November 2007
30 Nov 07
CAN Officers to Panjwai Elders: Which Side Are You On, Boys? - GoogFr: AFG Chieftains obtenir un ultimatum
CAN DefMin: Questions Whether 50%+ AFG Really Under Taliban, Says Mission Costs (Way?) Up - permalink (.pdf) - GoogFr: Frais de mission brusquement, dit MacKay - permalink en francais (.pdf)
A Bit of What Manley Panel Saw
CAN Soldier Will Get to Witness Birth of His Kid While Overseas - News release - Une première au Canada : Accouchement à l'hôpital de Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts retransmis en Afghanistan au moyen de la vidéoconférence
"Husband-Wife-in-AFG" Story - Les époux servant en Afghanistan n'ont pas beaucoup de temps pour eux - "Troops-Get-Hockey-Equipment" Story - "Air-Force-Does-Its-Bit-Too" Story (Brit, this time)
One CF Nurse Practitioner's Story
Royal Marines At 'Er in Sangin
Musa Qala Residents Worry About (Another) New Push Coming - permalink (.pdf)
Two DNK Soldiers Killed in Helmand Firefight - Deux soldats danois tués en Afghanistan - NLD Cabinet to Announce Troops Stay Until 2010 (But Maybe Fewer?) - Soldat français tué dans un attentat à Kaboul - GoogEng: FRA Soldier Killed in Kabul Homicide Bomb Attack - Sarkozy envisage l'envoi de renforts en AFG - GoogEng: FRA (Maybe) Sending Mo' Troops?
Afghanistan Counterinsurgency Academy: Too little, too late? - permalink (.pdf) - GoogFr: Enseignement Counterinsurgency - trop peu, trop tard?
ISAF Statement on Alleged Civvy Cas in Fast Air Hit on Taliban Bad Boy
ISAF, ANA Sign Deal to Improve Security Co-operation in North
Osama to Europe: You May Not Want to Stay in AFG - Voice of America - Reuters - AFP (.pdf) - Ben Laden demande aux Européens de cesser leur intervention en Afghanistan - plus
Dubya: Oh Yeah, We'd Send Troops into PAK to Get Osama - permalink - PAK: Ya Think So?
29 Nov 07
Three Wounded in Stable Condition - Radio Canada
CBC Online: CAN Panel on Future of Mission Wraps Up Visit to AFG - Canadian Press - CanWest - more - Radio Canada: Manley complète sa tournée - Presse Canadienne - plus
30 talibans tués dans le sud de l'Afghanistan
CF Combat Camera Sending Holiday Messages from the Troops
AFG, ISAF Forces Make Big Drug Haul in Helmand - How the Brits Helped
Brit Jr. For Min: Taliban Not Threat to AFG Regime - More - more - Talibans ne posent plus de menace crédible au gouvernement afghan (ministre britannique)
PAK Int Agency to Allegations of Detainee Abuse: Whatcha Talkin' About? - More - more
UN Report on AQ/Taliban Sanctions (44pg .pdf): English or francais - Permalink English - Permalink francais
Inquest: Brit VC Killed by Friendly Fire
Amnesty Program for Taliban Willing to Stop Fighting - GoogFr: Programmes Takhim e-Solh, ou PTS programme, séduisant à de nombreux mécontents talibans - Killing of afghan boy drives father into arms of Taliban
NATO Using YouTube More to Sell ISAF Message - More
Time for a New Surge, Shifting US Marines from IRQ to AFG?
