Site Meter / CANinKandaharOct2007
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October 2007

31 Oct 07

More on Winning Hearts, Minds - GoogleFrancais:  Cibler les cœurs et les esprits


Capitaine Jocelyn Lemay envoie sa septième lettre au Journal de Rosemont–Petite-Patrie - GoogleEnglish:  CIMIC, Face to Face


More on Reuters Photog Catching CAN Trooper Being Injured


More on Need for Bilingualism in CAN Operational Units


Ottawa Says Prisoner Treatment Protocol in Place, Being Followed


Peaceniks (Seriously) Suggest Sending a Zucchini to CAN Def Min - Discussion



Opinion:  NATO Needs New Strategy, Comms Plan to Succeed - Permalink (.pdf) - A glimmer of hope for success - Ottawa determined to make polls justify Afghan mission - Troops Love Hillier, Therefore Hillier a Political Target - Permalink (.pdf)


Néo-Brunswickois créent un calendrier pour les soldats en Afghanistan - GoogleEnglish:  Scenes of NB Calendar for the Troops

More on One of the Latest Books in CAN in AFG



US SF Officer Killed by IED @ Kajaki - US Cav Trooper Killed @ Sperwan Ghar - Soldat américain est tué lors d'une escarmouche avec des talibans - Fallen AUS SAS Sgt Wasn't Wearing Body Armour

AUS Candidate Disses Parents of Brit Soldier in AFG, Apologizes

Des dizaines de morts dans des combats - GoogleEnglish:  Dozens Nailed in South - Taliban Surrounded

Brits' Fault that Helmand is Violent?!?



PAK Media:  USA Allies Dragging Feet on Getting Into the Fray - JPN Finally Decides to Wrap Up Refuelling Mision in Support of Op Enduring Freedom

UN Meeting in Kabul on Dealing with "Opium Tsunami" - More - GoogleFrancais:  De nouvelles mesures contre l'opium afghan Tsunami


World Bank Boss:  Progress Visible, but At Risk from Violence - Gouvernement afghan annonce la réouverture de 50 écoles depuis trois ans dans les provinces agitées du pays - GoogleEnglish:  50 Schools Reopen in the South

UN Suspends Return of Refugees from PAK




30 Oct 07

The Guns @ FOB Wilson - GoogleFrancais:  Canadian artillerie trouver marque séance besoins militaires en Afghanistan


More on Kandahar 911 Centres Set Up by CF



CF Denies Latest Allegations of Torture by Cdns - More - DFAIT Calls Allegations "Propaganda" - Permalink (.pdf) - Ottawa nie les allégations de torture - Allégations de torture de prisonniers afghans ne font pas broncher les conservateurs - Torture dans les prisons afghanes: de pures inventions talibanes, dit Ottawa


Father of Fallen:  More Development, Less Military Needed - Permalink (.pdf) - AFG MP:  Send Us Cash, Stuff, but No Troops, Thanks


Opinion:  Job in Afghanistan is far from done - Kandahar: why Canada’s war is all but over - Will Canada stand with its allies?


Manif anti-guerre en rose: plusieurs accusations seront portées - GoogleEnglish:  Anti-War Protesters Resort to Pouring Gasoline on Police, Vandalism in Sherbrooke QC


CAN Agri-Economist Sees Potential - Un chèque en blanc à la Croix-Rouge - GoogleEnglish:  Lotsa CAN $ to K'Har Hospital, but Not Much Oversight?

CAN PMO Bars Release of MP's Report on AFG, Middle East - Permalink (.pdf)


More on ISAF Renting Choppers (for Haulage, not Combat)

More Bad Guys Nabbed in K'Har - Another Day in Helmand with Royal Scots Guards - Nastier Foreigners Beef Up Taliban - Meanwhile, At Least One Taliban Big Boy Ready to Switch Sides

Kiwis Injured, but Recovering, from Accidental Discharge in Central AFG - NZ PRT Bamyan Fact Sheet


More on European Ambivalence Toward AFG Mission - NATO's Waterloo? - Permalink (.pdf)

UNDP Report:  No Justice=No Human Development

Community TV Comes to Helmand



29 Oct 07

12 RBC Recce Sqn Winning Hearts & Minds in the Hinterland


Need for Bilingualism on Battlefield - Plus de bilinguisme chez les officiers est nécessaire


Allô Ottawa? Ici Kandahar


Mental Health Cost to CF of ROTOs - De nombreux soldats souffrent de troubles mentaux


Mo' Calls for Mo' Troops by CAN Def Min


CF Medics Doing Their Thing


«C’est vous, Canadiens, qui êtes responsables de la torture...» - GoogleEnglish:  Cdns Responsible for Torture?


ISAF Investigation Says No Civvy Cas in 22 Oct 07 Incident - More - Original Report of 22 Oct 07 Incident - Here's the Original 15 Oct 07 Incident Where Cop (Eventually) Recanted

UN Calls for End to Attacks on Aid Convoys - Alternate link (both .pdf) - More




NATO $ Committee Comes Through with Cash to Lease CARGO Choppers (Not for Combat Ops)

USA Pressing Hard to Retake Taliban Stronghold in Helmand - More - Ass Kicked in Uruzgan

NLD Debate Focussed on $ of Mission



28 Oct 07

Vandoos Remember Fallen Sergeant Major - GoogleFrancais:   Honorer leurs troupes canadiennes "Papa Bear"


Réactions d'un militaire campivallensien en Afghanistan - GoogleEnglish:  Vandoo OC PRT Protection Company Gives His Side of the Story


Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan - News search Afghanistan (.pdf)


Harper à la base militaire de Valcartier samedi soir - plus - plus - PM Visits Valcartier - More - more


Lotsa Taliban Nailed in Helmand - More - L'armée américaine dit avoir tué 80 taliban dans le Sud afghan


Taliban Losing AFG Support Via Homicide Bombings



ISAF Boss Says Not Enough Boots on the Ground - AUS PM Pushes for More NATO Partners Into the Fight - Scottish Paper:  ISAF Needs More of EVERYTHING - Washington Post:  More Troops Needed to Win - WashPost Editorial alternate link (.pdf)


Peace Protesters Do Their Thing - More - more - more - more - more - more - Jour de manifs contre la mission en AFG - plus - Messaging summary


Academic Says CAN Should GTFO AFG - Another Academic Figures He can Assess War Crimes, Too


CAN Afghanistan panel will open website for public submissions - Group expected to explore non-military options, too - NGO's:  Should be separation of military, development work


Disarmament Not Going So Well

AUS Troops Sat One Out in June Because of ROE


27 Oct 07

Free Mail for the Troops Again! - Canada Post News Release - Postes Canada offrira la livraison gratuite des lettres aux troupes en déploiement en Afghanistan et ailleurs à l'étranger


