Site Meter / CANinKandaharMay2010


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News Archive  

May 2010

31 May 10

Canadian TF Commander Fired:  Troops "Reeling" At Relief of Commander - General Vance On His Way Back - The Torch on How Low Some Media Can Go


Reservist in AFG fighting for drug coverage for family at home


Robert Semrau Murder Court Martial:  Court Martial Heads to AFG


Note to Protesters:  Canada IS Leaving Next Year


"The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is predicting that it'll be clear by year's end whether a NATO-led counterinsurgency effort in the Afghan Taliban stronghold of Kandahar is successful."


NLD Troops Starting to Pull Out of Parts of Uruzgan - "Australia will not take over the leadership role in restive southern Afghanistan from departing Dutch forces because the Australian military could become overstretched" - " 'Gung-ho' Australian medics popular with Afghanistan allies"

PAK Media:  Taliban in Turmoil?


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):   30+ NATO, AFG forces claimed killed in alleged attacks in Kandahar, Helmand and Zabul


"President Karzai Chairs Meeting to Discuss Preps for Peace Jirga" - "NATO Has High Hopes for Afghan Peace Council"


"The commander of NATO and U.S. forces in Afghanistan said Sunday there is "clear evidence" that some Taliban fighters have trained in Iran."


30 May 10

Canadian TF Commander Fired:  CF Statement - Canadian Press - CanWest - Sun Media/QMI - Toronto Star - - Reuters - AFP - Discussion


"(RCR) Oscar Company in Kandahar: First impressions"


" 'Highway of Heroes' ride honours soldiers"


"Fight in Kandahar: U.S. says it won't look like war"


"Drone Crew Blamed For (Uruzgan) Civilian Deaths"


"Dissension has broken out in the top ranks of Afghanistan’s Taliban."


29 May 10

"Silver crosses made for dads of fallen soldiers" - "Highway of Heroes Ride to honour veterans"


CAN Detainee Fracas:  "Opposition balks at Tory loophole in detainee record deal"


"Karzai’s half-brother rules south Afghanistan" - "Karzai's brother to scale back role in Kandahar: NATO" - "Battle for Kandahar: Success or failure of Obama’s troop surge lies in Kandahar City" - "Toronto's Consul-General of Afghanistan remembers Kandahar"


New U.S. Commander of RC-South:  The Torch Spots Bits in the Articles - Voice of America - North Country Public Radio


"Under NATO rules, any Afghan civilian wounded as a result of military activity is treated in the Western military’s medical system. Black Hawk helicopter crews often scramble and collect them. But each day, Afghans seek help for other injuries and ailments — for heart attacks, for trauma from vehicle and agricultural accidents, for twisted backs, cut hands, spiking fevers, infections, insect bites or dental pain. For these ordinary medical conditions, unrelated to war but often urgent, Marines and Navy corpsmen in Helmand Province provide first aid. Getting approval for a Black Hawk is another matter."


Opinion:  "Kandahar Through the Taliban's Eyes"


"Gurkhas are making a big impression on the people of Helmand province, but will that be enough?"


"US Forces-Afghanistan released its findings today from the investigation into the Feb. 21 civilian casualty incident that killed up to 23 Afghans and injured 12 others in Uruzgan Province." - Redacted Copy (PDF)


"President Karzai Chairs Meeting to Discuss Preps for Peace Jirga"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  +50 coalition, AFG forces alleged killed in attacks in Helmand, Zabul


28 May 10

Larry Rudd, R.I.P.:   He's Home - More - more - more


Geoff Parker, R.I.P.:  Remembered at Petawawa Ceremony - Funeral Today


"Hold ground, then push forward, Canadian commander declares" - Bomb Factories Nabbed in Kandahar - "U.S. soldiers ask 'who is the enemy?' in Kandahar"


Khadr Trial:  UNICEF Boss "Concerned" About Khadr - More - more - more - more - "Appeals for leniency going nowhere: insiders"


Fallen UK Gunner Identified - Latest Fallen Royal Marine Identified - "Under the O's":  Next U.S. Units Into the Breach Announced - "(U.S.) Senate rejects exit timetable for Afghanistan" - SACEUR Drops By


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Kandahar left untouched in latest batch o' Taliban attack claims


27 May 10

Larry Rudd, R.I.P.:   Arriving Home This Afternoon - More - more


More on Suicide Attack on Kandahar PRT - Taliban Claims 35 Killed, 170+ Vehicles Destroyed in Attack (PDF at non-terrorist site)


Robert Semrau Murder Court Martial:  " “If this had been 15 years ago, he probably wouldn’t have even been reported,” says retired major general Lewis MacKenzie, who commanded the UN peacekeeping force in Sarajevo."


