Selected Open Source Bibliography:
Taliban SAM
and Anti-Aircraft Threat
Compiled by Tony Prudori
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A .pdf version of the bibliography in alphabetical order
Jonathan Monpetit, "Hostile fire forced Chinook down: Military," Canadian Press, 2 Oct 10 (alternative version at Scribd.com) - "The Canadian military has confirmed that hostile fire forced down a Chinook helicopter in August, but remains uncertain about what weapon the insurgents used .... a recently completed investigation by military officials in Afghanistan revisited that conclusion, according to the commanding officer of the Canadian air wing in Kandahar. "What we know is that it was taken down by enemy action, nothing has changed there," Col. Paul Prevost said. "What we cannot find out exactly is the weapon that was used on it. You have to understand the airplane was burned within the following minutes." ...."
Nine Killed, Three Wounded in Zabul Chopper Crash; "no reports of enemy fire in the area": US Military Statement - BBC - Associated Press - AFP - Reuters - More - Telegraph (UK)
"Mujahideen shoot down invaders helicopter in Zabul, 16 terrorists killed," Voice of Jihad English, 21 Sept 10 (full statement at Scribd.com here) - "ZABUL, Sep. 21 – Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate report from Daichopan district that they shot down a NATO invaders helicopter early this morning using missiles in Chinarto area while it was flying at a very low altitude. The helicopter was completely destroyed and caught fire after it crashed to the ground. Mujahideen from the area say that 16 cowardly NATO special force terrorists were killed in the crash and the claims of the invaders that 9 had died and 4 wounded is a baseless lie."
"UAV or pilotless aircraft brought down in Kabul," Voice of Jihad (English), 21 Sept 10 - "KABUL, Sep. 21 – There are reports from Kabul province that Mujahideen shot down a US-NATO unmanned aerial vehicle or drone Tuesday (Sep. 21) at around 1:00 pm near the main bazaar of Sarubi district of Kabul."
"Anti-aircraft rounds seized from Taliban," The Canadian Press, 18 Aug 10. "Coalition forces say they've destroyed a weapons cache that included anti-aircraft machine-gun rounds and IED-making materials during an operation in the Panjwaii district of Kandahar. Ten Taliban insurgents were killed in the battle with a security force Tuesday near the village of Zangabad, in Panjwaii ...."
Bruce Hutchinson, "Assignment Kandahar: Commander relives helicopter heroics," National Post, 17 Aug 10 (PDF at Scribd.com here) - More details of 5 Aug 10 crash of Canadian Chinook in Panjwai area, Kandahar.
"Urgent News: Invaders helicopter shot down in Zabul," Voice of Jihad English site, 15 Aug 10, screen capture of full statement at Scribd.com here. Taliban alleges shoot-down of ISAF helicopter in Zabul province’s Mizani district, suggesting rifles and machineguns were used.
Duncan Larcombe, "Gurkha hurt as Chinook hits base," The Sun (UK), 12 Aug 10.
Jeff Stein, "Ex-spies ponder N. Korean missile sale to Taliban," Spy Talk blog (Washington Post), 10 Aug 10.
"Breaking news: US helicopter shot down, 30 invaders killed in Helmand," Voice of Jihad English-language site, 10 Aug 10, screen capture of full statement at Scribd.com. Statement alleges helicopter shot down with RPG in Helmand. Taliban's account distributed verbatim by Pakistan's The Nation newspaper online here, compared with Taliban account at Scribd.com here.
Canadian Forces says small arms fire brought down Chinook in 5 Aug 10 crash: Canadian Press - Postmedia News - CBC.ca - Compilation of latest OS info at Scribd.com
5 Aug 10 Canadian Chinook Crash: Updated ISAF Statement - Canadian Press - CTV.ca - QMI (formerly Sun Media) - CBC.ca - Postmedia News (formerly CanWest) - UPI - Army.ca News/Discussion Thread - Open Source Material as of 060215UTC Aug 10 at Scribd.com
"Breaking new: US helicopter shot down in Kandahar, 30 US invaders killed," Voice of Jihad English, 5 Aug 10, ( screen capture of full statement at Scribd.com )
"US helicopter brought down in Kandahar," Voice of Jihad (English), 3 Aug 10 (full statement at Scribd.com). Claims responsibilty for shooting down American helicopter in Sangsar area of Panjwai District, Kandahar.
