to non-terrorist sites):  Taliban claim "30 enemy check posts overrun, 25 vehicles seized in Helmand battle"


20 Aug 10

"Canada and the United Nations marked World Humanitarian Day on Thursday with an appeal for all sides to allow aid workers to do their work in Afghanistan unmolested."


"Canada’s Chargé d’Affaires Statement on Afghanistan Independence Day"


Not Much Break in Fighting During Ramadan - Taliban Attack S. AFG Road Crew - Hunt for Taliban Leadership Continues in Helmand - Two IED Planters Killed, Two Wounded in Zabul


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links only to non-terrorist sites):  Attacks alleged in Nad Ali, Gerishk, Sangin, Khanshin, Musa Kala (Helmand) & Dilaram (Nimroz)


"Russia May Supply Electricity to Afghanistan, Pakistan to Increase Clout"


19 Aug 10

Canada Only Country Helping Families of Fallen Come to Closure by Visiting AFG


Kevin Thomas McKay, 1986-2010, R.I.P.:  "Finishing what a fallen soldier couldn't" - More


"Canada to review private security in Kandahar" - "Security firm ban could affect Afghan aid" - "In recent months, humanitarian groups in Afghanistan have begun to cooperate much more closely with the Taliban to deliver their services." - Blog:  "Why are my company’s convoys being contacted and ambushed almost every day? Why are we losing guards to ‘enemy’ fire at a KIA rate per head of force higher than that of ISAF? Because we and our client don’t pay the baksheesh."


Blog Watch:  AFG isn't "The Magnificent Seven," but....


"An International Security Assistance Force helicopter with 19 people on board made a hard landing in Afghanistan’s Kandahar province"


Bad Guys Nabbed in Zabul - AFG, ISAF Hunting Zabul IED Cell Boss


"Afghans to shut 900 polling centers on security fears"


Taliban (Again) Calls for Withdrawal of All Foreign Troops


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links only to non-terrorist sites):  TB claim resp for assassination of K'Har dist cop boss; independence anniversary statement - Taliban releases Issue 51 of Somūd Magazine


"Under Petraeus, Burger King may return to Kandahar"


U.S. Executive Order Creates "Pakistan and Afghanistan Support Office"



18 Aug 10 

More Details of 5 Aug 10 CAN Chinook Crash - Selected Open Source Bibliography: Taliban SAM and Anti-Aircraft Threat


"Afghan President Hamid Karzai issued a decree Tuesday ordering private security companies to cease operations in the country within four months — a decision that could leave Canada's thin forces further stretched." - More


Canada's (Outgoing) Veterans' Ombudsman says Treasury Board Official Said "it is in the government’s best interests to have soldiers killed overseas rather than wounded because the liability is shorter term" - More - "The country's soon-to-be former veterans ombudsman is accusing federal bureaucrats of "cheating" war widows" - "The root of the problem is that Veterans Affairs bureaucrats are keeping political ministers in the dark about the scope of the problems facing returning soldiers and are refusing to push for more money from powerful central departments" - "Vets lose tiger in their corner" - "Old soldier isn't going peacefully" - Outgoing Ombudsman's Twitter Feed


Taliban Assassinate Zabul Provincial Official  Taliban Tries Playing Victim on Civilian Casualties (Crossposted to Threat Matrix)


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links only to non-terrorist sites):  Taliban claims fatal attacks on police in Kandahar, Uruzgan and Helmand


17 Aug 10 

Canada's Post-2011 Mission in AFG:  "Canada has its exit strategy from Afghanistan: come next year, we are just going to walk."  plague


Khadr Trial: "By remaining silent as evidence extracted from this mistreated teenager is used against him, the Canadian government is sending the message that it has no problem with torture -- not even the torture of its own citizens."


"6 Policemen Poisoned, Killed in Kandahar" - "Kandahar public works opens new road" - "Targeted strikes by U.S. special forces against insurgents around Kandahar are yielding results, but war planners expect tough fighting ahead and more casualties"


Karzai to Private Security Contractors:  Four Months, and You're Shut Down - More - more - more - U.S.: "Afghan exit for security contractors 'very challenging:' " - ISAF Spokesperson: “ISAF supports the President’s intention to achieve this, which means eliminating the need for private security companies .... One answer to this challenge is development of the Afghan National Security Forces.”