"Red Cross To Continue Teaching Taliban First-Aid Despite Critics" - "Red Cross aid to Taliban reflects moral dilemma"


Bad Guys Nabbed in Kandahar, Helmand


U.K. Royal Marine and Artilleryman Killed in Helmand - RC South Commander: "Marjah some 3 months away from success"


AUS Army Boss to Troops: New Body Armour Inbound


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  175+ vehicles, 60+ ISAF/AFG troops/cops claimed killed in alleged attacks in Helmand, K'Har, Zabul


"Pentagon Seeks Contractor to Move Weapons Through Pakistan/Afghanistan" - Contract solicitation (PDF)


26 May 10

Larry Rudd, R.I.P.:  On His Way Home - More - more - more - more - more


"More than a year after Ottawa promised to fast-track immigration applications for Afghan translators, a narrow list of applicants who meet the criteria to come to Canada has been compiled."


No Injuries in Car Bomb Attack on Kandahar PRT - More - more - more - more - more


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Taliban alleges new Canadian casualties among 50+ ISAF/AFG troop, cop casualties in attacks across RC South; Brits Urged to Leave


The Torch on the National Post Burying the Lead:  "Prime Minister Stephen Harper has said that all Canadian troops will leave the country by the end of next year. However, talks are ongoing with NATO about where several hundred Canadians might serve in a much less risky training mission that would begin next year."


CAN TF Commander Pleads Guilty, Fined in Negligent Discharge Case - More - more - more  after (1)


"Afghan central to U.S. push in Kandahar faced allegations in job with contractor" - "Taliban Haunt Nights in a Kandahar Village" - "Campaign for Kandahar May Be America's Last Chance to Win Over Afghans"


NATO Sec-Gen: "The Taliban Is Hitting, but Not Winning"


Weapons, Bad Guys Nabbed Across RC-South


"Taliban scores publicity coup"


Why Did Head Brit EOD Officer Quit?


Red Cross Defends Training Taliban in First Aid - More


25 May 10

Larry Rudd, R.I.P.:  Canadian Killed in Panjwai IED Blast - National Post - Canadian Press - - Brantford Expositor - CF Statement - Condolences Thread - Governor-General Statement - Prime Minister Statement - Defence Minister Statement


Geoff Parker, R.I.P.:  "Afghan authorities Monday announced the arrests of seven people in last week's suicide car bombing that killed six NATO soldiers including four colonels — three of them American and one Canadian." - "Afghan Spy Agency Accuses Pakistan Agency in Suicide Bombing" - More


"Canadians sort friend from foe in Panjwaii" - "Afghan and international forces captured a Taliban commander in Kandahar, Afghanistan, last night, the second Taliban leader seized in the region in recent days" - "Afghan tribal elders in Kokaran, invited to discuss governance and development, turn the focus instead on security"


Opinion: "How aware are young people about the war in Afghanistan?" - "Time to thank our soldiers"


More on Splitting RC-South in Two


"Gen. McChrystal calls Marjah the 'bleeding ulcer' of Afghan effort" - "Afghan Army capture suspected insurgents in Helmand" - "Royal Engineers are busy building Bastion" - "Despite a harsh environment and language barriers, Australian Federal Police (AFP) officers have succeeded in training more than 500 Afghan police officers"


"Afghan peace conference delayed for 2nd time"


Talkin' to the Taliban:  Long War Journal's Threat Matrix: "Taliban say (yet again) they're not talking" - Former Taliban Ambassador Says Taliban Is Going to be Part of AFG Government


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Taliban sites back, alleging attacks across RC South, with focus on Helmand claims - Taliban Issues Detailed Description of KAF Attack (


24 May 10

Larry Rudd, R.I.P.:  Canadian Killed in Panjwai IED Blast - More - CF Statement - Condolences Thread


ISAF Tightens KAF Security Post-Attack - Brit Military Blog Removes Entry Mentioning Canadians Wounded in Attack - More - "Taliban Claims Responsibility for Assault on Kandahar Air Base" - More - (A Bit of) The View from a Private Security Contractor


Robert Semrau Murder Court Martial:  "Insurgent couldn't be saved, court hears" - Opinion: "A mercy killing...then slow death by political correctness" - Opinion: "Euthanasia in the Battlespace?"


Kandahar Governor Underwhelmed by U.N. Performance - "Taliban assassinations now weapon of choice" - "Taliban earn $2,372 for each NATO soldier killed"


Talkin' to the Taliban:  "Maldives Afghan talks inconclusive" - "Afghan Government and Taliban Deny Formal Talks" - "Taliban deny attending peace talks in Maldives"


"Australian special forces have begun ramping up their presence in Kandahar ahead of a major NATO-led push to oust Taliban insurgents from the key southern province." - The Torch:  Why Can't We Hear About Canadian SF?