Brit Gas, Bullet & Bean Haulers Help in the Fight
US: No Aerial Spraying of Poppies (For Now) - More
FIN, NOR protestent contre la libération des auteurs d'un attentat contre les soldats de l'Isaf - PRT Meeting in Vilnuis, Lithuania This Week - Swiss Aid to Continue (After Withdrawal of BOTH Officers) - EST Keeping their (128) Troops in the Game - Intervention de l’armée française en Afghanistan - GoogEng: Whining About FRA Role in AFG
Taliban Big Boy Nailed in E.AFG - Raid aérien sanglant visait des talibans, selon le Pentagone
Taliban Burning Food Aid in PAK
28 Nov 07
Trois soldats canadiens ont été blessés - Three CF Soldiers Injured in IED Strike West of K'Har - GoogFr CBC - Canadian Press - GoogFr PC - CanWest - GoogFr CanWest
German TV Report on CAN Troops in Panjwai, Masum Ghar (YouTube, in German, but good video)
How CAN UAV is Helping in the Taliban Hunt - More - L’Escadrille de TUAV voit ce qui est invisible
Retour difficile des blessés de guerre - GoogEng: Tough for Wounded to Return to the Fight
En soutien aux troupes - GoogEng: Hockey Team Helps Families of the Fallen
NATO Cranking Up Search for Mo' Choppers - Permalink (.pdf) - More - more
Opinion: Derrière ce gros titre figure le rappel à Berne de nos... deux officiers prêtant main-forte aux 50000 militaires alliés - GoogEng: Swiss GTFO'ing Means TWO Troops Leave the Fray - Gotta Do More for the Hungry
UN Report: 3-7K Taliban in the Fight - Taliban Playing Nicer to Win Hearts, Minds? - GoogeFr: Talibans ont évité les pires excès du passé - Taliban Running N.Helmand, Hope to Push South Soon - Musa Qala as Taliban Ghost Town
More on UK CDS Seeing Progress - More - RAF Air Control Team in Helmand
NOR Special Forces Help Free DEU Aid Worker Hostage - NOR condamne la libération des auteurs des attentats contre les troupes de l'ISAF - More on NOR Pissed at Release of Bombers - Paper on DEU Forces in AFG Recommends Mo' Troops (in the North) - Permalink (.pdf) - GoogEng: Blogger's Assessment of AUS, NLD Staying - Blogger Pissed with Statements Made by Fmr DNK Red Cross Boss to Support Troops?
Brit PMC Bringing in Ex-Ghurkas to Help Guard USA Embassy
GoogEng: Blog Review of New Book on Neo-Taliban - Listing
Kids Feeling the Heat of the Fight
Paper: "For (refugees) in Afghanistan, as well as for the country as a whole, appear bleak at the moment"
From Poppies to Cannabis...
27 Nov 07
CF Mil Cop First Woman to Serve in Pashmul Station - Pas facile pour femme militaire en Afghanistan
Conservative CAN MP Says We're Winning - Opp'n MPs Want to Know More About CAN Contracts in AFG
CAN Rockets Making it Off UK Apache Rails in AFG - Permalink (.pdf) - Let's Not Forget Royal Marine, C1A1, as Apache Weapon System
Breakdown of CF Cas by Vehicle Type
Forces canadiennes : Beaucoup de roulement - GoogEng: AFG Making it Harder for Re-enlistments?
Sport Chek Sending Jerseys, Hockey Gear to Troops
Opinion: Lettre-La paix ne s'impose pas par la force... - GoogEng: More Than Just Force Needed
UK CDS Drops By Helmand
DNK Leopards Arrive in Theatre (3:17 video) - NLD Chooses AUS Bushmaster for Patrols - Que font les Français en Afghanistan ? Demandez aux Américains... - GoogEng: USA Asking What's FRA Up to in AFG - NOR Pissed that Bombers Freed from Jail - FIN Even MORE Pissed
ISAF No Longer Has Anything to Say About Latest Senlis Report - Permalink (.pdf) - Update on ISAF Ops Coming Tomorrow
UK Looking Into Allegations of Fratricide Against DNK Troops - More - Meanwhile, Bulgarian Heads Home After "an incident involving firearms, which resulted in the wounding of a French serviceman"
Video of Brit Hit in Butt Hits YouTube
Homicide Car Bomber Blows Up near CAN Embassy in Kabul - Attentat suicide à Kaboul: deux morts et sept blessés
Témoignage d'une alitiligérienne - GoogEng: One Aid Worker's Testimony
What's TUR Doing About Opium, and Would it Be Useful to AFG? - GoogFr: Opium: des solutions juridiques
26 Nov 07
The Troops Watching the Grey Cup in Kandahar - permalink (.pdf)
CAN Def Min Warning Against Lack of Resolve - More - GoogFr: MacKay dit troupes ont besoin de notre soutien - plus
Face aux «durs» Tchétchènes - GoogEng: Vandoos Up Against Hard Chechens in K'Har
AQ Video of K'Har Ambush - Chinook Breaks Landing Gear on Landing in Helmand
US NSC Report Says AFG Targets Not Being Met - More - permalink (.pdf) - more - Conflit s’enlise, selon la Maison-Blanche
More on 82 Abn on Patrol in Ghazni
OPSEC while fighting a war in a digital age
Soldats tournent le dos à l’armée - GoogEng: Troops Leaving CF, Leaving CF Short?