"Afghan Clerics: Peace Process Stalled Until Shari'a Implemented"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links only to non-terrorist sites):  Attacks claimed in Helmand, Uruzgan



16 Aug 10

"Mending fences in Afghanistan key to Canada's fight" Still Trying to Stop Kandahar Offensive


"Taliban weapons distributor captured in Kandahar" - In Fact, LOTSA Bad Guys Being Nabbed


Petraeus: "Growing pockets of security progress in Afghanistan must be extended and linked to fully root out the Taliban and other extremist organizations, and that will take time" - "Gates, Petraeus Differ on Flexibility of Afghan Exit"


"Afghan Taliban call for joint probe into civilian deaths" - posting of Taliban statement at non-terrorist page


"British troops returning from Afghanistan are paying for commercial flights back to the UK because the RAF's ageing transport aircraft keep breaking down"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links only to non-terrorist sites):  Helicopter shoot-down alleged in Zabul, call for civilian casualty commission - Taliban SAM OSINT Page


15 Aug 10

AUS SAS Trooper Killed in Northern Kandahar Firefight - Bio - Family statement


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links only to non-terrorist sites):  Taliban takes credit for 20+ ISAF/AFG casualties, 4 vehicles destroyed in RC-S, RC-SW


14 Aug 10

CAN TF Commander: Panjwai Villagers "fed up with conflict," seeing "a standoff between Canadian forces and the Taliban"


More on CF Engineers Honoured for Helping Repel Suicide Attack on KAF - More - Canadian Embed Reporter on Taliban's Lies on KAF Attack - Taliban Propaganda Watch Posting of Most Recent Lies on KAF Attack


Khadr Trial:  Trial Delayed 30 Days After Defense Counsel Collapses - More - more - more - Would Khadr Stay at a Christian University in Edmonton if Released?


"Insurgent Attacks Kill, Wound 4 Civilians in Kandahar" - "Afghans blame civilian deaths on U.S. despite spike from insurgent violence"


Blog Watch: "Is Iran Supplying the Taliban With Missile Tech?"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links only to non-terrorist sites):  Taliban claims responsibility for alleged attack on Kandahar governor's house


13 Aug 10

AFG Expat Helping Canadians in AFG: "I felt the obligation to go back"


Wounded Warrior Gets Married After Grueling Recovery from 2007 Axe Attack


"Graffiti artists pay tribute to Canada’s fallen soldiers"


Khadr Trial:  "Prosecutors: Gitmo Inmate Took Pride In Slaying" - " "I am a terrorist," Omar Khadr allegedly told U.S." - "Khadr shot twice in back as he sat in alley" - Khadr's Lawyer Passes Out, Still in Hospital


Taliban Mouthpiece Suggests "Independent" Commission on Civilian Casualties


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links only to non-terrorist sites):  Taliban claims responsibility for assassinating NGO official in Dand, Kandahar Province


12 Aug 10

New Joint Task Force Afghanistan (JTF-Afg) Air Wing Boss Takes Over


"The execution of children, and problems at shuras"


"Kandahar ops to last through fall" - Meanwhile, Calls Continue to Stop the Kandahar Push Now Underway


Khadr Trial:  Jusy Selected, Good to Go - More - more - more - Trial Set to Begin - "Khadr's lawyers to ask 2 Canadian officials to testify at war-crimes trial" - "Omar Khadr jurors ‘owe it to our legal system to do it right’"


"Ex-spies ponder N. Korean missile sale to Taliban" - Helicopter Accident in Helmand:  Taliban's Version ( vs. MSM Version - Taliban SAM OSINT Page - UK Sends Two More Jets to Kandahar


Al Jazeera Blogger:  Afghans Put Up with Civilian Casualties as Cost of Driving Foreign Troops Out? - "Despite the fact that more civilian harm is caused by insurgents, Afghans tend to blame insurgents and international forces equally, and in many cases they hold international forces to be more responsible for the harm caused to them." - More on Taliban Denying UN Civilian Casualty Report - More - "Statement of Islamic Emirate regarding the recent civilian casualties report by UNAMA" (


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links only to non-terrorist sites):  Talilban statement:  "With the Dutch troops’ pullout, Canada has reopened talks of quick Afghanistan withdrawal ahead of the schedule as its nation strongly opposes the Afghan war and prefers a road to peace." (links to -  Taliban claims attacks in Uruzgan, Zabul & Helmand; statements on Time mag cover, UNAMA CIVCAS report - PAK newspaper cutting/pasting from Taliban's web site:  Chinook attack claims - Claims of attack in Logar Province