Not JUST Young Troops Keen to Serve in AFG


Le quotidien d'un soldat - GoogleEnglish:  A Day in the Life of a Vandoo FOO


"Trained for fighting, soldiers find themselves guarding construction crews"


High Tech C3I for CF in Theatre


Fmr Brit PM Says CAN Should Stay in AFG


News search Afghanistan - Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan (.pdf)



CDS Says He's NOT Out of Sync with PMO - Permalink (.pdf) - More - Général Hillier contredit Ottawa? - Hillier dit qu'on l'a mal compris


Sangin Better Six Months On, Thanks to Brits - Latest NATO Fact Sheet on Sangin (Photos Look Familiar from Brit MOD Site?) (.pdf)



Opinion:  FRA Ambassador to CAN Says FRA Pulling Its Weight - Recipe for disaster in AFG - "As the violence worsens, NATO struggles to raise troops." - Can Afghanistan Be Saved? - Not winning, but not losing either


More on Book on How CAN Got into K'Har - More

AFG Army Still Needs Help

"Canadians aren't hearing the good stories out of Afghanistan"

AUS Media Says AUS SAS Prime Targets of Taliban

NATO Promises Enough to Keep NLD On Side?


AFG Pres Asks USA, NATO to Keep a Grip on Fast Air

Fermeture d’écoles dans la province d’Helmand - School Attendance Backtracking in Helmand


Eurodéputés suggéré d’utiliser une partie de l’opium afghan pour produire analgésiques à destination des pays en voie de développement - GoogleEnglish:  EU Politicos Suggest Using Some AFG Opium for Third World Pain Killers



Fallen AUS SAS Trooper Named - ADF news release - Transcript of Statement - Bio - Imagery - More - AUS Maintains Resolve - More - more


DNK Helps the Fight (By Funding Video Eqpt for YouTube Videos of Anti-Taliban Info) 

Royal Navy Trying to Get Message Out that They're Fighting, Too

US Treasury Sanctions IRN Military, Banks for Supporting Taliban - Fact Sheet - Treas Sec Statement - CNN - Associated Press - Reuters - AFP (English) - Presse Canadienne - CanWest News - Taliban MANPAD OSINT References


Kids at Risk:  UNICEF Special Envoy Reports on Children in AFG - News release - Interactive Report - Report (.pdf) - Permalink (.pdf) - SOS Enfants Afghanistan : Martin Bell parle des enfants pris dans la guerre - AFP:  enfants d'AFG au bord d'une catastrophe humanitaire - AFP English - Associated Press - Voice of America - Reuters - MAP francais - Xinhua francais


25 Oct 07

CAN Asks Rest o' NATO for Mo' Troops, Choppers - More - CAN demande directement à des pays membres de l'OTAN de jouer un rôle plus actif - Réunion de l'Otan aux Pays-Bas - NLD Asks for Help, Too - Brits Pressing as Well - More on USA Unhappiness Over Troop Commitment in AFG - More - Source of Tension Within Alliance - Gates Sounds Confident for Now - Not Just Gates - Brit Media Not So Optimistic, Though - AFP A Bit More Optimistic - L'OTAN fait état d'avancées en vue de renforcer la présence militaire - Pays de l’OTAN affichent leur « solidarité » face aux talibans - GoogleEnglish:  NATO Agrees to Show Solidarity? - FRA, DEU Offer Troops (To Train AFG Army) - VERY Good Question - Help Coming (But Not Enough?) - NLD Media:  Hungary Offering 50 Troops for Oruzgan - More - D'autres français bientôt dans le sud?


NATO Boss Hints Countries Should Rotate Jobs in AFG - OTAN discute d’une rotation dans les zones dangereuses - CAN Liberals (Try To) Take Credit for Idea - Les libéraux: OTAN secrétaire général fait écho à la demande - L'Otan répond en partie aux demandes US sur AFG


More on CDS Visiting Troops in AFG - Rick Hillier rend visite pour la première fois aux soldats du Royal 22e Régiment - CDS Calling for NATO Allies to Help, Too


CAN CDS Says It Could Take 10 Years to Rebuild AFG - NATO Sec-Gen Says Even Longer - Globe & Mail Interview with Sec-Gen - Permalink to interview (.pdf)


Prospects for CAN Company as NATO Seeks :Leased Choppers - More - More on Rental Chopper Idea


Bernier:  Ttravail d'agents de sécurité à Kaboul respecte les normes - GoogleEnglish:  Bernier Says PMC Following Rules in Kabul Work for CAN


Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan - News search Afghanistan (.pdf)


AUS SAS Trooper Killed in Oruzgan:  AUS DoD Statement - The Age (AUS) - -


Conference of Defence Associations Institute Articles on AFG, Autumn 2007 (.pdf)


AQ Working With New Group of Bad Guys in Helmand - Bit of Background of Jaish al-Mahdi in AFG (.pdf) - More info on new group emerging (.pdf) - Forum chatter on JAM


Opinion:  Taliban Isn't Nuke Armed (Yet) - Time for DEU Military to Give 'Er in AFG - Permalink to DEU Column (.pdf) - OTAN, une force dont les moyens excèdent les ambitions? - GoogleEnglish:  NATO-More Ambition than Assets?


Brit Military Interviews BBC Newscaster Visiting AFG

Former Taliban For Min Says PAK Int Didn't Create Taliban


24 Oct 07

Explosion damages Canadian demining vehicle in Afghanistan, driver OK - Explosion endommage un véhicule antimines canadien sans faire de blessé - Seeing the Wounded Up Close & Personal - GoogleFrancais: Fermer appel pour Canadien Taliban raids


Why One Reg Joined to Go to AFG



CF Board of Inquiry Says CAN Diplomat's Death "Not Preventable:  CF Page - FC Francais - News Release - DN Communiqué - National Post - Canadian Press (via Toronto Star) - Toronto Star Staff - CBC Online - La mort de Glyn Berry en Afghanistan ne pouvait être évitée, selon un comité (PC) - Radio-Canada - Berry BOI Clippings (.pdf) - plus Berry Actualités (.pdf)


Des messages gratuits pour les troupes - GoogleEnglish:  Still Postage Free for Packages to AFG


Ottawa emploie des mercenaires en Afghanistan - GoogleEnglish:  CAN Using Brit PMC in AFG


Karzai Staffer Says 2011 Deadline Do-able


More on NATO Chartering Choppers


News search Afghanistan - Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan (.pdf)


Opinion:  Why No Honourary CAN Citizenship for Suspended AFG Parliamentarian?