Opinion: "Perhaps the most tragic Canadian death in that land of valleys, mountains and one who despaired and took his own life." - Afghans don’t have option of ignoring Iranian neighbours - "Why on Earth are the NATO and U.S. forces and their Afghan allies killing more civilians than the Taliban?"
Deux soldats danois tués par des tirs britanniques - DNK Troops Killed in Sept 2006 by Brit Fire
Fmr Brit Army Boss: UK forces facing "operational" defeat in AFG because government underfunding
Blogger with the Scots Guards in Helmand - "Playstation Gen" in Helmand
Business (Way Too) Good in Herat Burn Unit
Complaints About NOR Medics Being Too Well Armed? - Prodi à nouveau en difficulté à cause de l’AFG - GoogEng: ITA PM Under Pressure with Latest Cas - ITA Staying (But Looking at New Plan?) - Even SOCCER GAMES Had a Moment of Silence for Fallen ITA Sapper - Général Waldemar Skrzypczak refuse de croire à la culpabilité des soldats polonais - GoogEng: POL CDS Refuses to Believe Troops are Guilty
CHN Got More than JUST Copper Mine Deal
25 Nov 07
CAN Def Min Calls for Cdns to Stay the Course, Support the Troops
How the CF Herc Pilots Help in the Fight - GoogFracais: CAN cargaison pilotes rencontrent genre différent de l'ennemi au cours de la mission AFG
More on Suicide Vandoo Laid to Rest - More - Funérailles de Frédéric Couture - plus
Opinion: Et si le Canada perdait la guerre d'AFG? - GoogEng: What if CAN Loses? - "Fatal Military Quagmire" Screed
« Si les talibans envoient leurs troupes de choc dans la région de Kandahar, c'est une preuve qu'elle revêt une certaine importance pour eux » - GoogEng: Ret'd Gen Says if Taliban's in Town, They Want the Ground Bad
RMC Alum Help the Wounded
Eglises du Canada et le débat sur la présence militaire en Afghanistan - GoogEng: CAN Churches & AFG Debate
Kandahar, où opèrent les Mirage français - GoogEng: K'Har, Home of FRA's Mirage Jets
Taliban Claim Reclaiming a Bit of Farah - More - Spreading North, Too - More
Bad Boys Nabbed in Raid Against Taliban Wpn Smuggling Op in Zabul
Taliban Using Human Shields in Oruzgan Raid that Killed AUS SF Trooper
NY Times Slide Show of USA 82 Abn Ptl
ISAF Statement on Attack that Killed ITA Sapper
24 Nov 07
Hillier rejects idea of taking fight to PAK - Likes the "Mo' Troops" Idea from Senlis, Though
New CF Boss of AFG Military Mentoring Pgm: CF Troops will soon find "rapidly changing military landscape"
L'armée peint un portrait trop rose de AFG
More on Taliban Attack on AFG Cop Checkpoint in Arghandab
Opposition CAN MPs Accuse CF of Secrecy Re: Taliban in AFG - Still No Report Posted to Committee Page
FRA For Min Defends CAN Treatment of Detainees
Big foreign firms still receive lion's share of reconstruction work
Opinion: Forces limit contract information to protect AFG lives - Ottawa's line contradicted by latest Senlis report - How We Might Just Defeat the Taliban - OTAN sur la sellette - GoogEng: NATO Under Fire
Lotsa Bottled Water on Base
Funérailles du soldat Frédéric Couture célébrées à Roxton Pond - GoogEng: Funeral for Injured Vandoo Suspected of Killing Himself
Three Civvies Allegedly Killed in Oruzgan Bomb Factory Raid - AUS Looking Into It - Statement from Family of Fallen AUS SF Trooper
ITA Sapper Killed by Homicide Bomb Attack West of Kabul - More - GoogEng from Italian - Militaire ITA succombé à ses blessures
Royal Anglians Back into the Breach Soon? - NLD Reportedly Extending Mission Two Years to 2010 - Bavure polonaise en AFG - GoogEng: More Questions About POL ROEs
UK Gunner Twins Get AFG Campaign Medal
Corruption, bribes and trafficking: a cancer engulfing AFG
23 Nov 07
Remembering in Valcartier - Soldat de Rivière-Rouge meurt en AFG
Intervention de l’OTAN au Pakistan: la proposition tombe à plat à Ottawa - GoogleEnglish: Bloc, Liberals Don't Like Troops-Into-PAK Idea - CF Painting Not-Quite-As-Pessimistic View Than Latest Senlis Report - L'armée canadienne peint un portrait trop rose du conflit - Leaders reject Senlis report of Afghan 'crisis' - Président Karzaï, OTAN réfutent un rapport d'experts
Sec Gen to Bring Optimistic Message to Manley Panel in Kabul Today