Latest Fallen UK Marine ID'ed - UK DefMin: "Afghanistan withdrawal deadline 'helps no-one' "



23 May 10

"Upcoming Afghan battle is 'our D-Day'; Ménard, Royal Canadian Regiment take lead in potentially decisive campaign" - A Bit of Hyperbole?


"Positive stories untold says Brighton soldier"


Robert Semrau Murder Court Martial:  Court Releases Cell Phone Video of Dead Enemy - More - "Empty shells found in Afghanistan fired from captain's gun, trial hears" - Family Supports Accused - More


More on Dan Akroyd's Wine Donation to the Troops


Rocket/Mortar Attack on Kandahar Airfield; No Deaths Reported - More - more - more - Taliban Claim on KAF Attack:  11 Killed ( British Cabinet Ministers Skip KAF Visit Due to Shelling - "Afghan-ISAF Forces Destroy IED Factory in Kandahar"


UK Sea King Helicoper Shot Down; Injuries Minor - ISAF Statement - Google English Taliban Claim:  25 Killed in Chinook Crash (PDF of Google English version at here - Original in Arabic here)


Talkin' to the Taliban:  Taliban Denies (Again) Talks with Afghan Government (Google English via - Original in Arabic)


22 May 10

Geoff Parker, R.I.P.:  He's Home - More - more


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):   At least 100 casualties claimed (including Canadian) in alleged attacks across Kandahar, Helmand and Zabul


It's Official:  ISAF's RC-Southwest Breaking Away from RC-South


21 May 10

Geoff Parker, R.I.P.:  Arriving 2pm Eastern Today in Trenton


"A Quiet, Tense Night for a First Patrol" for E Coy 2 RCR Troops


"A beloved nephew's deployment to Afghanistan takes relatives, friends down brand new paths" - "Adjusting to life after Afghanistan"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Taliban Alleges 6 Canadians Killed in Kandahar


Canada's Foreign Aid Minister Wraps Up Trip - Projects In Kandahar - "National Development Projects"


Blog Watch: "A Thunderous Silence from Government on the Case for Afghanistan" - "Canadian to be deputy commander new ISAF RC South (East)/Brits to Kandahar 2011?"


"UN envoy gives a message of solidarity during visit to Kandahar" - "Insecurity will not deter UN’s work in southern Afghanistan, says top envoy"


"A top NATO civilian representative to Afghanistan said in a press conference on Wednesday that the Kandahar Push will be launched on President Karzai’s order"


"The US military has opened a criminal investigation into allegations American soldiers were involved in the unlawful deaths of up to three Afghan civilians in Kandahar province"


"Three soldiers from Australia’s 1st Mentoring Task Force (MTF1) suffered minor wounds .... when an improvised explosive device detonated against their Bushmaster vehicle in the Chora region of Oruzgan Province"


20 May 10

Geoff Parker, R.I.P.:  On His Way Home - More - Likely Arriving Home Friday - Former 2RCR CO Missed in NB


Fatal Kabul Suicide Bombing Missed Canadian General - Attack Likely Targeting Military Pers, Not Higher Staff


CAN Aid Minister Drops By: "Projects have progressed in Kandahar, but security still a threat"


"Afghan President Hamid Karzai is weighing approval of an expansive new business deal that could give his controversial half-brother, Ahmed Wali Karzai, increased influence over the lucrative security business that protects supply convoys for U.S.-led forces in southern Afghanistan."


Bad Boys, Weapons Nabbed in Kandahar, Helmand - "A new fighting season has begun around Marja, a richly irrigated zone of farming villages in Helmand Province that was both the center of Afghanistan’s opium production and a haven for its insurgency." - "U.S. Hires Afghan Farmers to Hold Off Taliban"


"Opium blight boost for Taliban" - "Moscow furious, says US not pushing drug war in Afghanistan"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Brit tank allegedly destroyed in Helmand, other attacks claimed in Kandahar, Uruzgan


19 May 10

Geoff Parker, R.I.P.:  Commander-in-Chief's Statement - Prime Minister's Statement - Minister of National Defence's Statement - More - Bio - ISAF Statement - NATO SecGen Condemns Attack - UN Uber-Envoy Condemns Attack - Long War Journal on Blast


Meanwhile, Those Who Protect the Fuel Convoys Die, Too


Canada's Post-2011 Mission in AFG:  CAN Talking to USA About Protecting Post-2011 Civilian Mission - "(A Few) More Answers (Finally)"


Leger Marketing Poll: "One third of Canadians want troops home after Afghan pullout"

Heron UAV Contract Extended - More


Canadian Comedian Keeps the Troops Downrange in Wine - Dan Akroyd Wines site


Opinion: "Afghan exit strategy a non-starter" - The Torch Likes It!


"Camp Bastion doubles in size" - "RAF firefighters helped their American colleagues this weekend in tackling a massive blaze which broke out at Camp Leatherneck in Helmand province."


