October 2007
31 Oct 07
30 Oct 07
The Guns @ FOB Wilson - GoogleFrancais: Canadian artillerie trouver marque séance besoins militaires en Afghanistan
More on Kandahar 911 Centres Set Up by CF
CF Denies Latest Allegations of Torture by Cdns - More - DFAIT Calls Allegations "Propaganda" - Permalink (.pdf) - Ottawa nie les allégations de torture - Allégations de torture de prisonniers afghans ne font pas broncher les conservateurs - Torture dans les prisons afghanes: de pures inventions talibanes, dit Ottawa
Father of Fallen: More Development, Less Military Needed - Permalink (.pdf) - AFG MP: Send Us Cash, Stuff, but No Troops, Thanks
Opinion: Job in Afghanistan is far from done - Kandahar: why Canada’s war is all but over - Will Canada stand with its allies?
Manif anti-guerre en rose: plusieurs accusations seront portées - GoogleEnglish: Anti-War Protesters Resort to Pouring Gasoline on Police, Vandalism in Sherbrooke QC
CAN Agri-Economist Sees Potential - Un chèque en blanc à la Croix-Rouge - GoogleEnglish: Lotsa CAN $ to K'Har Hospital, but Not Much Oversight?
CAN PMO Bars Release of MP's Report on AFG, Middle East - Permalink (.pdf)
More on ISAF Renting Choppers (for Haulage, not Combat)
More Bad Guys Nabbed in K'Har - Another Day in Helmand with Royal Scots Guards - Nastier Foreigners Beef Up Taliban - Meanwhile, At Least One Taliban Big Boy Ready to Switch Sides
Kiwis Injured, but Recovering, from Accidental Discharge in Central AFG - NZ PRT Bamyan Fact Sheet
More on European Ambivalence Toward AFG Mission - NATO's Waterloo? - Permalink (.pdf)
UNDP Report: No Justice=No Human Development
Community TV Comes to Helmand
28 Oct 07
25 Oct 07
CAN Asks Rest o' NATO for Mo' Troops, Choppers - More - CAN demande directement à des pays membres de l'OTAN de jouer un rôle plus actif - Réunion de l'Otan aux Pays-Bas - NLD Asks for Help, Too - Brits Pressing as Well - More on USA Unhappiness Over Troop Commitment in AFG - More - Source of Tension Within Alliance - Gates Sounds Confident for Now - Not Just Gates - Brit Media Not So Optimistic, Though - AFP A Bit More Optimistic - L'OTAN fait état d'avancées en vue de renforcer la présence militaire - Pays de l’OTAN affichent leur « solidarité » face aux talibans - GoogleEnglish: NATO Agrees to Show Solidarity? - FRA, DEU Offer Troops (To Train AFG Army) - VERY Good Question - Help Coming (But Not Enough?) - NLD Media: Hungary Offering 50 Troops for Oruzgan - More - D'autres français bientôt dans le sud?
NATO Boss Hints Countries Should Rotate Jobs in AFG - OTAN discute d’une rotation dans les zones dangereuses - CAN Liberals (Try To) Take Credit for Idea - Les libéraux: OTAN secrétaire général fait écho à la demande - L'Otan répond en partie aux demandes US sur AFG
More on CDS Visiting Troops in AFG - Rick Hillier rend visite pour la première fois aux soldats du Royal 22e Régiment - CDS Calling for NATO Allies to Help, Too
CAN CDS Says It Could Take 10 Years to Rebuild AFG - NATO Sec-Gen Says Even Longer - Globe & Mail Interview with Sec-Gen - Permalink to interview (.pdf)
Prospects for CAN Company as NATO Seeks :Leased Choppers - More - More on Rental Chopper Idea
Bernier: Ttravail d'agents de sécurité à Kaboul respecte les normes - GoogleEnglish: Bernier Says PMC Following Rules in Kabul Work for CAN
Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan - News search Afghanistan (.pdf)
AUS SAS Trooper Killed in Oruzgan: AUS DoD Statement - The Age (AUS) - -
Conference of Defence Associations Institute Articles on AFG, Autumn 2007 (.pdf)
AQ Working With New Group of Bad Guys in Helmand - Bit of Background of Jaish al-Mahdi in AFG (.pdf) - More info on new group emerging (.pdf) - Forum chatter on JAM
Opinion: Taliban Isn't Nuke Armed (Yet) - Time for DEU Military to Give 'Er in AFG - Permalink to DEU Column (.pdf) - OTAN, une force dont les moyens excèdent les ambitions? - GoogleEnglish: NATO-More Ambition than Assets?