"Afghanistan war logs: US covered up fatal Taliban missile strike on Chinook; Surface-to-air strike over Helmand shows Taliban had strong anti-aircraft capabilities earlier than previously thought," The Guardian, 25 Jul 10 - "Afghanistan war logs: Taliban fire at helicopter," The Guardian, 25 Jul 10.
UK Sea King Helicoper Shot Down 21 May 10; Injuries Minor - ISAF Statement - Google English Taliban Claim: 25 Killed in Chinook Crash (PDF of Google English version at Scribd.com here - Original in Arabic here)
"CV-22 Osprey Crashes in Afghanistan," ISAF statement, 9 Apr 10 (PDF here if link doesn't work). States a CV-22 crashed "approximately seven miles west of Qalat City, in Zabul Province", killing three US troops and one civilian staffer, with cause of crash unknown. More on incident from BBC, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, UPI, and the Associated Press,
"U.S helicopter shot down in Wardag," Voice of Jihad English, 23 Mar 10 (PDF at non-terrorist site). Statement claims helicopter shot down by Taliban while flying low over Wardag province.
"Helicopter Crashes in Wardak Province," ISAF news release 2010-03-CA-099, 23 Mar 10. Statement says "there are no indications enemy activity" caused the crash of a helicopter in Wardak, killing one ISAF soldier.
"NATO chopper crash kills Turkish soldier: official," Agence France-Presse, 23 Mar 10. Brief story summarizing 23 Mar 10 ISAF statement
"U.S helicpoter shot down in Badghis," Voice of Jihad (English), retrieved 16 Mar 10 - PDF at Scribd.com. Claims US helicopter shot down while taking off in Bala Murghab district in Badghis province.
Larcombe, Duncan. "Shot between eyes but pilot saves 20," The Sun (UK), 5 Mar 10 (article PDF permalink). Outlines operation where pilot was shot in head during approach to pick up wounded in Helmand, but managed to fly Chinook back to base with wounded.
"Joint Force Finds Large Cache in Now Zad," ISAF news release, 18 Feb 10 (PDF permalink here). States ISAF captured 3 x "anti-aircraft weapons" and 2,520x30mm rounds, 300x14.5mm rounds during patrol in Now Zad district, Helmand Province.
"American unmanned spy plane shot down in Khost," Voice of Jihad (English), 17 Feb 10 - PDF at Scribd.com. Alleges UAV shot down by Taliban machine gun fire in Khost.
"American Chinook helicopter shot down in Marjah," Voice of Jihad web page (English), 16 Feb 10 - PDF at Scribd.com. Alleges American Chinook shot down in Marjah during Operation Moshtarak
"Stinger missile dealer, aides injured in attack," The News (Pakistan), 12 Feb 10 - PDF at Scribd.com. An arms dealer alleged to have Stinger missiles from the Soviet war in Afghanistan was killed in blast where a bomb was planted in a vehicle he was in. His brother was reportedly shot dead about 20 days ago by unknown assailants.
"Military helicopter was shot down in Helmand, NATO," Voice of Jihad (Arabic), 13 Jan 10 (Arabic and Google English translation at Scribd.com here). Alleges helicopter shot down in Helmand, killing 35 soldiers onboard.
"Update to Helicopter Hard Landing in Helmand," ISAF news release 2010-01-CA-036-Update, 11 Jan 10. Mentions recovery of helicopter which experienced a hard landing with "no enemy involvement in the accident".
"Apache helicopter shot down in Badghis," Voice of Jihad (English) web site, 29 Dec 09 (PDF at non-terrorist site here). Statement claims an American Apache was "shot down" in Bala Murghab district 29 Dec 09, allegedly killing 11 on board.
"A Polish helicopter crashes in Ghazni," Voice of Jihad web site (English version - Arabic version - PDF at non-terrorist site), 4 Dec 09. Alleges "a Polish helicopter fell down plunging onto the ground immedaitely after taking off Thursday December 03, 2009 near their military campaign in the city of Ghazni province."