Talkin' to the Taliban:  "Karzai says West starts to get Taliban peace push"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Usual Suspect Sites Down


18 May 10

Geoff Parker, R.I.P.:  RCR Officer, Five American Troops Killed in Kabul Vehicle Bomb Attack - CF Statement - Toronto Star - - - Condolences Thread 


"Afghan cops get rights lesson: Don't beat or shoot suspects"


"Cpl. James Dalton: Soldier finds Victoria home sweet after Afghanistan deployment"


Robert Semrau Murder Court Martial:  "Spent ammunition introduced as evidence in Canadian soldier's murder trial" - "On shooting the wounded"


"Police, allies kill 18 insurgents in S Afghanistan"


"Fresh Kandahar offensive may be delayed until fall" - "Taliban Hold Sway in Area Taken by U.S., Farmers Say" - "U.S. information campaign backfires in Kandahar" - "Kandahar in the clutches of Karzai, NATO and the Taliban" - "Violence Drains Hope From Afghans In Kandahar" - "Afghan military investigators have accused Ahmed Wali Karzai, U.S.-backed President Hamid Karzai's controversial half- brother, of intervening to protect powerful allies who are squatting illegally on government property in southern Afghanistan."


Uruzgan Bad Boys Nailed With Help of AUS SF - "Afghan army pays its dues in blood as it takes the fight to the Taleban"


Talkin' to the Taliban:  "Why is Karzai hell-bent to reconcile with Taliban?"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  40+ claimed killed in alleged multiple suicide attacks in Kandahar City


17 May 10

Kevin Thomas McKay, R.I.P.:  He's Home - More - more - more - more


CP: "Chaplains in the Canadian military are suffering high levels of burnout and many are at risk of developing disorders like depression"


"A U.S. service member was killed Sunday following an insurgent attack in southern Afghanistan, NATO said." - ISAF Statement


Blog Watch:  "A new Angus Reid public opinion poll shows that most Canadians are absolutely content with Canada’s most famous “child soldier” facing a military commission in Guantanamo Bay." - "Haji in a Dust Storm"


AFG Prosecutor Issues Warrant Against U.S. S.F. Officer for Alleged Role in Killing Kandahar City Top Cop in 2009 - Original Story from 2009


"Afghan-Canadian performing tightwire act of governing Kandahar" - "A suicide bomber detonated his cache of explosives late Sunday near the gate of an Afghan Border Police residence in Kandahar where insurgents are waging a campaign of targeted killings." - "The gangs of Kandahar - the city's real power?" - "ISAF Forces Discover Weapons Cache in Helmand Province"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  70+ NATO, AFG casualties claimed in alleged attacks in Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul and Nimroz


16 May 10

Kevin Thomas McKay, R.I.P.:  Home Today


"Afghan counterinsurgency means grueling hikes, village banter and a water pump standoff"


Robert Semrau Murder Court Martial:  "Spent ammunition unveiled as evidence"


"With NATO emphasizing political aims over military ones in the Taliban's base in south Afghanistan, the insurgents have been assassinating the figures the West would rely upon most."


"Disease 'to cut Afghan opium by up to 70%'"


"US set to take over Dutch ISAF mission"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Taliban claim +21 Americans killed in alleged Kandahar City blast


15 May 10

Kevin Thomas McKay, R.I.P.:  On His Way Home - Governor-General's Statement - Prime Minister's Statement - Minister of National Defence's Statement - "Don't give up Afghan fight, grieving dad says"


Craig Blake, R.I.P.:  "Saying goodbye to a navy diver, family man" - More


"Latest group of Edmonton-based Soldiers to arrive Home From Afghanistan this Weekend."


Wanted:  5 x Miniature UAVs for Afghanistan ASAP


Blog Watch:  Parking, Canadian Style


CAN Detainee Fracas:  "MPs reach agreement to share Afghan detainee info" - More


Opinion:  "Canada has moved far from the principles of that spiral-bound book on counterinsurgency operations"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Chopper attack and IED blast alleged in Helmand


14 May 10

Kevin Thomas McKay, R.I.P.:  Soldier Killed on Patrol Two Days Before Leaving - CF Statement - - The Torch - Condolences Thread - Toronto Star - -


More Edmonton Troops Coming Home - "Returning soldiers say Afghanistan showing progress" - "Spend seven months in Afghanistan and you’ll miss the normal niceties of life – running water, hamburgers, safe streets" - Coming ROTO Getting Ready


CDS May Testify at TF Cdr's Negligent Discharge Court Martial


Robert Semrau Murder Court Martial:  "The judge in an unprecedented court martial has ruled that a battlefield video from Afghanistan can be made public." - More


CAN Detainee Fracas:  "No deal on Afghan docs as deadline looms" - Getting Closer to Deal - "Afghan document negotiations hit snag"