Taliban Claims NATO Supply Routes Through PAK Cut Because of Flooding


11 Aug 10

TF Afghanistan Commander Settling into Job


Canada's Post-2011 Mission in AFG:  Planning Documents Show CF Pulling Out - Meanwhile, More Message Teasing from Defence Minister - More


Khadr Trial:  Jury Selection Resumes - More - "The military judge in Omar Khadr's case Tuesday said that jurors can consider his age in deciding whether he intended to commit a war crime" - UN Envoy:  Stop Khadr Trial


"Afghan farmers buying into anti-poppy campaign, top U.S. official says"


"Afghan civilian death toll jumps 31 per cent due to insurgent attacks – UN" - More - "Amnesty International Says Taliban Should be Prosecuted for War Crimes in Afghanistan" - More - "ISAF Continues Efforts to Reduce Civilian Casualties"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links only to non-terrorist sites):  Taliban claim responsibilty for RPG shoot-down of helicopter in Helmand, alleging 30 killed



10 Aug 10

Weasel Wording = Dooming Afghan Interpreters - Discussion Thread


Potsmedia News Embed: Hotel California, a.k.a. the Karzai Compound - Kandahar: This city needs a ringing success


Blog Watch:  “Don’t tar Afghan mission with Yankee brush”


Michelle Mendes, 1978-2009, R.I.P.: File Closed on Death


Khadr Trial:  "Canadian Terror Suspect Enters Not Guilty Plea At Guantanamo Pre-trial Hearing" - "Khadr 'torture' confession upheld" - More - more - more - more - "Unanimity not required to convict Khadr" - More


More on Canada's New Senior Civilian Rep in Kandahar - Tim Martin Bio


"Wounded warriors find support, camaraderie in Soldier On"


U.N.: "Tactics of the Taliban and other Anti-Government Elements (AGEs) are behind a 31 per cent increase in conflict-related Afghan civilian casualties in the first six months of 2010 compared with the same period in 2009" - UN Mid-year Report (PDF) - "Insurgents, or what the report calls "anti-government elements," were responsible for 76 per cent of those casualties, an increase of 53 per cent over the same period in 2009." - More - more - more


PAK High Commissioner to Canada on Helping the Taliban:  "The only time we supported the Taliban was when they were the government of the country because it is the policy of Pakistan to support any government of Afghanistan."


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links only to non-terrorist sites):  Taliban claims attacks on ISAF, ANA and ANP in Kandahar, Helmand and Zabul 


9 Aug 10

Canada Appoints New RoCK


Canada's Post-2011 Mission in AFG:  "The planned pullout of Canadian troops from Afghanistan, set to begin July 1, 2011, is too soon to ensure the wartorn country's stability, says the father of a fallen Alberta soldier." Who’s (Still) Killing the Majority of Civilians in AFG? - More on Latest Civvy Cas Figures, Taliban's + 2'/3 Share of Responsibility - More


Khadr Trial:  Trial Set to Go This Week - More - more - more - "Wife of slain medic to attend Canadian terror suspect’s trial" - "Khadr urged not to boycott military trial"


"(Zabul) tribal elders complain Taliban breaking its own rules against abuse" - Taliban Fires Mortars at Zabul Residents Seeking Medical Treatment


"No one’s heard from the Taliban leader in almost nine years. Now his absence is exposing dangerous fault lines within the insurgency."


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links only to non-terrorist sites):  30+ ISAF, ANA, ANP casualties claimed by Taliban across RC-S, RC-SW


8 Aug 10

CF Confirms Small Arms Fire Hit Fallen Chinook - More - more


"Blast near Canadian base in Kandahar kills 1, injures 11 workers" - More


"It's not just heavily armed insurgents and improvised explosive devices that Canadian troops are battling here - it's also the Taliban propaganda machine in a fight to win the trust of local Afghans."


AFG Human Rights Commission:  Almost 7/10 Civilian Casualties Caused by Taliban - Two Civilians Killed and Five Wounded in Helmand Insurgent Attack - Insurgent IED Kills Child, Wounds Another in Kandahar


"Afghan-Led Force Detains Several Suspected Taliban Insurgents in Kandahar" - Afghan-Led Force Capture Taliban District Commander for Garm Ser, Helmand - "Fourteen Insurgents Killed and Large Weapons Cache Found in Helmand Province" - "Afghan, Coalition Forces Ambushed in Uruzgan, Unknown Number of Insurgents Killed" - "Afghan and Coalition Forces Conduct Medical Seminar in Zabul Province, Afghanistan" - "Two Suspected Taliban Insurgents Detained in Kandahar Friday"


Two DNK Troops Killed, 3 Wounded in Helmand Blast


"Afghan security forces will be more than capable of safeguarding the country, the government said on Sunday, repeating in some of its strongest criticism yet that troublesome Western private security units should be disbanded."