"Low Visibility Blamed for Helicopter Crash," American Forces Press Service, 28 Oct 09. "U.S. military authorities have determined that the cause of an MH-47 helicopter crash in Afghanistan’s Badghis province Oct. 26 was a combination of factors caused by very low visibility .... The incident occurred about 3:30 a.m. when the helicopter lifted off following a successful operation against militants. Thick dust stirred up from the initial takeoff and overwhelmed the visibility of the helicopter crew. As the crew tried to correct the aircraft's movement, it struck a tall structure, causing it to crash. Militants did not fire at the helicopter at any point during the departure or crash, officials said."
14 Americans Killed (Including DEA Agents) in Two Helicopter Incidents in Afghanistan, various sources, 26 Oct 09: ISAF Statement on Western AFG incident - ISAF Statement on Southern AFG incident - U.S. American Forces Press Service - Associated Press - Christian Science Monitor - New York Times - Canadian Press - Agence France-Presse - BBC - Reuters
"American helicopter shot down killing 21 terrorists, Invaders bombing martyrs 21 civilians and destroyed a hundreds of shops in Badghis," Voice of Jihad web site (English - Arabic - PDF of both at non-terrorist site), 26 Oct 09. Claims responsibility for shooting down American helicopter "near Bom Dara district headquarter of Badghis province", alleging 21 killed.
"3 SCOTS thwart Taliban to recover US Chinook," UK Ministry of Defence Military Operations news article, 23 Oct 09. Highlights 3 SCOTS troops' role in protecting recovery of damaged helicopter during 13 Sept 09 "hard landing" incident in Sangin.
"UK troops in helicopter emergency," BBC online, 14 Oct 09. 'About 20 UK service personnel were on a US helicopter which was forced to make an emergency landing in Afghanistan. Four US air crew and about 30 Afghan personnel were also aboard the Chinook which made a "hard landing" in the south on Tuesday. Nobody was injured. Enemy action has been ruled out as a cause, with the helicopter apparently suffering a mechanical fault ...."
"An American invaders helicopter shot down in Kandahar," Voice of Jihad, 14 Oct 09 - PDF of Arabic and English versions at non-terrorist site. Statement alleging American helicopter shot down in Kandahar 14 Oct 09.
"A Drone Predator Shot Down in Kunduz," Voice of Jihad English-language site, 10 Oct 09 (PDF of statement at non-terrorist site here) - Statement alleging a UAV was shot down with a rocket propelled grenade in Kunduz
"Puppet army helicopter shot down in Nimroze," Voice of Jihad English-language web page, 9 Oct 09 – Arabic version – Google English translation of Arabic - PDF of all versions at non-terrorist web site - Alleges downing of "puppet" (Afghan) army helicopter in Nimroz Province using a rocket 8 Oct 09, with Arabic version alleging the death of five Afghan officers, including a woman.
"A(n) Apache helicopter of American invaders shot down in Wardak," Voice of Jihad English-language site, 6 Oct 09 (PDF of post viewable at non-terrorist site) - Alleges an Apache helicopter was brought down on 4 Oct 09 "in Watrio area in Sayedabad district of Maidan Wardak province."
Various media reports (PDF), American Helicopter Shot Down in Nangarhar province, 1 Oct 09 - U.S. military spokesperson quoted saying helicopter was hit with rocket propelled grenade.
"Aircraft of invaders shot down in Kunduz 26/9/09," (Original in Arabic), Voice of Jihad via anti-imperialist.info forums, retrieved 26 Sept 09, Google English translation here, PDF of both versions at non-terrorist site here. Alleges US Air Force plane shot down in Kunduz.
Meade, Geoff. “Lost Chopper 'Brought Down By Taliban',” Geoff Meade, Sky News (UK), 24 Sept 09 – PDF permalink here (Quotes Minister and RAF that Chinook brought down over Kajaki 19 Aug 09 was hit by RPG fire)
"American military helicopter shot down in Manaqi, Kunar 9/9/09," Voice of Jihad, retrieved 9 Sept 09 at anti-imperialism.info - Arabic - GoogleEnglish translation - PDF version at non-terrorist page. Alleges an American helicopter was downed in Manaqi, Kunar Province on 8 Sept 09.
"Helicopter of invaders shot down in Kunar 4/9/09," (original in Arabic) Voice of Jihad via tak-va.com forums, 4 Sept 09 - Google English translation here. PDF of both Arabic and English at non-terrorist site here. Taliban claiming responsibility for allegedly shooting down an American helicopter with a "rocket" in Kunar province 4 Aug 09.