Brit Military Interviews BBC Newscaster Visiting AFG
Former Taliban For Min Says PAK Int Didn't Create Taliban
24 Oct 07
Explosion damages Canadian demining vehicle in Afghanistan, driver OK - Explosion endommage un véhicule antimines canadien sans faire de blessé - Seeing the Wounded Up Close & Personal - GoogleFrancais: Fermer appel pour Canadien Taliban raids
Why One Reg Joined to Go to AFG
CF Board of Inquiry Says CAN Diplomat's Death "Not Preventable: CF Page - FC Francais - News Release - DN Communiqué - National Post - Canadian Press (via Toronto Star) - Toronto Star Staff - CBC Online - La mort de Glyn Berry en Afghanistan ne pouvait être évitée, selon un comité (PC) - Radio-Canada - Berry BOI Clippings (.pdf) - plus Berry Actualités (.pdf)
Des messages gratuits pour les troupes - GoogleEnglish: Still Postage Free for Packages to AFG
Ottawa emploie des mercenaires en Afghanistan - GoogleEnglish: CAN Using Brit PMC in AFG
Karzai Staffer Says 2011 Deadline Do-able
More on NATO Chartering Choppers
News search Afghanistan - Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan (.pdf)
Opinion: Why No Honourary CAN Citizenship for Suspended AFG Parliamentarian?
Taliban Still Using Human Shields in Zabul - More
Video of AFG Army, Cops Being Trained
NATO Colleagues Meeting in NLD to Talk AFG - More on USA Arm Twisting to Get More NATO Troops into AFG - More - Afghanistan: les Etats-Unis veulent une démonstration d`unité de l`Otan - Twisting DEU's Arm First? - NOR Still Opposed to Sending Troops to S.AFG - More - NLD Warns Failure Would Be Disaster
Brits Helping Train ANA - Karzai Calls for More Training of Troops, Building of Institutions - Militaires belges bientôt de retour d’AFG - GoogleEnglish: BEL Troops Preparing to Rotate
Can't Win: Area Complains that It's Calm Because of No Aid Money, Projects to Act as Targets
23 Oct 07
22 Oct 07
21 Oct 07
20 Oct 07
CF Army Boss: CAN's Got a Lot of Work Yet to Do in AFG
Anonymous NATO Source: CAN Troops Can Be Replaced if Troops GTFO from K'Har - The "Two Horses" Model for Work in AFG
UN Aid Envoy: CAN Making an Impact in AFG
Taking Care of CF's Ammo Dump in K'Har
Sudbury Cops Headed to Help Train AFG Cops - DEU Calls on EU to (REALLY) Improve AFG Police Training Program
News search Afghanistan - Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan (.pdf)
Younger Factions Trying to Out Violence Old School Taliban?