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links only to non-terrorist sites):  Taliban claims 60+ ISAF, AFG cas in RC-SW - Taliban Disses Time Magazine Cover - More

Blog Watch:  Cowboy Vigilante Flick Allegory for AFG?


7 Aug 10

"Bomb squad or fraud squad? Phoney IEDs planted for cash in Afghanistan"


"Debate over detainees reaches into controversial facility at Kandahar" - "Holding facility 'respectful' of Afghan detainees"


"Slow but crucial work on Dahla Dam"


Khadr Trial:  "US Supreme Court won't block Canadian's Guantanamo trial" - "Prosecutors dismiss photos of Khadr as proof of innocence" - "Omar Khadr deserves credit for 'illegal punishment' if convicted, lawyer says"


"Canadian-made canine body armour to protect U.S. navy dogs"


ISAF Senior Civilian Rep: "Kandahar Will Be Big Political Test for NATO"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links only to non-terrorist sites):  Taliban claims 45+ killed in RC-S, 35+ in RC-SW


6 Aug 10

5 Aug 10 Canadian Chinook Crash:  Updated ISAF Statement - Canadian Press - - QMI (formerly Sun Media) - - Postmedia News (formerly CanWest) - Fredericton Daily Gleaner - UPI - News/Discussion Thread - Open Source Material as of 060215UTC Aug 10 Collected at


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links only to non-terrorist sites):  Taliban claims responsibility for killing 30 troops in 5 Aug 10 Kandahar helicopter crash, 40+ killed across RC-SW


"Canada's top soldier in Afghanistan says he's going to make a point of informing people about the atrocities being committed by the Taliban in that country" - ISAF Boss Doing the Same (and Asks AFG Gov't to Follow)


Remember The Call for a Company to Train Canadian Troops in Exploiting Sensitive Sites?  Tenders Closed Yesterday, and CF Wants Course to Start 16 Aug 10


Column:  Motivation for Latest KAF Attack Could Have Been Issuing Another Statement Some AFGs May Believe?


Canadian logistics convoys "must be ready for anything"


More Details of Ipsos-Reid Polling Showing Surveyed Canadians Support Troops, but Want Them Back


CAN Detainee Fracas:  "Seven current and former military police officers say they are being denied "the right to a fair hearing" by the Military Police Complaints Commission in its examination of Afghan detainee handling"


Sarposa prison: "A conspicuous target on the outskirts of Kandahar City" - "Assignment Kandahar: Holding the city" - Analyst:  Kandahar =/= Baghdad


Latest US State Dept Report: "Al-Qa’ida (AQ) and the Taliban senior leadership maintained an operational relationship, but AQ’s direct influence in Afghanistan has diminished over the past year due to effective counterterrorism operations."


5 Aug 10

CF Chinook Makes Hard Landing in Kandahar (ISAF Statement) - Canadian Press Initial Story


CF CC-177 Globemasters Getting MRAP Vehicles Downrange


Ipsos Survey Says:  Growing Number of Canadians Responding to Survey Want CAN Outta AFG - (A Bit Of) Ipsos News Release on Polling


Wanted:  Amputees to Make Training For AFG More Realistic  after (3)


Who's KAF Attack Version to Believe?  ISAF:  Nobody Killed, One Civilian Wounded vs Taliban:  170+ Killed, Choppers Destroyed ( - "ISAF Discusses Insurgent Propaganda Messaging"


On Wikileaks:  Self-proclaimed "IslamicJihadi" Thanks Wikileaks for Compiling Hit List for Taliban Assassinations


UK Parliamentary Briefing Document: "British troops in Afghanistan could still be moved to Kandahar province "in the longer term" "


Blog Watch:  "What soldiers fighting the Taliban can learn from cops policing American inner cities"


"GENERAL PETRAEUS ISSUES UPDATED TACTICAL DIRECTIVE: Emphasizes “Disciplined Use of Force” " - More - "New Taliban Code of Conduct … Not Matching Reality on the Ground"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links only to non-terrorist sites):  Taliban: Netherlands leaving makes it easier for others to go - Taliban Q&A with alleged commander of assault on Kandahar Airfield, Nimroz political candidate reportedly nabbed


4 Aug 10

"Iris scans, fingerprints and facial recognition software _ the battle against the Taliban has gone decidedly high tech in the traditionally low-tech nation of Afghanistan." - More


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links only to non-terrorist sites):  Taliban page says NLD leaving could make it easier for Canada, others to leave, too (via - Taliban claim +160 dead, downing of one U.S. chopper, in attack on K'Har Airfield


Khadr Trial:  "The U.S. military is moving ahead with the first trial under the Obama administration's new military commissions, despite U.S. officials' concerns about starting with a Guantanamo-detainee case beset by troubles."