"People Believe Taliban News," Voice of Jihad English-language site, retrieved 1 Sept 09 (.pdf of posting downloadable from non-terrorist site here). English-language statement attributed to "administrator" claiming the Taliban, not Coalition forces, destroyed the Chinook downed on 30 Aug 09: "The British ministry of defense says it was difficult to bring back the helicopter to its launch pad at the military Base. So it was necessary to destroy it in order to prevent Taliban from using it as propaganda stuff and knowing the structure of the helicopter. The helicopter was destroyed by Taliban in Sangin district but as usual the British authorities claimed that it crashed due to technical faults."
"(D)estroy the Chinook helicopter for the occupiers in Sngen in Helmand," (links to original Arabic version) Voice of Jihad via al-shouraa.com forums, retrieved 01 Sept 09, 0205UTC (.pdf of Arabic and Google English translation at non-terrorist site here). Arabic versionTaliban statement (Arabic, followed by Google English translation) claiming responsibility for 30 Aug 09 Chinook incident in Sangin.
"British Chinook helicopter deliberately destroyed in Afghanistan," UK Ministry of Defence statement, 30 Aug 09. "A British Chinook helicopter was deliberately destroyed by ISAF Forces at 1605 local time having sustained damage on landing approximately 10km East of Sangin at 0530 this morning, Sunday 30 August 2009 .... The aircraft is believed to have suffered a 'hard landing' and sustained damage to the undercarriage, nose and front rotor which subsequently made it unflyable .... The cause of the incident is under investigation however there is no evidence to suggest that it was caused by enemy action." Statement and initial mainstream media coverage also available for download here (.pdf).
Royal Marine Major Mark Hammond interviewed by BBC's Simon Mayo on 24 Aug 09 about incident in 2006 where Chinook was hit by ZPU-1 14.5mm round while trying to evacuate British wounded in Helmand (.mp3 download) - Transcript (PDF) here.
Bingham, John and Harding, Thomas. "RAF Chinook helicopter shot down in Afghanistan in Taliban election 'spectacular'," The Telegraph, 20 Aug 09. 'Military sources confirmed that the helicopter came under attack from machine gun and rocket propelled grenade fire as it took off after a supply drop near Sangin in northern Helmand." (Bingham & Thomas 2009b) - Permalink (.pdf) to both Bingham and Thomas articles here.
Bingham, John and Harding, Thomas. "Taliban destroy Chinook in attempted election 'spectacular'," The Telegraph, 20 Aug 09. "It is possible that the Taliban might have managed to use heavy anti-aircraft artillery such as a Soviet era ZPU-1 mounted on a truck." (Bingham & Thomas, 2009a)
"Chinook crew unhurt after incident in Afghanistan," UK Ministry of Defence statement, 20 Aug 09. "A British helicopter crew has escaped without injury after their Chinook was forced to make an emergency landing in Helmand province late last night following an engine fire. The incident happened after two helicopters dropped off cargo and passengers a few miles north of Sangin. Shortly after take-off the four-strong crew of one Chinook saw cockpit indications of an engine fire during take-off. The pilots skilfully continued to manoeuvre the helicopter about 1km away from the danger zone to safely make an emergency landing. All four crew onboard managed to evacuate the aircraft safely. They were recovered by the second helicopter which took them out of the area. The helicopter was later deliberately destroyed by a coalition airstrike to deny it to enemy forces .... The exact cause of the incident is still under investigation and enemy action has not yet been ruled out."
"Military helicopter shot down, 41 invaders killed in Helmand 20/8/09," Voice of Jihad, retrieved 20 Aug 09 via anti-imperialist.info forums here. Claims responsibility for 20 Aug 09 Chinook incident, claiming a missile strike. Arabic version - GoogleEnglish translation.
"Australian Chinook Receives Small Arms Fire in Afghanistan," Australian Department of Defence news release MSPA 244/09, 4 Aug 09 - .pdf version downloadable here. "During routine air operation tasks, an Australian Army CH-47D Chinook aircraft and a US helicopter came under small arms fire mid-morning on Monday, 3 August 2009. The Australian Chinook aircraft was operating in Southern Afghanistan as part of the International Security Assistance Force. It made a controlled landing at a Coalition airfield as a result of the small arms fire."
"Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols - 02-08-2009," Voice of Jihad via theunjustmedia.com, retrieved 2 Aug 09, .pdf version available for download from non-terrorist site here - first item claims responsibilty for shooting down an American helicopter in Kabul 31 Jul 09
"An American Helicopter Shot Down in Shah Walikot Kandahar 29/7/09," Voice of Jihad via anti-imperialist.info forums, retrieved 29 Jul 09 (.pdf permalink to non-jihadi page here) - Voice of Jihad (official web page of the Taliban) claim that an American military helicopter was shot down in Kandahar province on 29 Jul 09.
"Insurgents Attack Medical Mission," ISAF news release PR# 2009-540, retrieved 29 Jul 09 (.pdf version here) - "An International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) convoy, in southern Afghanistan, struck an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) resulting in the wounding of soldiers. When helicopters arrived to evacuate the wounded soldiers the insurgents opened fire on the medical evacuation operation, damaging one of the helicopters."
Joscelyn, Thomas. "Iran and the Taliban, allies against America," Long War Journal, 28 Jul 09 (.pdf version here). Mentions history of Iranian shipment of weapons, including MANPADS, to Taliban.
Mowaffaq Ahmed Zeidan. "In Helmand the aircraft crashed," al-falojah.info forums, retrieved 28 Jul 09 (.pdf permalink at non-terrorist page here) - Poster identifying himself as "Mowaffaq Ahmed Zeidan" alleges witnessing the downing of four aircraft in Helmand, suggesting SAMs may have been used.
"(D)own of a Chinook helicopter of the U.S. forces in the state of Farah," (Arabic) Voice of Jihad via Al-shouraa Islamic Network forums, retrieved 27 Jul 09 (Google English translation here) - .pdf of Arabic and GoogleEnglish versions at non-jihadi page here. Claims responsibility for shooting down of Chinook during alleged battle in Farah province.
Yon, Michael. "An Artery of Opium, A Vein of Taliban," Big Hollywood web log, retrieved 27 Jul 09 (.pdf permalink here) - "The enemy fired on a helicopter at Kajaki this weekend, and shot one down at Sangin a couple weeks back .... There are reports that enemy antiaircraft weapons are in Sangin."
"Two Enemy copters downed and 35 Military Personnel Killed 19/7/09," Voice of Jihad via anti-imperialist.info forums, retrieved 20 Jul 09 (.pdf version at non-terrorist page here) - Claims responsibility for Chinook shot down in Kunar with anti-aircraft gun, and Mi-8 shot down in Kandahar
"Chinook shot down in Danad, Kandahar 19/7/09," Voice of Jihad via anti-imperialist.info forums, 20 Jul 09 (.pdf version at non-terrorist page, in Arabic and Google Translation, here) - Claims responsibility for Chinook shot down in Kandahar with "anti-aircraft weapon"
Axe, David. "Chopper Shoot-Down Reveals Deeper Flaws in Afghanistan Ops," Danger Room web log via Wired.com, 16 Jul 09 - .pdf version here. (Highlights risks associated with using unarmed, unprotected civilian helicopters due to shortage of armed military helicopters)
Civil Aviation Administration of Moldova quoted saying "missile or rocket" shot down Mi-26 in Sangin, killing six (6) Ukrainian nationals, various media sources, 14 Jul 09 - .pdf compilation of English-language stories (Associated Press, AFP, Al Jazeera, Reuters, New York Times, DPA, Voice of America) here.
"7-14 Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan / down of a helicopter for British forces in Helmand Sngen state," Voice of Jihad via al-shouraa.com forums, retrieved 14 Jul 09 in Arabic here and translated into GoogleEnglish here - .pdf permalink of Arabic and English versions at non-terrorist site here. (Claims responsibility for British Chinook downed with "anti-aircraft weapons)
"American Helicopters Shot Down in Zabul," Voice of Jihad web page, retrieved 6 Aug 09 - .pdf downloadable at non-terrorist web page here. "The Muahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan opened fire on two American helicopters in Anarak area, Shahre Saffa district, Zabul province, with anti-aircraft machine gun, downing one Apache helicopter , and the other burst with flames and burnt completely upon landing in a near US army center ...."