"Statement by the Acting Representative of Canada in Kandahar on the Assassination of the Deputy of Administration at Sarpoza Prison"


"New surveillance system to enhance security at Spin Boldak border" - "U.S. officials dampen expectations for Kandahar offensive" - "Outcome in Kandahar will be clear by end of year: US general" - "NATO's Anti-Taliban Operation Not To Destroy Kandahar: U.S." - "Peaceful election held in Nad 'Ali district" - "Success in Nad 'Ali is benchmark for expected progress in Marjah" - Kandahar City: "Portraits of a city under siege"


"A combined Afghan and Australian security operation has enabled southern Baluchi Valley residents to speak with Afghan Government representatives about their local needs for the first time in more than a year."


Talkin' to the Taliban:  "Reading the draft of the Afghan government’s programme for peace and rein" - U.S. Sec of State: "Women's rights will not be sacrificed in any settlement between the government of Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Taliban militants" - "Peace moves may come to nothing in Afghanistan"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  +15 vehicles destroyed, +40 troops/cops killed claimed in Taliban statements from across RC South


AFG Security Takeover: "An Honest Transfer or ‘The Devil May Care’?"


13 May 10

"New Canadian battle group ready for work in Task Force Kandahar" - "Fresh Canadian OMLTs start work in Kandahar Province" - Think Tank Study:  "A Force in Fragments: Reconstituting the Afghan National Army"


"Returning troops see 'real progress' in Afghanistan"


Compensation for War Wounded: "The old charter guaranteed monthly pension payments for life that increased if a condition worsened. Under the new charter, disabled veterans who follow a rehabilitation program will receive a lump payment and a monthly cheque representing 75 per cent of their "pre-release" salary until they find a job in civilian life."


Canada's Post-2011 Mission in AFG:  "The Dutch, it seems, are having second thoughts. Will we?"


CAN Detainee Fracas:  Former Def Minister:  No Detainee Deal Can Be Perfect - "Official rejects Afghan interpreter's shocking claims" - "Afghan officer did not suggest shooting prisoner, diplomat says" - "Afghan interpreter claims untrue: official" - "Parties close to deal on Afghan docs" - "MPs confident of deal on Afghan documents"


Khadr Trial:  "New start date set for Khadr trial"


"Insurgents 'breathing terror' in Kandahar" - Taliban Bad Boy Nailed in Helmand - "Fungus hits Afghan opium poppies"


Talkin' to the Taliban:  "An Afghan guerrilla group has turned down a draft peace proposal by President Hamid Karzai's government offering insurgent leaders exile in third countries in an effort to end the nine-year-old war." - "Obama pledges support for Afghan leader's reconciliation plan" - More


12 May 10

Craig Blake, R.I.P.:  "Nova Scotians lined overpasses and intersections Tuesday to mark the return of the remains of fallen navy diver Craig Blake." - More - more


"Walking the beat with Canadian police in Afghanistan" - More


More Prairie Troops Returning Wednesday - "Chaplain home from Kandahar praises support"


"Panel on Canada’s role in Afghanistan Post-2011 coming to Halifax" - "Little chance of combat if Canada stays in Afghanistan post-2011: NATO"  war monument


"Widespread assassinations, intimidation and bomb blasts have spread a sense of fear in the southern province of Kandahar as pro-government Afghan and foreign forces prepare to launch a summer offensive against the Taliban." - "Taliban claims killing of Afghan prison official" - More


"Spy watchdog sniffs CSIS Afghan role"


CAN Detainee Fracas:  "MPs win more time to dicker Afghan docs deal" - "Not enough prisoner checks, ex-commander says" - "Detainee transfers halted over safety concerns: Brig.-Gen." - "Afghan secret police chief fired over torture of detainee, top soldier testifies"


Khadr Trial:  Trial Set to Begin 10 Aug - More - "Canada will not push Washington on Omar Khadr case"


"New British Ambassador to Afghanistan visits Nad 'Ali" - Bad Boys Nabbed in Helmand - "Jihadists hope Britain's Prince Harry is captured: SITE "


Talkin' to the Taliban:  "Time to Talk to the Taliban? Karzai to Discuss Issue in Washington Ahead of Jirga" - "Afghanistan's Karzai to urge caution as U.S. pushes to empower local leaders"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Attacks alleged in Helmand and alleged casualty stats for March-April


"Int’l backers pledge Afghan elections support"


11 May 10

"Afghanistan's ambassador to Canada said he hopes Canada won't abandon his country when the combat mission ends next year."