"New" Taliban Rule Book? - More - Last One Issued Last Year - Another PDF Translation (Courtesy of PBS)


"Several Suspected Insurgents Detained by Afghan-Led Force in Kandahar" - U.S. Takes Command of ISAF Troops in Uruzgan


3 Aug 10

Embedded With 9 Pl, C Coy, 1 RCR


"Four suicide bombers launched a failed ground attack on Kandahar AirField Tuesday, an event that the British commander of this sprawling military base dismissed as "amateurish" and without apparent planning or logic" - More - more - more


Afghans Getting Into Canada:  "Afghan interpreters worry about future" - "Threatened with death by the Taliban for identifying drug dealers, a young Afghan successfully made it into Canada with with the help of an escort and a fake passport, without being questioned by Canadian authorities." - Meanwhile, Dominican Contractor Working for Canadians Has to Wait in Line to Enter Canada to Join Wife


Canada's Post-2011 Mission in AFG: Senator Colin Kenny:  "Pumping more Canadian lives and money into face-saving exit strategies is a waste -- it's time to get out of Afghanistan" - "Parliament will need to re-engage on this issue in the fall, and before then all parties need to show a willingness to listen to sensible ideas that reflect the best within us." - Opinion:  "Two Cheers for Bob Rae" - More


CAN Detainee Fracas:  "Canada’s spy agency has ordered a “comprehensive review” of its dealings with detainees in Afghanistan amid questions about its role in conducting interrogations."


Khadr Trial:  "Military defence lawyer asks US Supreme Court to halt trial for Guantanamo's youngest detainee" - More - Meanwhile, Khadr's Canadian Lawyer Not Talking to Some Media - More - more


"(Kandahar)  blast kills 6 children on their way to school" - Canada's TF Commander:  "This was a sheer act of murder of kids in a family area across from a mosque so a pretty sick thing to do as you can imagine." - "Several IEDs Destroyed, Several Insurgents Killed in Clearing Operation in Kandahar" - Uruzgan Bad Boy Killed - "Afghan and Coalition Force Detain Suspected Insurgent in Zabul"


New ISAF Boss, New Counterinsurgency Guidance Issued


Talkin' to the Taliban: "Early creation of peace council stressed" - Original Post-Jirga Statement on Council - Not Everyone Keen on The Council, Talkin' to the Taliban - UN Takes Five Off Taliban Sanctions List (Two of Them Are Dead) - UN Security Council Statement


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links only to non-terrorist sites): Taliban alleges 17 defections from ANA in Helmand


US Chair of Joint Chiefs: Taliban, AQ moved to PAK


2 Aug 10

"Canada could soon be getting congratulatory messages from the Taliban for the Harper government’s decision to bring our troops home from Afghanistan next year." - "The Taliban have provided Canada with a foretaste of the rapturous welcome that it can expect from insurgents when its troops quit Kandahar next summer, congratulating the Dutch government for its decision to have the last of its combat troops out of neighbouring Uruzgan"


Canada's Dahla Dam and Irrigation System Signature ProjectToronto Star:  Rife with Internal Security Issues - Free Range International blog:  "This is what you get when government officials focus on bureaucratic procedure at the expense of mission accomplishment." - Los Angeles Times:  "Perilous security hasn't stopped the Canadian effort in southern Afghanistan, 'the kind of thing that can really make a difference' "


"Dutch become 1st NATO member to leave Afghanistan" - More - more


Wikileaks Canadian Angles:  CAN to Ask USA About Mistaken Friendly Fire Report

Kandahar Suicide Bomber Kills More Civilians - More - more - more


Blog Post:  "Calling for “schools, not soldiers” is no more realistic or helpful than arguing for a permanent troop presence as the sure way to end the oppression of Afghan women and girls. Aid won’t keep the Taliban from closing schools, poisoning schoolgirls, or assassinating teachers, aid workers, women politicians and journalists."