Opinion: Glad you're here, say the Afghans - Harper's shrewd strategy - Afghans See Progress We Don't
CAN "What Happens Next?" Panel Will Visit AFG (But Hold No Public Hearings)
AFG Says No Proof of IRN Arming Taliban - Meanwhile, IRN Press Sees Yanks as "Occupiers"
PAK Media Coverage of AFG Polling Saying Folks Want NATO to Stay - More - Afghans appuient la présence des troupes étrangères
Nailin' 'em in Helmand, Nabbin' 'em in Zabul
More Trainers in Pipeline for Afghan Security Forces
More on NATO Leasing Choppers
PAK Contributions to NATO in AFG Praised - PAK Promises to Sort Out Waziristan
Golfing in AFG
19 Oct 07
More on CAN Throne Speech Desire to Extend AFG Mission (.pdf) - Harper pour une prolongation de la mission en Afghanistan
GoogleEnglish: Vandoo's "Bastard Section, Crazy Coy" on Patrol - Original French Version
Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan - News search Afghanistan (.pdf)
CAN urges dismissal of court challenge to Afghan detainee policy
USA Training Boss: AFG Army Could Be Good to Go to Hunt Taliban Solo in Spring
More Accusations of IRN Arms Shipments to Taliban
More on NATO Considering Leasing Choppers for AFG - Latest Article in German - GoogleEnglish
Fighting the Poll Fight at Home
Opinion: Fmr PMs Whining About Past - Throne Speech Threatens to Extend AFG War - Canada doit opter pour la paix
DNK Officer Killed in Helmand - More - more - AFG Cops Hit in Bazaar Firefight
Even Karzai's Folks Say Burning Koran Story Not Substantiated
Writer of UN Report on Suicide Bombings Says Media Misquoted Stats - The Report (.pdf)
Taliban May Attend Next Big Jirga - L'Occident sur la défensive en Afghanistan et au Pakistan - GoogleEnglish: USA Pushing PAK, AFG Together? - PAK Parliamentarians Say They Have to Work Together with AFG - AFG Still Saying "No Dice" to Any Conditions for Talks with Taliban
ANOTHER Call for High Level Co-ordinator of Int'l Efforts for AFG
More on Brit Think Tank Report
Count on More AFG Executions Coming
Mariages précoces et violences conjugales - Child Marriages = Domestic Violence
More Back & Forth on JPN Mission - Gouvernement japonais engage la bataille avec l'opposition
17 Oct 07
16 Oct 07
15 Oct 07
14 Oct 07
NIS Clears Troops in Feb 2007 Fratricide
Calls for More CAN Security of Food Aid Convoys - More
Reserve CIMIC O Shares Some E-Mail
Plus de 650 soldats présents en Afghanistan rentrent au Canada, vendredi - Gagetown Troops Comin' Home
Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan - News search Afghanistan (.pdf)
Opinion: Coderre is Wrong - GoogleFrancais: M. Coderre est erroné
Supporting the Troops in Langford, B.C.
"Furniture brought to Armed Forces Recruiting Centre: Stephen Harper challenged 5 days before the Throne Speech" - Déménagement devant un centre des Forces armées: Stephen Harper interpellé à 5 jours du Discours du Trône - Ottawa Sun, UN Homelessness Rep Were There, Too
Al Jazeera Covers CAN Anti-NATO Protest
Big Taliban Boss Says Kabul Being Forced to Deal with Bad Guys - More - Asks Neighbours for Help to Push Foreign Troops Outta AFG - Mollah Omar appelle les pays voisins à soutenir l'insurrection talibane - Taliban Constitution Rules Out Peace Talks
GBR General OK With Cutting Deals with Elders - Also Wants More Action Against Taliban Propaganda
DEU Agrees to Continue AFG Mission - More
USN SEAL Killed in AFG Posthumously Nominated for Medal of Honor
USMC Prefers to Deploy to AFG over IRQ - More
USMC Spec Ops Incident to be Probed - More
AFG Clamping Down on PMCs
AFG Cops Impllicated in DEU Engineer Kidnapping
PAK Still Trying to Calm Things Down in Waziristan
IRN Asked to Hold Back Repat of AFG Refugees
9 Oct 07
Coderre Says He Wants to Hear from Troops in AFG.... - ...But His Mind is Made Up Nonetheless - More - Coderre arrivé à Kandahar pour constater ce que les troupes canadiennes - Bernier et Coderre se croisent à Kandahar - At Least One Blogger is Underwhelmed
CF Makes Sure AFG Cops Get ALL Their Pay - Soldats canadiens chargés de la paie des policiers afghans
La drogue, double problème - GoogleEnglish: Double Drug Trouble on Patrol