Taliban Still Using Human Shields in Zabul - More

Video of AFG Army, Cops Being Trained



NATO Colleagues Meeting in NLD to Talk AFG - More on USA Arm Twisting to Get More NATO Troops into AFG - More - Afghanistan: les Etats-Unis veulent une démonstration d`unité de l`Otan - Twisting DEU's Arm First? - NOR Still Opposed to Sending Troops to S.AFG - More - NLD Warns Failure Would Be Disaster


Brits Helping Train ANA - Karzai Calls for More Training of Troops, Building of Institutions - Militaires belges bientôt de retour d’AFG - GoogleEnglish:  BEL Troops Preparing to Rotate

Can't Win:  Area Complains that It's Calm Because of No Aid Money, Projects to Act as Targets

23 Oct 07

CDS Drops By AFG - More - more - Visite surprise du général Hillier en AFG - plus


Superstition Among the Troops


Building AFG 911 Complex at FOB Wilson


Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan - News search Afghanistan (.pdf)


Why DEU Won't be Replacing CAN in South - USA's Gates Says He'll Twist NATO Arms Harder for Help in AFG - More - more - Rags on "Allies" - Gates se fâche contre le soutien défaillant de l'OTAN en Afghanistan - NLD Asks NOR for Help in Southern AFG


Opinion:  Work to Help AFG Girls Generates Optimism - Even CAN Survey Open to Lots of Interpretations


Media Report:  NATO is Leasing 20 Choppers


Blogger Points Out How Different Papers "Read" Different Things into the Same Story - Original CP Story - Another Web Page Points Out Range of Media Coverage

Brit PMC Protects CAN VIPs


News Release:  The Asia Foundation Releases 2007 Afghan Public Opinion Poll - Full Report (.pdf) - Key Findings (.pdf) - Background Info - Canadian Press:  AFG residents believe security is deteriorating - PC:  Afghans croient que la sécurité s'est détériorée dans leur pays - Reuters:  Many Optimistic - Financial Times:  Growing More Pessimistic - NY Times:  Security Worries Increasing - AFP:  Security Worries Way Up


Homicide Bomber Targets Brits, Injures AFGs in Helmand - Lotsa Taliban Nailed in Helmand - Five Bad Guys Nabbed in K'Har - UNAMA Media Briefing:  Aid Still Getting Through to Uruzgan During Fighting - Combat Ain't Making it Easy, Though - Four Kids Injured by IED in K'Har

First USA Medal of Honor Presented Posthumously - USA President's Remarks

En Afghanistan, l'armée française vermifuge les ânes - GoogleEnglish:  FRA Troops Rely on Donkeys in AFG


AFG Farmers Worry About ANY Spraying of Poppies - AFG Pres Wants International Panel to Assess Safety of Herbicide - More - Honest, They PROMISE Not to Plant Any More...

22 Oct 07

CAN Generals Visit, Say Progress is Being Made - Still, Lots Left to be Done - AFG Media Take


CAN Army Boss:  It'll Be Tight, But We've Got the Troops to Do the Job


Canadians 'doss down' in Taliban heartland - Mixed Opinions on How Much Progress is Being Made - Soldats admettent que les Afghans auront besoin du Canada après 2009


Afghans auront besoin du Canada après 2009, selon les soldats


Militaires afghans venus apprendre l'anglais demandent l'asile


Building Boom in K'Har Suggests Longish Stay?


News search Afghanistan - Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan (.pdf)


Opinion:  Credit-takers mute when it comes to Afghanistan - Ottawa Citizen:  "Having Canadian troops stay in Afghanistan until 2011 in a non-combat role is a good balance between protecting our forces and protecting the Afghans we signed up to help in 2001."

Terry Fox Run in K'har

Not Too Many Conscientious Objectors Leaving CF


More Taliban Go to Allah in Helmand - Taliban Using Human Shields in Kunar

GBR Royal Irish Regiment Good to Go


NATO Sec-Gen Asking (Again) for More Troops - More on Unequal Sharing of the Load - More - USA:  If NATO Doesn't Move Troops to AFG, USA Will Move Troops from Kosovo to AFG - GBR Not Sending More Troops for Now - NATO Spokesperson Seemed to Think So (At Least Potentially) - More - PAK Politician Says USA Considering Pulling Troops from AFG - More on NLD General  Suggesting Smaller Force

Red Cross Worries About Humanitarian Crisis

21 Oct 07

CAN Opposition:  Don't Confuse Us with the Facts Polls, Our Minds Are Made Up



Pris, perdu puis repris - GoogleEnglish:  Canadians Take, Lose and Retake Panjwai - «On a la chienne si on se fait attaquer» - GoogleEnglish: "It was the dog if it is attacking"


Retrospective:  CAN's Twisted Road to K'Har (.pdf)


NATO Finally Using YouTube AGAINST Taliban - Sec Gen Speech on Improving Public Diplomacy


Next ROTO Getting Ready in Wainwright


Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan - News search Afghanistan (.pdf)


Lettres d'Afghanistan: Il se fait flusher par courriel - GoogleEnglish:  Breaking Up is Hard to Do By E-Mail

Opinion:  UK MP Says Time to Shift Brit Troops from IRQ to Helmand - AFG Poll Not So Clear?

Twice as many Brit shells fired at Taliban as in Iraq invasion - Lotsa Taliban Nailed in Helmand - Affrontements en Afghanistan: une trentaine de talibans tués

ISAF Looking into Shooting of Tot in Helmand - More - more


Pentagon Boss Trying to Get Eastern Europeans into the AFG Fight - Gates presserait les alliés de l'Otan à déployer davantage de troupes en AFG



NLD Likely to Stay, But With Fewer Troops?:  Radio Netherlands - Reuters - Associated Press - DPA (DEU) - AFP - Pays-Bas doivent prolonger leur mission en Afghanistan - Daily Times (PAK) - Original article in Dutch - Permalink in Dutch (.pdf) - REALLY bad BabelFishEnglish translation (.pdf)

More Slovak Sappers Headed Downrange



Latest on Reported Tailban Split - New Taliban Regional Boss in East - Wikipedia Bio - Wikipedia List o' Taliban Bosses

NATO Still Split on AFG Mission

PAK Planning Big Push



20 Oct 07

CF Army Boss:  CAN's Got a Lot of Work Yet to Do in AFG


Anonymous NATO Source:  CAN Troops Can Be Replaced if Troops GTFO from K'Har - The "Two Horses" Model for Work in AFG


UN Aid Envoy:  CAN Making an Impact in AFG


Taking Care of CF's Ammo Dump in K'Har


Sudbury Cops Headed to Help Train AFG Cops - DEU Calls on EU to (REALLY) Improve AFG Police Training Program


News search Afghanistan - Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan (.pdf)


Younger Factions Trying to Out Violence Old School Taliban?