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links only to non-terrorist sites):  Taliban claim responsibliity for missiles on Tarin Kowt airfield as NLD troops leave - Summary:  Taliban's Lies o' the Month for July


1 Aug 10

"Amid backdrop of uncertainty, crucial battle begins in southern Afghanistan" - "U.S.-led coalition finds 'success' elusive in Kandahar" - "Six Afghan civilians have died after their minibus struck a roadside bomb in the southern province of Kandahar" - More


NLD Troops Leaving Uruzgan - More - more - more - more - Opinion:  "With all due respect to the Dutch soldiers who have fought hard in Uruzgan, perhaps someone should tell the politicians in The Hague that a good guiding principle in wartime is do nothing that causes your enemy to offer their public congratulations."


The Time Magazine Cover Photo"It's the "progressive" bloggers who are the problem here. They're the ones deploying the euphemism of "poor treatment" to describe the physical deformation of women by the Taliban." - "One Picture Is Worth 90,000 "Secret Documents" Published By WikiLeaks" - "But To Some People, We’re The Bad Guys In Afghanistan" - More - Time Magazine's Managing Editor on Why the Cover Shot -'s Take


Talkin' to the Taliban:  "To fight insurgents, US turns to targeted killings; Shift could force Taliban leaders to negotiate"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links only to non-terrorist sites):  Summary:  Taliban's Lies o' the Month for July - Taliban Claims 50 Killed in Helmand, Nimroz Attacks, +40 Killed in K'Har, Uruzgan and Zabul


31 Jul 10

"A nationwide campaign of terror against Afghan civilians this summer will backfire on the Taliban according to a senior Canadian military official"


"Anti-IED gear saves Canadian, Afghan lives"


Study: CF Snipers “coping as well or better than regular soldiers”


Canada's Post-2011 Mission in AFG:  "Canada can expect Taliban 'thanks' at end of Afghan mission" (like NLD) - More on Canadian Training for AFG Mission Winding Down


Wikileaks Canadian Angles:  Christie Blatchford: "Assertions, insults and innuendos: These soldiers deserve better" - "Taliban hunt Wikileaks outed Afghan informers" (h/t to Joshua Foust for spotting/sharing this)


"AWOL Afghans get Canadian status after fleeing Texas" - More - more


Blog Watch:  More on Taliban's Boss Telling Troops to Kill Civvies - Why A Graphic Cover Photo Was Necessary


"Taliban Allegedly Threatens Tribal Elders In Southern Afghanistan" - More


YouTube Video Animating Number of IED Attacks Over Time


30 Jul 10

Brian Collier, R.I.P.:    "Hundreds of flag-waving mourners lined the streets of (Bradford, Ontario) to remember the latest Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan"


CF Seeking Company to Help Improve Collecting Int at Sensitive Sites - More on Tender Call, Statement of Work


"A motorcycle bomb targeting a candidate in Afghanistan's upcoming parliamentary election killed a woman and a child Friday in the city of Kandahar" - "Poor security, lack of government challenge Kandahar operation" - "Taliban stymie NATO push to bolster government"


Wikileaks Canadian Angles:  "AfPak WikiLeak: Biased, er, exposure?" - Opinion: "U.S. documents on Afghanistan help fill 'blanks' drawn by Harper government" - "How Wikileaks Will Get Afghans Killed" - Eyewitness: "You can read them almost like interoffice memos .... And we all know interoffice memos don't necessarily tell us what happens a the office." - "For the U.S. and allied soldiers, diplomats and aid workers who have worked alongside Afghans, they matter. They are our peers. For Mr. Assange and others, they're little more than local color. Certainly not lives worth protecting."


"Taliban (spokesperson) ‘greet’ Dutch on Afghan pullout" from Uruzgan - More - "ISAF Joins President Karzai, Condemns (Nimroz) Roadside Bomb Attack"


"Three U.S. service members were killed in blasts in Afghanistan, bringing the toll for July to at least 63 and making it the deadliest month for American forces in the nearly 9-year-war."


Talkin' to the Taliban:  AFG Media Commentary:  "Only Talks With the Taliban Can end an Unwinnable War"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links only to non-terrorist sites):  Taliban “Critique” of Petraeus’ New Approach


"Karzai Says U.S., NATO Must Strike Taliban Havens" - "Vice President Joe Biden (acknowledges) that some people in Pakistan’s intelligence community had supported the Taliban, but he said that situation is changing"



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