Une arme défaillante en cause
Vandoo Mentors to AFG Army Hard at Work
More on NATO Needing More of NATO in the Fight
KAF, The Newest "City" in K'Har
News search Afghanistan - Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan (.pdf)
Risk to Food Convoys in S. AFG Growing
Homicide Bomber on Bike Injures Afghans - More
Soldat australien tué en Oruzgan - More on Fallen AUS Trooper - More - ADF Statement - Family Statement - Political Worries in AUS, Too
DNK: No Troop Boost in AFG - EST, Baltic & Nordic Countries Discuss Ways to Help AFG - UK Royal Highland Fusiliers, Prepare to Move? - More - Part of Huge Push Planned? - Paras Part of Big Push Too? - Secrétaire général de l'OTAN appelle à la solidarité en AFG - AUS Pooch Killed, Two Troops Injured in Recent IED Attack
DEU Under Fire in Kunduz - Bundeswehr attaquée en Afghanistan
Lotsa Fighting in Neighbouring Waziristan - Insurrection sanglante au Waziristan
AFG Resumes Criminal Executions - Quinze condamnés à mort exécutés - And UN is Not Impressed
DEU Hostage Interviewed - Média afghan a filmé l'otage allemand
USA Pressing Harder on AFG to Spray - Poppy Spraying=VERY Bad Optics - Blog: Shouldn't Spray Without Alternate Revenue for Farmers First
5 Oct 07
Cpl. Hornburg Laid to Rest - More - more - Fallen soldier was brave idealist - Dernier adieu au caporal Hornburg - Plus de 1000 personnes ont assisté aux funérailles
Looking into CAN Convoy Shooting Incidents - More - Meanwhile, ISAF Looking Into Shooting of Civvy in Helmand
Mort à la guerre, un Chicoutimien impliqué - Plus - GoogleEnglish: Chicoutimi soldier implicated in shooting of civvy? - More in GoogleEnglish
OP Honest Soldier Making Progress - More - Not Easy, Though
NATO Eyeing Chartered Chinooks?
News search Afghanistan - Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan (.pdf)
CF Making Progress Training AFG Army - L'entraînement des soldats afghans progresse
Le capitaine Jean Savard: "Si nous quittons, tout va s'effondrer" - GoogleEnglish: “If we leave, all will break down”
Soigner la guerre - GoogleEnglish: CF Francophone Medics at Masum Ghar
Jane's: Comms, Int, Logistics Not Interoperable in AFG, Leading to Cas?
CAN Boosts Support for AFG Education - CAN appuie davantage l’éducation en AFG - Ottawa débloque 60 millions - More - more - Afghanistan: la peur d'envoyer ses enfants à l'école
AFG Ed'n Min Calls on CAN Opp'n to Rethink AFG Mission - More - more - Senlis: "When the NDP says we should leave Afghanistan, what do they think is going to happen if the [Hamid] Karzai government falls, and al-Qaeda has a geo-political base again in southern Afghanistan?"
Coderre Not Entirely Welcome in K'Har - Coderre s'en va-t-en guerre
Opinion: Make the case for Afghanistan - Karzai's Surprise
More on Talking to the Taliban
Ghurka Killed, Two Injured West of K'Har - 1 RGR In the Fight
Development as Balancing Act
Testimony on AFG Drug, Cop Work: "There are no silver bullets, no quick fixes that can solve the problem of opium cultivation in an impoverished nation where the state security forces remain of limited size, limited capacity and very limited quality."
3 Oct 07
CF Shots Fired; Man on Motorcycle Killed, Boy Injured - More - more - ISAF Statement - Civil tué et un enfant blessé accidentellement par des soldats canadiens
KAF High Alert Over - More - Base de Kandahar mise en état d'alerte
Cpl. Hornburg's Funeral Set for Thursday
More on CAN Pushing for Super-Envoy for AFG - CAN prône la nomination d'un envoyé spécial
Allégations du NPD sur un discours de Karzaï : L'ambassadeur afghan réclame des excuses
UN on Talking to Taliban: "The constitution is not up for discussion, nor is deviating from our duties under UN Security Resolution 1267, on measures to do with the Taliban and Al Qaeda."
Recherche d'actualités Afghanistan - News search Afghanistan (.pdf)
Couple marié à Kandahar - GoogleEnglish: Couple Married @ K'Har
Partir ou ne pas partir?
CF Air Force Member Returns to Soo
FRA Spy Writer Says GTFO
Trying to Bring the Tribes Together - Meanwhile, Parts of PAK Talibanizing Quickly
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