NATO Sec Gen: ISAF Forces "doing all they can to avoid Afghan civilian casualties" - Sees Progress - OTAN Sec Gen en visite en AFG
L'armée AFG désormais prête à déployer 24000 soldats - GoogleEnglish: More AFG Troops Ready for the Fight
Seven AFG Cops Killed in Arghandab District, K'Har Province - Sept policiers tués dans le sud
CF Training AFG Cops in First Aid - CAN Aid Also Funding Civvy Community Health Workers
CF Support Agency Civvy Wants to Head Back
Polyglot (USA) Thanksgiving @ FOB Airborne in AFG
Karzai: Taliban Want a Solution, Too - More on Taliban "Reaching Out" to Central Gov't - Contacts taliban-gouvernement - Karzaï démenti rumeurs portant sur la coopération entre IRN, Taliban - GoogleEnglish: AFG Denies (Again) IRN Linked to Taliban
Chef d'état-major de la Défense italienne: situation en Afghanistan exige plus une stratégie politique qu'une stratégie militaire - GoogEng - New NATO Mil Chair: More Political than Military Strategy Needed
Opinion: "the yawning gap between what the NATO capitals regard as success, and the reality on the ground is in danger of becoming an exercise in political and bureaucratic self-delusion" - "Senlis report gives a harsh assessment of Nato prospects in Afghanistan, but it still reflects the fantasy that there is a military solution"
Blandine Couillard récupère son passeport - GoogleEnglish: Arrested U of Sherbrooke Reporter Gets FRA Passport Back
Nailing Taliban in Oruzgan
AUS Spec Ops Trooper Killed in Raid on Oruzgan Bomb Making Factory - More - Father of Fallen Proud
Brit VC Nominee: "The injured guys just aren't appreciated enough." - How Some are Being Treated in UK
ISAF nails "foreign fighter facilitators" in Ghazni - Coalition mène une opération contre des militants étrangers
PM polonais prêt à s'excuser auprès de la nation afghane - GoogEng: POL PM Seeks Forgiveness if Mistakes Made in Incident Under Investigation
Supporting vulnerable Afghans in Balochistan's refugee villages
La Chine a devancé les Etats-Unis, la Russie et le Canada pour un deal pour une mine de cuivre - GoogleEnglish: More on CHN Beating Out CAN, RUS, USA for Copper Mine Deal
22 Nov 07
Think Tank Recommendations: Double NATO Troops in AFG, Have 'em Hunt Taliban in PAK, and Have 'Em Deliver Aid in AFG - Full report (.pdf, 111pg, 3.3MB) - Executive Summary - Security Recommendations - Development Recommendations - News Release - News Coverage: Focus on "Half of AFG is Under Taliban Thumb" Story Line - L'OTAN est incitée à attaquer les bases talibanes au Pakistan - News search "Senlis" results (.pdf) - Résultats de nouvelles recherche "Senlis" (.pdf)
Meanwhile, Senlis Also Lays Out Business Case for Lotsa Little Labs Making Medicine Outta Opium Across AFG - Report Summary
Taliban Claim Nabbing, Beheading Cops in Sangin
More on CAN Private Security for Kabul Embassy - Lotsa Work for Private Sector Security These Days
Karzai: Yeah, We've Been Talking to the Taliban
Opinion: CAN Senator Says CF Just Lucky Not Seeing More Cas (.pdf)
AFG Not Exactly Supporting CAN in UN
Macleans Magazine Shares Some CF Fallen's Last Letters Home (.pdf) - Returning CF Nurse Shares Story
CAN Def Min Calls Opposition "Un-Canadian" for Allegations of Youth Detainees
POL Troops Under Fire for ROEs? - More on Swiss GTFO'ing - L'armée suisse retire son personnel d'AFG - AFG Passes on CZE Submachine Guns, Accepts Gunship, Transport Choppers (.pdf)
Arbour: Time to Press Harder to Clean Up AFG Justice System
PAK: No, We're NOT Going to Kick Out AFG Refugees (Suddenly)
Helmand Farmers Chopping Down Pomegranate Trees, Planting Opium - One Aid Group's Explanation (.pdf): "If I grow onions I have to take them to the market and in doing so I may have to go through a of checkpoints. In doing so I will have to pay backsheesh to the ANP, militia or whoever it might be. By the time I get to the market I am uncompetitive at best; at worst I can suffer physical injury. It is far better to grow a crop where the trade comes to you; it arrives at your farm gate and buys from you. They inherit the transaction and transportation costs. If there is a degree of insecurity and you have to leave the house you can take with you a few kilograms of opium; you cannot carry a bag of onions."