Canada Re-starts Bid for Evaluation, Monitoring AFG Education Projects


Helping with the Wounds You Can't Necessarily See


CAN Detainee Fracas:  "Talks on Afghan docs up against deadline" - More - Doc Talks Continue


Blog Watch:  "Online journalist Mercedes Stephenson explains the strategies and goals of Canada's military in NATO's summer offensive in Kandahar." - More Details About 5 May 10 Multi-Suicide Bomber Attack in Nimroz - IEDs Still Dangerous (But Not Efficient)


"Nato has only seven months to take Kandahar from the Taleban" - "When information hits harder than firepower in military campaigns" - "The Taliban's more brutal treatment of civilians and Nato's response have raised the temperature – and the fear factor – as the fighting season approaches" - US Troops Dealing With More Than JUST Taliban


Latest Fallen Royal Marine Identified - ISAF Helicopter Hit in Helmand:  Compare & Contrast ISAF, Taliban Accounts ( - "Afghans ask the Dutch to stay" (Original in German - Google English)


PAK Court Rejects AFG Extradition Request for Baradar


Talkin' to the Taliban:  "Not Your Father’s Taliban: How a radical new generation is defying the old guard and upending America's plans for a lasting peace." - Kandahar Governor:  "Peace requires patience"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  +60 ISAF, AFG troops, cops alleged killed in attacks in Kandahar, Helmand and Zabul


"Afghan President Hamid Karzai began a trip to Washington on Monday, planning to press the Obama administration hard on civilian casualties and facing renewed pressure on weak governance and corruption."


10 May 10

"Canadian soldiers have hope for Kandahar" - "Taliban gears up for Western offensive in Kandahar" - CENTCOM Boss: "Kandahar:It’s not an operation; it’s a process, stupid!" - "Rebels have returned to terrorise a former stronghold with shootings and beatings, raising doubts about America’s ability to secure Kandahar" - "Kandahar will be the biggest test of NATO’s new strategy to combat the Taliban"


"The recent slaying of Craig Blake, Canada's first sailor to die in the war-ravaged country, put a human face on one of the most dangerous jobs in the world."


"Brain injured Canadians find little help"


Blog Watch:  When Will Canadian Politicians Get it Right About AFG? 



Royal Marine Killed in Sangin Blast - Kandahar City Cop Attacked with Axe


Talkin' to the Taliban:  Reconciliation Harder Sell Following NY Times Square Bombing Attempt?


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  "Taliban: Next Afghan push coming Monday" - "I’m inclined to think this is not propaganda and that to the best of their ability they will follow through." Kandahar City cops allegedly killed by shopkeeper; other attacks in Helmand, Zabul


"Pakistan to come under U.S. pressure on militant hub"


9 May 10

"Canadian and U.S. troops will probably be drawn into fighting the Taliban inside Kandahar -- a task that can quickly turn nasty -- during the unfolding offensive that is expected to begin soon"


Patrick Joseph Lormand, 1988-2009, R.I.P.:  Mother's Day Tough for Some


"Don Cherry, others to get battlefield jerseys"


CAN Detainee Fracas:  Opinion: "A committee that should be monitoring our role in Afghanistan has been hijacked for political ends by wild accusations of torture and nothing in the way of proof"


Drugs, Weapons & Bad Guys Nabbed in Helmand, Uruzgan - "Afghan-ISAF Forces Discover Weapons Cache in Helmand Province" - Police Training Centre Being Built in Zabul


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  60+ NATO, AFG cas claimed (incl. K'Har dist pol chief) in alleged atks in Kandahar, Helmand and Zabul


8 May 10

CF Board of Inquiry: "Canadian Forces members acted appropriately on 14 June 2006, taking positive action when they realized an individual in Afghan custody had been mistreated" - BOI Report - Section Commander "heard rumors of the brutality of the ANP and witnessed the ANP using certain forms of corporal punishment. However, the section commander testified that he never observed ANP in the act of abusing detainees" - "Afghan police beatings routine: inquiry" - “In accordance with the strict definition contained in (the policy), the individual was a Canadian Forces detainee” - "Canadian soldier believed Afghans were abusing detainees, but couldn't prove it" - "Afghan authorities used corporal punishment on 'a whim,' report says"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Attacks alleged against Canadians; 40+ ISAF, AFG casualties claimed in alleged attacks in Kandahar, Helmand & Zabul


"Dutch Afghan experience a lesson for Harper? You can't leave trainers behind without combat troops, Dutch PM says" - "Prime Minister as, er, brave (or is that principled?) as his Dutch counterpart?"