Opinion:  Glad you're here, say the Afghans - Harper's shrewd strategy - Afghans See Progress We Don't

CAN "What Happens Next?" Panel Will Visit AFG (But Hold No Public Hearings)


AFG Says No Proof of IRN Arming Taliban - Meanwhile, IRN Press Sees Yanks as "Occupiers"

PAK Media Coverage of AFG Polling Saying Folks Want NATO to Stay - More - Afghans appuient la présence des troupes étrangères

Nailin' 'em in Helmand, Nabbin' 'em in Zabul


More Trainers in Pipeline for Afghan Security Forces

More on NATO Leasing Choppers

PAK Contributions to NATO in AFG Praised - PAK Promises to Sort Out Waziristan

Golfing in AFG

19 Oct 07

Survey Says:  Six Outta Ten Afghans WANT NATO Troops There - More - more - more - How the Survey was Done - Afghans se sentent plus en sécurité - Environics Research Group news release - GoogleFrancais - Permalink (.pdf)


News search Afghanistan - Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan (.pdf)


CAN Def Min Speech:  Security, Governance, Development Indivisible - Ministre MacKay:  "La sécurité rend possible la bonne gouvernance et le développement, et la bonne gouvernance et le développement renforcent la sécurité."


USA Official Tells Blogger Taliban Has Lost "Thousands" of Fighters


N'entre pas qui veut au Centre de contrôle du groupement tactique - GoogleEnglish


Un Canadien d'origine afghane quitte l'Ontario pour aller reconstruire son pays d'origine - GoogleEnglish


Amnistie accuse le gouvernement de bloquer un procès sur les détenus afghans - Feds stalling court case on Afghan detainees, says Amnesty

Opinion:  Let All Canadians Vote on AFG Mission - What Next?


USA Investing BIG Bucks in Retraining AFG Cops - More - AFG Def Min Asks for Mo' Bucks, Hardware - Also Says Some Countries (ITA, DEU, JPN) Not Doing Enough

USAF Drops Beans, Bullets and Water into Sangin Firefight


Scholarship Set Up in Name of Fallen CF Soldier - Diplôme décerné à titre posthume à soldat tué en Afghanistan

Sudbury Students Learn from CAN Contractor About AFG - War Debated @ University of Victoria

More on CAN Gov't Wanting to Stay Longer - AFG Media Don't Quite Get "Speech from the Throne" Concept


Nine Americans Injured in K'Har Ambush - Neuf soldats américains blessés dans la province de Kandahâr

ISAF Boss Condemns Taliban Homicide Attack in Uruzgan - Says Almost 1/2 of Taliban's Funding Comes from Opium

US Army Generals Diss USMC Plans to Do More in AFG


UN Having Trouble Keeping Staffing Up in AFG Mission

DEU Against Negotiating with Taliban

Agriculteurs afghans à l’écoute pour améliorer leurs revenus - Afghan farmers tune in to better incomes


18 Oct 07

More on CAN Throne Speech Desire to Extend AFG Mission (.pdf) - Harper pour une prolongation de la mission en Afghanistan


GoogleEnglish:  Vandoo's "Bastard Section, Crazy Coy" on Patrol - Original French Version


Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan - News search Afghanistan (.pdf)


CAN urges dismissal of court challenge to Afghan detainee policy


USA Training Boss:  AFG Army Could Be Good to Go to Hunt Taliban Solo in Spring


More Accusations of IRN Arms Shipments to Taliban


More on NATO Considering Leasing Choppers for AFG - Latest Article in German - GoogleEnglish


Fighting the Poll Fight at Home


Opinion:  Fmr PMs Whining About Past - Throne Speech Threatens to Extend AFG War - Canada doit opter pour la paix


DNK Officer Killed in Helmand - More - more - AFG Cops Hit in Bazaar Firefight

Even Karzai's Folks Say Burning Koran Story Not Substantiated

Writer of UN Report on Suicide Bombings Says Media Misquoted Stats - The Report (.pdf)


Taliban May Attend Next Big Jirga - L'Occident sur la défensive en Afghanistan et au Pakistan - GoogleEnglish:  USA Pushing PAK, AFG Together? - PAK Parliamentarians Say They Have to Work Together with AFG - AFG Still Saying "No Dice" to Any Conditions for Talks with Taliban

ANOTHER Call for High Level Co-ordinator of Int'l Efforts for AFG


More on Brit Think Tank Report

Count on More AFG Executions Coming

Mariages précoces et violences conjugales - Child Marriages = Domestic Violence

More Back & Forth on JPN Mission - Gouvernement japonais engage la bataille avec l'opposition

17 Oct 07 

CAN Gov't Says CAN Should Train AFG Cops, Army Until 2011 - Toronto Sun - Globe & Mail - Radio Free Afghanistan - Speech from the Throne:  Security Highlights - Discours du Trône: Un Canada fier et souverain - Points saillants du discours du Trône


AFG English-Language Trainees in CAN Running Away, Seeking Refugee Status


"Salopards" de R22e en patrouille (.pdf)


News search Afghanistan - Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan (.pdf)


CAN Panel on AFG Mission Future Won't Affect Relations with USA

How High Tech is Helping CF Zipperheads Tankers Beat the Heat - Combattre la chaleur blindee à Kandahar

Violences ont augmenté de 30%, selon UN Représentant spécial - GoogleEnglish of UN French.... - ....vs UN English Version

CDS:  Moments of Humour, Even in War - More

World Bank Says AFG "Success Story" - Gov't of USA Editorial on Safeguarding Security in AFG


More from Peaceniks Anti-War Crowd

Fmr Def Min Says Martin NOT to Blame for K'har - And Martin Says CDS Twisted His Arm? - More - Columnist:  Chretien's Recollections "War Fiction" - More

US Troops Take Some Credit for Helping Spin Boldak - Brits Continue to Kick Ass in Helmand

Funeral for AUS Fallen


Drug Profits Help the Poor in Helmand

Taliban Like Using Disabled for Homicide Bombing - Some Previous Coverage

Brit Think Tank Report:  "Coalition Warfare in Afghanistan: Burden-sharing or Disunity?"