"1 helicopter of puppet army shot down in Kapisa," Voice of Jihad (Taliban official web page), retrieved 3 Jul 09 - .pdf version at non-terrorist site here. (Claims responsiblity for downing helicopter with RPG-7)
"Contractor’s helicopter makes emergency landing in eastern Afghanistan," US Forces-Afghanistan news release via Facebook, 3 Jul 09 - .pdf version here.
"7-2 the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan / the outcome of months of Victory," (Original in Arabic - GoogleEnglish translation) Voice of Jihad via al-shouraa.com forums, 2 Jul 09 - .pdf versions available for download at non-terrorist site here. (Claims responsibility for 2 helicopters brought down during Operation Victory)
"2 helicopters of American invaders shot down in Badghis," Voice of Jihad (Taliban official web page), retrieved 13 Jun 09 - .pdf version at non-terrorist site here.
"Statistics of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan operations against the enemy for the month of May, 2009 (jamadiul Awal 1430 hajari)," The Unjust Media web page, retrieved 01 Jun 09 - .pdf permalink to table available at non-terrorist site here. (Monthly summary of statistics for May 2009 claims responsibility for for downing of helicopter in Uruzgan - see bottom margin of chart)
"Afghans Say Iranian-Made Weapons Seized in Helmand," Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 26 May09 (no direct reference to MANPADS, but newest report of Iranian-made weapons in AFG)
22 May 09 - Reports of ISAF Helicopter Emergency Landing in Tarin Kowt: ISAF Statement - Xinuha News Agency - Taliban Voice of Jihad claim of shoot-down with RPG-7 (.pdf permalink of Taliban claim at non-terrorist web page here)
Harding, Thomas. "Taliban planning to down British Chinook," The Telegraph (UK), 01 May 09 (Harding 2009). If link doesn't work, .pdf permalink of article is available here.
Various sources, Coalition air strikes destroy 2 ZPU-1 anti-aircraft machine guns (9 page 490 kB .pdf file) (21 Apr 09 ZPU OSINT, 2009)
"Downing an American military helicopter in Watpor in the province of Kunar 12/04/09," Voice of Jihad (Taliban) via www.ansarnet.info forums, retrived 12 Apr 09 - .htm capture of page saved at non-jihadi web site here (Voice of Jihad, 12 Apr 09)
"Damaging a helicopter belonging to the Amercian forces in the district of Gerishk in the province of Helmand/British invader army helicopter shot down in Helmand," Voice of Jihad via international.thabaat.net forum posting, 15 Mar 09 (.pdf permalink at non-jihadi web page here) (Voice of Jihad 15 Mar 09)
Prudori, Tony. "What Nationality WAS the Chinook?," Taliban Propaganda Watch open source analysis, MILNEWS.ca, 9 May 09. (Prudori 2009)
Smith, Michael. "RAF pilot wins Distinguished Flying Cross," Times Online (UK), 8 Mar 09 (Smith 2009b) - .pdf permalink
Townsend, Mark. "RAF pilot foils assassination bid," The Guardian (UK), 8 Mar 09 (Townsend 2009) - .pdf permalink
"British Invader Army Helicopter Shot Down In Helmand," Voice of Jihad web page, 7 Mar 09 (.pdf permalink) (Voice of Jihad 7 Mar 09).
Smith, Michael. "Missile threat to British troops," Sunday Times, 1 Mar 09 - .pdf permalink (Smith 2009a)
"NATO helicopter hit in Afghanistan," Al Jazeera, viewed 18 May 08, 0710EDT (Al Jazz 18 May 2008) - .pdf permalink
"Taleban shot down NATO helicopter, no-one injured," Deutsche Presse Agentur, via Khaleej Times, viewed 18 May 08, 0707EDT (DPA 18 May 2008) - .pdf permalink
"Taliban says it shot down NATO helicopter - no-one injured," unattributited, viewed at Monsters and Critics web page, 18 May 08, 0720EDT (M&C 18 May 2008) - .pdf permalink
"Afghan governor says his chopper hit by rocket fire," Agence France Presse (English), viewed 17 May 08, 2126EDT - .pdf permalink (AFP English, 17 May 2008)
"Insurgents hit NATO helicopter carrying Afghan governor, no one injured," Canadian Press/Associated Press, viewed 17 May 08, 2112EDT - .pdf permalink (CP/AP, 17 May 2008)
"NATO helicopter carrying Afghan governor hit," Reuters, viewed 17 May 08, 2123EDT - .pdf permalink (Reuters, 17 May 2008)
"Coalition precision strike kills Taliban facilitator," Combined Joint Task Force-82 news release # 041, 9 Dec 07 (CJTF-82, 2007) - .pdf permalink (mentions "Coalition forces conducted a precision strike targeting a Taliban weapons smuggler known to equip extremist forces with various types of weapons and explosives including anti-aircraft weaponry. Reports also indicate the individual is linked with attacks on Coalition forces’ aircraft.")