"Afghanistan to hold peace assembly on May 29"


Khadr Trial:  "Pentagon bans four (Canadian) reporters from Guantanamo trials" - More


CAN Detainee Fracas:  "Scholar doubts soldiers could be convicted in detainee transfer"


Robert Semrau Murder Court Martial:  "Captain admitted to shooting unarmed Taliban insurgent, court martial told"


"Afghans wary as NATO rebrands Kandahar "process" " - "Karzai brother dismisses criticism" - "Attacks signal end of poppy harvest in Afghanistan" - "Battle for Kandahar could turn into deadly urban fight"


Gizab Taliban Boss Nabbed - AUS government "will spend more than $300 million to fund the urgent deployment of rocket-warning systems to protect Australian troops in Afghanistan." - Follows Rocket Attack on AUS Troops in Tarin Kowt


7 May 10

Craig Blake, R.I.P.:  He's Home - More - more


Robert Semrau Murder Court Martial:  "Third member of unit testifies at captain's court martial"


CAN Detainee Fracas:  "Board Of Inquiry To Release Findings Related To June 2006 Afghanistan Detainee Incident" - "MPs may need extension for Afghan doc deal"


Khadr Trial:  "Canadian reporters barred from Gitmo" - "Deck stacked against Khadr, experts say"


Blog Watch:  People Losing Interest in the War?


"Nato gambles on collaboration with Ahmad Wali Karzai in Kandahar" - "Marja Success Proves New Afghan Strategy, Officials Say"


AUS, AFG Troops Nab Weapon Caches in Uruzgan - Taliban Boss Nabbed in Uruzgan - "Rocket Attack on Australian Forces at Tarin Kowt"


Nabbed Afghan Taliban chief providing 'useful' information: US official


Talkin' to the Taliban:  Karzai Seeks Deal with the Taliban


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  New Taliban sites allege attacks in Kandahar, Helmand and Zabul


6 May 10

Craig Blake, R.I.P.:  Back at 2pm Eastern Today - More


"New Commander for Canadian Battle Group"


"Saskatchewan and Thunder Bay Reservists Return Home From Afghanistan"


"Canadian troops will take lead in Panjwaii offensive: General" - "Commander stresses political reform over military might in Kandahar" - "Canada aims to avoid bloodshed in Afghanistan" - "NATO acknowledges Taliban strong in Kandahar" - "Military operation in Taliban spiritual heartland Kandahar still on track: Afghan official" - "Kandahar Deployments Augur Key Fight in Afghan War"


Analyst Video: "What Canada Can Do For Kandahar"


ISAF Condemns Nimroz Suicide Attack - More - more


CAN Detainee Fracas: "'Possible' torture behind CSIS intel: official" - More - more - "U.S. rejects Ottawa’s plea to suppress Khadr interrogation by CSIS agents"


Khadr Trial:  "Khadr prosecution 'dangerous precedent' " - "Former interrogator felt ‘compassion’ for Khadr" - "Khadr lawyer offers to house him in Edmonton" - "Khadr routinely trussed up in cage, hearing told "


"Britain and the US have been accused of launching secret biological warfare on Afghanistan's poppy fields in a bid to blight the opium crop." - "UK donates 6 helicopters to Afghan counter-narcotics police"


CENTCOM Boss Drops By Helmand


Talkin' to the Taliban:  "U.S., Karzai seek common view on Taliban talks" - "Golden Surrender: The Risks, Challenges, and Implications of Reintegration in Afghanistan" - "Taliban leaders to be offered exile under Afghanistan peace plan"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Before/after reports on Nimroz suicide bombings; Taliban disagrees with Reporters without Borders


"Pentagon says US Afghanistan Strategy is Beginning to Work" - More - "GAO report questions whether Obama's Afghanistan surge can succeed" - GAO-10-613R May 5, 2010, "Afghanistan's Security Environment"


5 May 10

Craig Blake, R.I.P.:  Commander-in-Chief's Statement - Prime Minister's Statement - Defence Minister's Statement - On His Way Home - More - more - Arriving Thursday - Loved Hockey - More


"Canada Extends Congratulations to Members of the Media and the Afghan People on World Press Freedom Day" - Reporters Without Borders Name Taliban Boss Free Press "Predator" - Taliban Denies Claim


Robert Semrau Murder Court Martial:  "Soldier revisited site of 'mercy killing,' court martial hears" - "Soldier admits he appeared unconcerned that officer killed wounded Taliban"


"Kandahar mayor refuses to back down against Taliban" - Another Kandahar Elder Assassinated by Taliban - Nimroz Government Buildings Attacked by Suicide Bombers - More - "NATO commanders scrapped a helicopter assault by hundreds of U.S. and Afghan troops last week because the Afghans weren't able to take charge"


Blog Watch:  Getting Busier in Kandahar - "In the end, (latest surge) will probably end the way all the other ISAF operations in the South have ended: a broad stalemate that alienates vast swaths of the local population."