AFG Terps for Brits Don't Get Same Deal as Terps in IRQ

Coran brûlé: Karzaï promet de sévir si les Américains sont impliqués - Karzai concerned over alleged US Koran abuse - IRN Pissed, Too - USA Denies Allegations

Learning from DEU's Deliberations - JPN Agrees to Continue Refueling Mission, Cut Back Troops in Country - More



16 Oct 07

CEFCOM Commander:  Mission Continues, Political Fracas or Not at Home - ISAF COS:  We're Getting the Job Done - NATO Mil Boss:  Beefing Up AFG Army Critical to Success


UN's AFG Envoy Calls for Continued Push to Improve Security - Asks Countries Not to Wobble on Mission - Lotsa Foreigners Helping Taliban - "Integrated political-military strategy" needed to overcome increased violence - "Succès dépendra de la participation des communautés locales et de l’instauration d’un climat de sécurité durable"


Expect More Civvy Contractors in K'Har to Free Up Bayonets - FC vont recruter plus de civils pour les aider en Afghanistan - Meanwhile, Worries About USA PMC's Beefing Up Helmand


CAN $8M into Girls' Education - More - Canada s'engage à faire davantage pour améliorer l'éducation offerte aux filles en Afghanistan - plus


Ipsos Reid:  More Than 1/2 of Cdns Surveyed Want CAN to Stay in AFG - Detailed Tables (both .pdf) - More


ISAF Boss Condemns Spin Boldak Bombing - GoogleFrancais: ISAF Commandant condamne l'attentat suicide a Spin Boldak


Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan - News search Afghanistan (.pdf)


Fallen Canadian Soldier Gets Degree Posthumously - Permalink (.pdf)



ANOTHER Book, This One Saying Martin was Good About AFG - Chrétien soulève la colère des parents de soldats morts Morts de soldats Canadiens: Chrétien accuse Martin


Coderre est rentré d'Afghanistan - GoogleEnglish:  Coderre's Back


Peaceniks Anti-War Activists Continue "The Big Lies" - Opinion:  Time to Bring Troops Home? - TorStar Columnist Sees Manley Panel as "Clever ploy to extend the war"


Job Posting:  Interested in Poring Over Media, Enemy Propaganda for ISAF? (.pdf)



AFG Rights Group:  More Civvies Killed in Suicide Attacks than Military Action in September - Five Killed as Mom Tries to Stop Son from Homicide Bombing Self - More - Kamikaze tué avec sa famille qui tentait de l'arrêter

ISAF refutes Eid day message of Talban chief Omar - l’ISAF répond au mollah Omar

IRN's UN Envoy Disses Efforts to Speak to Taliban


Right-Wing Think Tank Ideas to "Revitalize" USA Efforts in AFG (.pdf)

More on DEU Chancellor to Drop By AFG - Analysis: "It is revealing that a military deployment backed by more than two-thirds of all MPs is increasingly viewed by German public opinion as a lost-cause"

15 Oct 07

Troops Share a Bit About the Mass Casevac from Spin Boldak Blast - More - more - Canadiens racontent les circonstances d'un attentat suicide à Spin Boldak


Mission Tough on CF Troops (Both Physically and Mentally) - Tough on Brits, Too


"Ici le caporal Daniel Tessier, directement de Kandahar" - GoogleEnglish:  QC Reservist Calls Home


CAN $ To Train Artists, Restore Some Cultural Sites - More CAN $ Coming for Educating AFG Girls - Ministre Oda annoncera un soutien accru en faveur de l'éducation des filles en Afghanistan


News search Afghanistan - Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan (.pdf)



Opinion:  Blogger Critiques Media Coverage - "Big Lies" from Some Media - Slew of AFG Coverage Called "Political Circus" - For Aff Min Nagged for Bringing Snack Cakes to the Troops - Time to GTFO? - New Panel Chair to the Rescue - John Manley et Bob Rae


Chretien Blames Martin Regime for K'Har Mission - Families of Fallen Pissed @ New Book

AFG Troops Pleased to Serve, But Want Better Equipment

Imam décapité dans le sud - GoogleEnglish:  Mullah Decapitated in Zabul


DEU Chancellor to Visit AFG - POL Brass Finds AFG Mission Hard to Sell, Too - More POL Troops On the Way - NZL Troops, Too

CAN Liberals Say New Panel Can't Defuse AFG Issue - Polling the Local Legions for Opinions

Aiming to Split the Taliban? - KOR Hostage Ransom Used to Buy Weapons, Claims Taliban - More - Taliban Makes Demands, Wants Control of Southern Provinces?

AFG Wrestling with Heroin Addiction

14 Oct 07

Big Blast @ Spin Boldak:  CF Medics, 12 RBC HUGELY Busy - More - more - Reuters - PAK Media - Attentat-suicide dans le sud de l'Afghanistan: sept morts, 29 blessés - Attentat samedi soir en Afghanistan: 9 morts - plus - plus - ISAF Statement - 12 RBC web site (French)


Pas de fusils canadiens pour les Afghans - Plus - GoogleEnglish:  DND, DFAIT Tussle Over CAN Rifles Destined for AFG



"Security is Job One" in K'Har


More on Security Vacuum Following Death of Influential Warlord



"What to Do Next?" Panel Good, but NATO Makes Final Decision


Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan - News search Afghanistan (.pdf)


Soccer Helps?

New Calgary Highlanders' CO Worries About the Troops Headed to AFG

Why One Embed Went

Kidnapping Up in South

Taliban Big Boy Not Quite Dead Yet


Not Enough NLD Troops in Oruzgan? - AUS Opposition, Going into Election, Promises to Stay in AFG - Afghanistan : encore 4 ans sur place? - GoogleEnglish:  DEU General Says AFG Security Forces Need Another 3-4 Years to Get Up to Speed


CO of 1 Royal Anglians:  We Continue to Kick Ass - UK Scots Bde Takes Over in Helmand - Brit Sappers Win Construction Industry Award for Building Camp Bastion

US Troops Accused of Burning Koran? - US Mil Looking Into It


13 Oct 07

CF Hoping for Slow Down @ End of Ramadan


Key K'Har "Buffer Elder" Dead, Worries About Taliban Moving In



CAN Soldier to be Charged for Accidental Shooting Death of Colleague - CF Statement - MDN : Un soldat est accusé d'avoir causé la mort d'un confrère - More - more - more - more - more - Soldat canadien accusé



CAN PM Appoints Panel to Assess Future AFG Mission Options - Premier ministre Harper annonce la création d'un groupe consultatif indépendant sur la mission en Afghanistan - PM Speech Notes - Discour - Other Party Leaders Suspicious - "Liberal Hawk" Chosen to Lead Team - Harper nomme l'ancien ministre libéral Manley au comité sur l'Afghanistan - Plus - More - more - Trying to Delay Debate? - Or Did He Do Dion a Favour? - Discussion - Big Job Ahead


News search Afghanistan - Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan (.pdf)


Rapport: Canada tarde à s'ajuster aux nouvelles réalités du combat - GoogleEnglish:  CF Not Geared to Combat So Well Post-Cold War?