"Reports say Chinese-made weapons used by Taliban," CTV.ca, 12 Sept 07 (CTV.ca 2007) - .pdf permalink, captured 28 Nov 07 (.pdf)
Burns, R. Nicholas. "On-The-Record Briefing on Iran," US Department of State briefing, 25 Oct 07 - .pdf permalink (Burns 2007)
"U.S. details Quds Force's 'lethal support' to Taliban," CNN online, 25 Oct 07 - .pdf permalink. (CNN 25 Oct 2007)
Zacharia, Janine and Carmichael, Kevin Carmichael. "Iranian Military Sanctioned by U.S. for Terror Links," Bloomberg wire service, 25 Oct 07 - .pdf permalink. (Zacharia and Carmichael 2007)
Pleming, Sue. "US slaps new sanctions on Iran, Russia objects," Reuters, 25 Oct 07 - .pdf permalink. (Pleming 2007)
"Designation of Iranian Entities and Individuals for Proliferation Activities and Support for Terrorism," US Treasury Department news release, 25 Oct 07 (via archive.org) - Statement by Secretary Paulson on Iran Designations - Fact Sheet: Designation of Iranian Entities and Individuals for Proliferation Activities and Support for Terrorism. (.pdf permalink of Fact Sheet) (US Treasury 2007)
Synovitz, Ron. "Afghanistan: U.S. Worried Iran Sending Chinese Weapons To Taliban," Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 14 Sept 07 (Google cached version) - .pdf version here.
Danahar, Paul. "Taleban 'getting Chinese arms'," BBC online, 3 Sept 07 (Danahar 2007)
Albone, Tim. “Iran gives Taliban hi-tech weapons to fight British,” Sunday Times (UK), 5 Aug 07. (Albone 2007) - alternative link to article here
Federation of Atomic Scientists (FAS). “Issue Brief #1: MANPADS Proliferation,” FAS web page, August 2007. (FAS 2007)
Coghlan, Tom. “Taliban in first heat-seeking missile attack,” The Telegraph (UK), 29 Jul 07. (Coghlan 2007). Downloadable 1.9 Mb .pdf version here.
“Report of the Workshop "MANPADS and all its aspects," NATO Ad Hoc Working Group On Small Arms And Light Weapons (SALW) And Mine Action, 5 Jul 07. (NATO 2007)
Smith, Charles R. “China Killing Americans,” News Max news service, 18 Jun 07. (Smith 2007)
Gertz, Bill. “Inside the Ring: China arming terrorists,” Washington Times, 15 Jun 07. If link doesn't work, a pdf permalink of the article is avaliable here. (Gertz 2007)
Smucker, Philip. “Taliban supplied with Chinese, Iranian weapons,” Washington Times, 5 Jun 07. (Smucker 2007)
Schroeder, Matt. “Global efforts to control MANPADS,” SIPRI Yearbook 2007, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, June 2007. (Schroeder 2007)
Harding, Thomas. “Taliban 'use Iranian missiles on UK troops',” The Telegraph, 23 May 07. (Harding 2007)
“Coalition Strikes Taliban Linked To Anti-Aircraft Weapons,” Agence France Presse, via Spacewar.com, 10 Mar 07. (AFP 2007)
Shahzad, Syed Saleem. “The Pakistan-Taliban Deal,” India Defence Online, 1 Mar 07. (Shahzad 2007)
Alvi, Rafiq. “NRI sentenced 57 months jail for selling Stinger anti-aircraft missiles to the Taliban and al-Qaeda,” NRIinternet.com, 12 Apr 06. (indictment mentioned in story viewed here.) (Alvi 2006)
“Kill This Myth Before It Grows,” Strategy Page, 20 Mar 06. (Strategy Page 2006)
Sengupta, Kim. “Pakistanis accused of aiding Taliban with missile parts,” The Independent (UK), 14 Mar 06, viewed at . (Sengupta 2006)