New Idea to Reduce Civilian Casualties: Rewarding "Courageous Restraint" - New Intelligence-gathering Light Plane Unit Up and Running


Latest Two Brit Fallen Identified Here and Here - UK Royal Dragoon Guards arrive in AFG - 11 DNK Soldiers, 2 Interpreters Wounded in Attack on Helmand Patrol Base - "Afghan and Australian Troops help improve Afghan lives in Southern Baluchi Valley Region"


Talkin' to the Taliban:  "Karzai to seek Obama's approval for peace deals with insurgents"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  30+ ISAF/AFG troops, cops claimed killed in alleged attacks in Kandahar, Helmand and Zabul


Khadr Trial:  "Canadian interrogated while sedated, soldier says" - "Omar Khadr questioned by sergeant later court-martialled, court told" - "Khadr left hooded, chained in cage after capture, prosecution admits"


4 May 10


Another Batch of Western Canadian Troops Home


Khadr Trial:  "Tories not interested in Khadr plea deal" - "Shackled Omar Khadr not in pain, medic says" - "U.S. chained wounded Canadian teen to door: medic" - "Judge Grants Government Request for Psychological Examination of Khadr"


CAN Detainee Fracas:  Bloc MPs Need to Take Loyalty Oath to Queen before Seeing Documents? - "Tories hope for Afghan docs deal by Friday" - "Detainee talks bear more fruit" - "Small group made detainee document decision" - "Feds spent $1 million vetting detainee documents, panel told"


"An effort to give construction projects to Afghan firms is leading to delays at a time when NATO is rushing to accommodate tens of thousands more international troops, U.S. officials say."


"Kandahar governor plays down military aspect of offensive" - USMC Commandant:  Helmand = Anbar - ICOS (Formerly Senlis) Report:  Operation Moshtarak:  Lessons Learned


Latest UK Mercian Regiment Fallen Identified - Brit Sapper Killed in Explosiion - Brit Sapper Killed in Vehicle Accident - Brit Sniper in Helmand Sets New Distance Kill Record? - More - "No Australians, Afghan and Coalition troops wounded in an rocket attack at Tarin Kowt" (


Talkin' to the Taliban:  "Clinton firm on conditions for Taliban reconciliation" - Assessment of New Taliban 2 i/c:  "I don't think he will want to negotiate .... He wants to win this war at any cost. That's what makes him dangerous."


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Tanks claimed destroyed, US/AFG cas claimed in alleged Helmand, Zabul attacks


3 May 10

"Canada expanding Kandahar memorial to include American soldiers" - "Slain reporter Michelle Lang named winner of Canadian World Press Freedom Award"


Current RCR roto to Kandahar last full battle group? - More  Whispering About Canada's Post-2011 Mission Not Good Enough - More


"Afghanistan vets at risk for homelessness: experts" - Opinion: "We may not need to know about battle injuries as they occur, but a report just once a year is inadequate to provide a true sense of events on the ground."


"Rising tide of insurgency looms as Kandahar election nears" - "Explosives cache found in Kandahar as escalation of Taliban attacks feared" - More


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  40+ ISAF, AFG casualties claimed in alleged attacks in Kandahar, Helmand & Zabul


2 May 10

Embed Photographer Shares IED Worries from Up Close


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Lies o’ the Month, April 2010 - 10+ US, AFG troops claimed killed in alleged attacks in Zabul, Helmand


CAN Detainee Fracas:  The Torch "It's not about detainees at all; it's about forcing an end to the CF's combat mission, the sooner the better." - "Afghan detainees: The news not fit to print " - More - Opinion:  "A useful compromise is possible on the issue of the Afghan detainee documents -- but the opposition must be willing to risk an election"


Khadr Trial "U.S. army officer testifies to changing Khadr report" - More - more - more - "Khadr’s defence teams presses for identities of 3 officers" - More - "Guantánamo interrogators testified that sweets and the possibility of return to his native Toronto -- not abuse -- got Omar Khadr to spill al Qaeda's secrets" - "Two Edmonton lawyers say the cause of basic justice drives their work on behalf of an alleged terrorist"


"NATO checks report of Afghan civilian deaths"


AUS: AFG Troops Doing More Heavy Lifting in Uruzgan - "From gunfire to governance in Gizab" - "Agriculture Development Team Begins Work in Zabul"


1 May 10

One Soldier's Story


Opinion: "Afghanistan withdrawal an abandonment of our ethics"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Canadian tank blast, multiple Helmand attacks alleged


Robert Semrau Murder Court Martial:  "Court martial sheds light on mentoring of Afghan soldiers" - More


CAN Detainee Fracas:  "Parties divided on whether they should call on retired judge to resolve the problem of accessing uncensored documents" - Op-ed: "Detainee file could still force election"


Khadr Trial:  "Omar Khadr considered for release months after capture, hearing told" - More - "Female agent built rapport with Khadr during interrogations"


"Three Afghan civilians 'killed by foreign forces' " in S. AFG


"Afghan soldier working with 1 SCOTS finds 177 IEDs" - "New Garmsir District Governor Arrives at District Center"



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