Let's Not Forget Our ROM Colleagues

"Highway of Heroes" Signs Being Stolen in Ontario - Affiches à la mémoire des soldats ont été volées en Ontario

Opinion:  Afghanistan 'is going down fast'



More on DEU Extending Stay in AFG - More - (GoogleEnglish to follow, but not too bad) - DEU Gov't Statement - Int'view with DEU Dev Min  - DEU List o' Achievements in AFG - DEU Concept in AFG - Bundeswehr reste en Afghanistanplus - NLD Bracing for Their Vote

UK's Scots Guards Working at Winning Hearts, Minds


RFE/RL on Helmand Province:  Reconstruction, Security Coming Slowly - Poor Farmers Find Themselves In Eye Of Drug Storm - Volatile Province Grapples With Insecurity

USA Reservist Receives Silver Star for AFG Action

Report:  AFG Pretty Dependent on Imported Grain, Flour from PAK, UZB, & KAZ - Full Report (2+MB .pdf) - Alternate download site


12 Oct 07

NIS Clears Troops in Feb 2007 Fratricide


Calls for More CAN Security of Food Aid Convoys - More



Reserve CIMIC O Shares Some E-Mail


Plus de 650 soldats présents en Afghanistan rentrent au Canada, vendredi - Gagetown Troops Comin' Home


Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan - News search Afghanistan (.pdf)


Opinion:  Coderre is Wrong - GoogleFrancais:  M. Coderre est erroné


Supporting the Troops in Langford, B.C.



"Furniture brought to Armed Forces Recruiting Centre: Stephen Harper challenged 5 days before the Throne Speech"  - Déménagement devant un centre des Forces armées: Stephen Harper interpellé à 5 jours du Discours du Trône - Ottawa Sun, UN Homelessness Rep Were There, Too


Al Jazeera Covers CAN Anti-NATO Protest


Big Taliban Boss Says Kabul Being Forced to Deal with Bad Guys - More - Asks Neighbours for Help to Push Foreign Troops Outta AFG - Mollah Omar appelle les pays voisins à soutenir l'insurrection talibane - Taliban Constitution Rules Out Peace Talks

GBR General OK With Cutting Deals with Elders - Also Wants More Action Against Taliban Propaganda

DEU Agrees to Continue AFG Mission - More


USN SEAL Killed in AFG Posthumously Nominated for Medal of Honor

USMC Prefers to Deploy to AFG over IRQ - More

USMC Spec Ops Incident to be Probed - More

AFG Clamping Down on PMCs


AFG Cops Impllicated in DEU Engineer Kidnapping

PAK Still Trying to Calm Things Down in Waziristan

IRN Asked to Hold Back Repat of AFG Refugees



11 Oct 07

CF Mentors Help AFG Army Celebrate Victory


ATIP:  CAN Soldiers Threatened After Feb 2007 Friendly Fire Incident


Things Improving (But Not Perfect)


ISAF Spokesperson:  Taliban Homicide Bombers Not Strategic Threat - GoogleFrancais:  Suicide taliban bombarde la menace non stratégique


Bernier précise sa pensée  - GoogleEnglish:  Bernier "Specifies His Thought" - "Maxime Bernier et la bullshit" - GoogleEnglish:  Maxime Bernier and the bullshit


CAN Liberal Party Still Stuck on "GTFO in 2009" - More


News search Afghanistan - Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan (.pdf)


Un cadeau en provenance de Kandahar - K'Har School Thanks School Near CFB Valcartier

L'équipée d'un gouverneur afghan - GoogleEnglish:  KHar Governor, with AK in One Hand, Cell Phone in Another


GBR General Takes Command of RC-South

Nabbed DEU Civvy Engineer Released - Prisoner Swap Denied

NATO Supreme Mil Cdr:  Training Afghan Army Remains Key to Stability

Taliban Media Monitoring of NLD Media

Fresh efforts to cut back opium production


10 Oct 07

L’armée manque de soldats, dit Laroche - GoogleEnglish:  CAN General Having Tough Time Juggling Tasks & Available Troops


More on FRA Mirages Into K'Har



CAN General:  Want Aid?  Need Security - More on Increased Risk to Food Aid Convoys in South - Pre-Positioning Aid for Coming Winter - Refugee Returns Taper Off as Winter Coming


Découverte d'une grande cache d'armes dans le sud de l'Afghanistan


USA Cdr:  NATO Making Progress, But Not Strong Enough to Close the Deal


Les policiers afghans payés directement


Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan - News search Afghanistan (.pdf)



Opinion:  Bernier et Oda en Afghanistan : une tactique électorale - GoogleEnglish:  You Can Tell from the French Headline - Question to Coderre:  Why come if mind already made up? - Kandahar is no place for politics - Coderre heads to Afghanistan, mind tightly closed

One Journalist-Blogger's Experience - More


Some Pissed that CAN Ain't Saying Much about AFG Executions Exécution de prisonniers : le silence canadien déploré CAN Reminds AFG (Subtly) Not to Kill Prisoners Handed Over by CAN - More - Meanwhile, AFG Prisoners Start Hunger Strike - Prisonniers afghans en grève de la faim 

Anti-War Protesters "Moving In" at Ottawa Recruiting Centre

AFG Air Force Not So Quick to Rebuild


US DoD's Strategic Comms Plan for AFG (.pdf) - Alternate download site

Analyst:  Skill, Luck Helping AUS Forces in Oruzgan

DEU Parliament Voting on AFG Mission Friday - DNK All For Talking to Taliban - More

Fast Air Pounds Bad Guys in PAK

More on USA Push to Spray Opium Crops


9 Oct 07


Coderre Says He Wants to Hear from Troops in AFG.... - ...But His Mind is Made Up Nonetheless - More - Coderre arrivé à Kandahar pour constater ce que les troupes canadiennes - Bernier et Coderre se croisent à Kandahar - At Least One Blogger is Underwhelmed


CF Makes Sure AFG Cops Get ALL Their Pay - Soldats canadiens chargés de la paie des policiers afghans


La drogue, double problème - GoogleEnglish:  Double Drug Trouble on Patrol


Une arme défaillante en cause


Vandoo Mentors to AFG Army Hard at Work


More on NATO Needing More of NATO in the Fight


KAF, The Newest "City" in K'Har


News search Afghanistan - Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan (.pdf)


Risk to Food Convoys in S. AFG Growing

Homicide Bomber on Bike Injures Afghans - More

Soldat australien tué en Oruzgan - More on Fallen AUS Trooper - More - ADF Statement - Family Statement - Political Worries in AUS, Too


DNK:  No Troop Boost in AFG - EST, Baltic & Nordic Countries Discuss Ways to Help AFG - UK Royal Highland Fusiliers, Prepare to Move? - More - Part of Huge Push Planned? - Paras Part of Big Push Too? - Secrétaire général de l'OTAN appelle à la solidarité en AFG - AUS Pooch Killed, Two Troops Injured in Recent IED Attack



DEU Under Fire in Kunduz - Bundeswehr attaquée en Afghanistan

Lotsa Fighting in Neighbouring Waziristan - Insurrection sanglante au Waziristan

AFG Resumes Criminal Executions - Quinze condamnés à mort exécutés - And UN is Not Impressed

DEU Hostage Interviewed - Média afghan a filmé l'otage allemand

USA Pressing Harder on AFG to Spray - Poppy Spraying=VERY Bad Optics - Blog:  Shouldn't Spray Without Alternate Revenue for Farmers First


8 Oct 07

CAN Troops Hard At 'Er Training AFG Army


Bernier:  Canadians have made Afghans more secure - Bernier: l'Afghanistan demeure un endroit dangereux - On His Way Home - Bernier conclut sa visite - But Not Before Photo Ops - More - Mission of Baby Steps - Bernier Doesn't Jibe With UN Report? - More - Funny How G&M Missed the REST of the UN Report - Bit o' CAN Money for Monuments


Coderre Now Arriving Monday - More - more - more - L'arrivée de Denis Coderre à Kandahar est reportée?


Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan - News search Afghanistan (.pdf)


Opinion:  Canada fibs about reason for AFG mission - AFG Mission Should Be About Afghans, Not Politics

Why One of the Mourners Went to Cpl. Hornburg's Funeral

AUS Soldier Killed in IED Incident

AUS Troops Help Out New Governor of Oruzgan

How NATO Isn't Spreading the Load in AFG - NLD Media Covers CAN Mission Debate


The Big Dilemma:  Where Opium Sales are Good, Food Security is Good

Taliban Cranks Up Homicide Bombing Attacks - More Boys Outta School in Helmand

USA Planning Longer Stay in AFG - Meanwhile, Peaceniks Protest AFG Mission at USA Base in UK

USA Pressing AFG to Destroy Opium Crop


7 Oct 07

Bernier, Oda pitch seemingly successful side of Afghan mission - New CAN Push to Train AFG Cops? - More - Bernier trouve Coderre irresponsable - GoogleEnglish:  Bernier finds Coderre irresponsible - Coderre devrait arriver à Kandahar dimanche - Coderre Arriving Sunday - Ministers Do Thanksgiving with Troops - For Min Meets the Troops


CAN Puts $25 Million to AFG Food Aid - More - more - Oda promet 25 M$ en aide à l'AFG


Un convoi canadien provoque deux incidents fratricides


Afghanistan: Sans sécurité, pas de projets


Heureux au front - GoogleEnglish:  One Communicator's Story - La journée la plus longue en Panjwai - GoogleEnglish:  The Longest Day in Panjwai - One Loadmaster's Story



News search Afghanistan - Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan (.pdf)


Toronto Star Collected Comments on The Mission, The Casualties and The Detainees

Taliban Bad Boy Nabbed in Helmand - UK General:  It's a Long Haul Job

Fallen Brit Officer ID'ed - Sandhurst Mentor of Prince William - More


USA Growing Bagram Base

NLD Cabinet Holds Off on GTFO Decision - JPN Denies Ending Refuelling Mission - Still May Cut it Back, Though - DEU Def Min Promises Help for AFG Army, Cops


6 Oct 07

CAN Def Min Calls Coderre's Visit a Stunt - Bernier en Afghanistan, Coderre fulmine - GoogleEnglish:  For Min In, Liberal Critic Pissed - Bev Oda Visiting Too - Coderre s'en va-t-en guerre - Maxime Bernier rencontre Hamid Karzaï


CAN For Min: It's Up to AFG Whether Talks with Taliban Happen or Not


Still Looking into CAN Patrol with Two Shooting Incidents - More


Speeding Up UAV Deployment to AFG - CAN Tech to Look Through Walls


Capitaine Louis-Michel Charland, et un pays à reconstruire - What's Up @ the PRT? - CAN's Man in Panjwaii - Mounties Helping Out


What the Troops See in the LAV


Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan - News search Afghanistan (.pdf)


Opinion:  AFG as a Draw - "Not Enough NATO In Afghanistan"

CAN High School Students Send Backpacks to AFG

NDP Def Critic Continues to Harp on AFG Pres Speech Thing

JPN Pulls Out of Naval Refuelling Mission in Support of USA in AFG - More


UK Paras, Eurofighter Takes Fight to Taliban - Kidnappings Up in Helmand

US Forestry Mgr, Part of Ghazni PRT, Killed in IED Blast

Three DEU Troops Injured in Kunduz

RUS, Central Asia Asked to Get a Grip on AFG Heroin - More - more - One Recent Border Bust - Meanwhile, UK's White Nationalists See Soldiers Dying to Save AFG Opium Trade

5 Oct 07

Cpl. Hornburg Laid to Rest - More - more - Fallen soldier was brave idealist - Dernier adieu au caporal Hornburg - Plus de 1000 personnes ont assisté aux funérailles


Looking into CAN Convoy Shooting Incidents - More - Meanwhile, ISAF Looking Into Shooting of Civvy in Helmand


Mort à la guerre, un Chicoutimien impliqué - Plus - GoogleEnglish:  Chicoutimi soldier implicated in shooting of civvy? - More in GoogleEnglish


OP Honest Soldier Making Progress - More - Not Easy, Though


NATO Eyeing Chartered Chinooks?


News search Afghanistan - Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan (.pdf)


CF Making Progress Training AFG Army - L'entraînement des soldats afghans progresse

Le capitaine Jean Savard:  "Si nous quittons, tout va s'effondrer" - GoogleEnglish:  “If we leave, all will break down”

Soigner la guerre - GoogleEnglish:  CF Francophone Medics at Masum Ghar


Jane's:  Comms, Int, Logistics Not Interoperable in AFG, Leading to Cas?



CAN Boosts Support for AFG Education - CAN appuie davantage l’éducation en AFG - Ottawa débloque 60 millions - More - more - Afghanistan: la peur d'envoyer ses enfants à l'école

AFG Ed'n Min Calls on CAN Opp'n to Rethink AFG Mission - More - more - Senlis:  "When the NDP says we should leave Afghanistan, what do they think is going to happen if the [Hamid] Karzai government falls, and al-Qaeda has a geo-political base again in southern Afghanistan?"

Coderre Not Entirely Welcome in K'Har - Coderre s'en va-t-en guerre


Opinion:  Make the case for Afghanistan - Karzai's Surprise

More on Talking to the Taliban

Ghurka Killed, Two Injured West of K'Har - 1 RGR In the Fight

Development as Balancing Act

Testimony on AFG Drug, Cop Work:  "There are no silver bullets, no quick fixes that can solve the problem of opium cultivation in an impoverished nation where the state security forces remain of limited size, limited capacity and very limited quality."