“Nato finds Stinger in Taleban tail,” New Zealand Herald on Sunday Online, 15 Mar 06. (NZ Herald Online 2006)
Bolkcom, Christopher and Elias, Bartholomew. "Homeland Security: Protecting Airliners from Terrorist Missiles,” Congressional Research Service report RL31741, updated 16 Feb 06. (Bolkcom & Elias 2006)
“Stinger missile explosion leaves 2 militants dead in Afghanistan,” Xinhua News Agency (CHN), 1 Jan 06. (Xinhua 2006)
Daly, John C.K. "Remnants of the Taliban threaten to shoot down non-commercial aircraft," United Press International, via monstersandcritics.com, 28 Nov 05. (Daly 2005)
Synovitz, Ron. “Kabul Confirms New Effort To Buy Back U.S.-Built Stinger Missiles,” Radio Free Europe online, 31 Jan 05. (Synovitz 2005)
Bevan, James. "Big Issue, Big Problem: MANPAD," In Small Arms Survey 2004: Rights at Risk, Small Arms Survey, Geneva, 2004 (.pdf). (Bevan 2004)
“U.S. Troops Kill Four in Afghanistan,” Associated Press, 10 Jun 03. (AP 2003)
Caffera, Paul J. “U.S. jets easy target for shoulder-fired missiles,” San Francisco Chronicle, 30 Nov 02. (Caffera 2002)
Baldauf, Scott. "How Al Qaeda seeks to buy Chinese arms," Christian Science Monitor, 23 Aug 02. (Baldauf 2002) - permalink (.pdf)
Gertz, Bill and Scarborough, Rowan. "Notes from the Pentagon: China-trained Taliban," Inside the Ring, via gertzfile.com, 21 Jun 02. (Gertz & Scarborough 2002)
“Stinger missiles fired at U.S. transport planes: CNN,” Asian Political News, 24 Dec 01. (Asian Political News 2001)
Stoullig, Jean-Michel. “US fears Stinger missiles can be used against its own in Afghanistan,” Agence France Presse, 4 Dec 01. (Stoullig 2001)
Keith, Kenton. “Coalition Spokesman Says Afghan Talks Making Progress,” Embassy of the United States (Caracas, Venezuela) news release and transcript, 3-4 Dec 01. (Keith 2001)
Raman, B. “US' Afghan ops: A critical analysis,” The Business Line (IND), 2 Nov 01. (Raman 2001)
Norton-Taylor, Richard. “Taliban trust in the Stinger may be misplaced,” The Guardian (UK), 17 Oct 01. (Norton-Taylor, 2001)
Rumsfeld, Donald & White, Thomas (Secretary of the Army), “Transcript, Secretary Rumsfeld Media Availability with Secretary White,” US Department of Defense, 11 Oct 01. (Rumsfeld & White, 2001)
“The Taliban’s military forces (prior to hostilities),” Jane’s Armies: Afghanistan, 8 Oct 01, non-subscriber extract. (Jane’s 2001)
Vlliamy, Ed et. al. "The noose tightens," Guardian Unlimited, 7 Oct 01. (Vulliamy et. al. 2001)
"Taliban Reports Firing Antiaircraft Guns at Suspicious Plane Over Kabul," CNN transcript, 6 Oct 01. (CNN 2001a)
"Taliban Says It Fired on Aircraft Over Kabul", CNN transcript, 6 Oct 01. (CNN 2001b)
Fitchett, Joseph. “What About the Taliban's Stingers?”, International Herald Tribune, 26 Sept 01. (Fitchett 2001)
Harnden, Toby. “Taliban still have Reagan's Stingers,” The Telegraph (UK), 26 Sept 01. (Harnden 2001)
Devraj, Ranjit. “Stinger in the tail of US policy,” Asia Times Online, 19 Sept 01. (Devraj 2001)
Kuperman, Alan J. “The Stinger missile and U.S. intervention in Afghanistan,” Political Science Quarterly, summer 1999, Volume 114 No. 2, pg. 219 . (Kuperman 1999)
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