4 Oct 07

CF Says Taliban Surprised by Latest Push - More


CAN PM:  Carrying on in AFG "Moral Responsibility" - "Am I in a position to responsibly say that ... we'll be ready to leave cold turkey in February 2009? I think that's difficult to imagine." - More - more - more - What He Said



Mission canadienne en Afghanistan: le Québec divisé - GoogleEnglish:  38% Quebeckers Surveyed Want CAN to GTFO, 31% Want Shift to Humanitarian Mission, 20% Say Stay Until Feb 09, 8% Say Stay As Long as it Takes



Afghanistan: des renforts sont réclamés - GoogleEnglish:  Anonymous Source Says Four More Battalions, Three More PRT's Needed - More

Panjwaii Gets 911 Service


Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan - News search Afghanistan (.pdf)



Denis Coderre pourrait frapper des portes closes à Kandahar... sur ordre de Peter MacKay - GoogleEnglish:  Def Min to Keep K'Har Door Shut to Coderre? - Coderre part malgré tout pour Kandahar - GoogleEnglish:  He's Apparently On His Way


Tough to Encourage Business Investment in S. AFG

CAN to Help AFG Education Sector - Oda annoncera des mesures de soutien du Canada au secteur de l'éducation en Afghanistan

CAN Think Tank's Talking Points on AFG  - Propos suggérés de la CAD sur la mission en Afghanistan (.pdf) (Thanks to MC for these!)

Afghanistan Walker says CAN Needs to Rethink "Dishonest" Approach

La pensée positive, une alliée précieuse en Afghanistan



Taliban Still Targeting Police Hard - Southern Taliban Boss Calls for Mo' Homicide Bombers - How the Homicide Bombers are Developed - Taliban in PAK Still Eager to Push in AFG


Five NLD Troops Nicked in Oruzgan - More Aussies Headed Downrange - Kiwis Join Police Trg Mission - Pollsters in POL:  Poles Like Being in NATO, but Not in AFG - ITA Int Troop Injured in Rescue Dies

Study:  AFG Aid Still Vulnerable to Corruption

Time for USA Colombia Tactics Against Dope in AFG?


3 Oct 07

Public Funeral for Cpl. Hornburg


CAN Envoy to AFG:  Taliban See Good Cops as a Threat - Selling Redevelopment


CAN For Min Tries Getting Others on Board in AFG - Pushes for Bigger UN Presence - Confirms CAN Support - More - more - more - more - Text of Speech - NDP Whines - Bernier défend la présence du Canada en Afghanistan mais demande de l'aide - Allocution de M. Bernier Devant L’assemblée Générale Des Nations Unies - NPD: Discours de Bernier est une autre occasion manquée - PAK For Min Says New Marshall Plan Needed for AFG

News search Afghanistan - Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan (.pdf)


More Medals From AFG (Two Posthumous) - More - Gouverneure générale annonce l’octroi d’une Décoration pour service méritoire (division militaire) et de 27 Citations à l'ordre du jour


Latest on Fatal Shooting of Civilian - More - more - more - more - more - more - Soldats canadiens tirent accidentellement sur un Afghan - Bavure canadienne en Afghanistan


Whadya Do About 13K Refugees in K'Har?

NOR:  We Help You in AFG, NATO Watches Our Northern Flank, Right? - NOR Still Thinking About GTFO'ing

USA Backs Karzai Idea of Talking to Taliban - More - more - So, Are Taliban Good Guys, or Bad Guys? - Tout pour résister aux Talibans - Making the case for a negotiated peace

CBC Reporter Sounds Off on Reporting Injuries... - ...and Gets LOADS of  Feedback

CAN For Min Meeting AFG Ed'n Min - Ministre Bernier rencontre le ministre afghan - AFG Min in CAN to Talk Education at Public Forum - Le ministre de l'Education de l'Afghanistan en visite au Canada du 2 au 6 octobre



RAF Regiment Protects KAF - NLD Helping Rebuild Uruzgan - CZE SOF Preparing to Head to AFG

Taliban Kills Teenager for Having US Cash in Pockets - More - Some Pissed at Fast Air in Helmand - Good Year for Dope in Helmand in Store - Taliban Striking in the 'Burbs of Kabul

A/Cdr ISAF Condemns Homicide Bomb Attacks on AFG Army, Cops



2 Oct 07

CF Shots Fired; Man on Motorcycle Killed, Boy Injured - More - more - ISAF Statement - Civil tué et un enfant blessé accidentellement par des soldats canadiens


KAF High Alert Over - More - Base de Kandahar mise en état d'alerte


Cpl. Hornburg's Funeral Set for Thursday


More on CAN Pushing for Super-Envoy for AFG - CAN prône la nomination d'un envoyé spécial


Allégations du NPD sur un discours de Karzaï : L'ambassadeur afghan réclame des excuses


UN on Talking to Taliban:  "The constitution is not up for discussion, nor is deviating from our duties under UN Security Resolution 1267, on measures to do with the Taliban and Al Qaeda."


Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan - News search Afghanistan (.pdf)


Couple marié à Kandahar - GoogleEnglish:  Couple Married @ K'Har

Partir ou ne pas partir?

CF Air Force Member Returns to Soo

FRA Spy Writer Says GTFO

Trying to Bring the Tribes Together - Meanwhile, Parts of PAK Talibanizing Quickly



1 Oct 07

CF Troops on High Alert @ KAF - Menace possible met des Canadiens sur haut alerte


CF MPs Could Face Charges for Not Pushing Prisoner Investigation?


CAN to Propose Super-Ambassador for AFG at UN This Week - CAN Minster:  Can't Rebuilt AFG Overnight


AFG Wants Apology from NDP Over Speech Fracas


Beans 'n Bullets From Above from CF Hercs

News search Afghanistan - Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan (.pdf)



GBR Planning Surge of Sorts with Paras, More SF

Une grande marche de solidarité - Google English:  ~250 Attend Support the Troops Rally @ Valcartier

Lotsa AFG Cops Getting Nailed - Kiwi Kops to Help Train AFG Police



USA Puts Up $200,000 Bounty on Taliban, AQ

Opinion:  The NDP values ideology above truth, even in Afghanistan

CAN Liberal Def Critic Says Gov't of Canada Blocked Visit to AFG - Coderre se prépare à partir pour l'Afghanistan - Un ex-agent du SCRS estime que le député risque gros GoogleEnglish:  Fmr CSIS Agent Says Coderre Taking Big Risk


USA Fed Up with "Foot Dragging" of Allies Over AFG - USA Sec Def:  IRQ Fight Hurting AFG Fight - More

DNK Troops May be Fratricide Victims? - USA Looking into Death of Irish National in US Army - More

Taliban rejettent l'offre de pourparlers du président Karzaï - AFG Human Rights Boss:  Talking with Taliban the Solution La

Commission des droits veut une négocation avec les talibans - More on Taliban (Maybe) Ready to Talk - Not JUST Taliban Trashing the Country

USA DEA:  More Co-operation Needed to Deal with AFG Drugs



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