OXFAM Report to UK House of Commons Committee (.pdf)
Journalism Trainer's Day: "A suicide bomber in a white Toyota Corolla is reportedly looking for us in the streets of Lashkar Gah, one of our reporters is in jail, three out of four of our team are down with some form of dysentery, and the only plane out has just nicked a propeller trying to land on the rock-strewn dirt strip that passes for a runway."
21 Nov 07
They're Home - more - Dépouilles des deux militaires tués en Afghanistan rentrent eau pays - plus - plus
Fmr CAN Btl Gp Cdr Says Situation Improving
Civvy Contractors Free Up Bayonets - More on Contracting in AFG - What a Surprise!!!: CF Has to Buy Rifles, Bullets
CF Looking for Civvy Help in Investigating IEDs - MERX Request for Proposals - permalink to RFP (.pdf) - Canada d'investir $210 million dans la recherche et développement pour combattre les redoutables engins explosifs improvisés - GoogleEnglish: $210M into CAN Anti-IED Research
USA Ambassador to CAN : "We can't give people hope and then walk away and leave them at the hands of their oppressors..." - Albright plaide pour la poursuite de la mission en AFG - GoogleEnglish: Fmr USA For Min Wants AFG Mission to Continue - CAN Think Tank Academic : "You just can't walk away from it, even if we got in there not knowing what we were doing. We're there."
CF General/NATO Mil Chair: Development, Governance Work Underfuded - NGO to Lay Out What CAN's Success Measures Should Be in AFG
UN Human Rights Boss: "I am reassured that there has been a sober realisation by ISAF commanders of this concern and a willingness to address (civilian casualties) in a constructive way." - Alternate site for statement (.pdf) - More - more - more - GoogleFrancais : Arbour dit "le nombre de victimes civiles résultant de la FIAS et d'autres opérations militaires internationales atteint des niveaux alarmants dans le courant de cette année" - plus - plus - plus
CAN PM Says Only Single "Credible" Case of Torture in AFG - Meanwhile, USA Routinely Transferring Prisoners to AFG Authorities
Opinion: "Afghanistan has a long way to go before it can be described as a country that is not only stable, but adheres to the rule of law." - "I dare anyone to read (Christie Blatchford's new book) Fifteen Days, then stand before Canadian warriors .... and tell them that Canada is wrong-headed in its involvement with Afghanistan." - more - Comparing Soviet, Western "Propaganda" on War in AFG
Une journaliste risque l’expulsion du Canada - La FPJQ proteste contre une arrestation a Sherbrooke - plus - Communiqué de la Fédération professionnelle des journalistes du Québec - GoogleEnglish: Reporter from France, Writing for U of Sherbrooke Paper, Arrested at Anti-War Rally in Sherbrooke, Risks Explusion from CAN - More GoogleEnglish - Blogger's View of Original Protest - GoogleEnglish version of QC Journalists Federation statement
USA, AFG Troops Bring Medics to Kandahar City, Tag Ab Valley - AFG Troops Nailing Taliban in Oruzgan
L'armée suisse se retire d'AFG - GoogleEnglish: Swiss Troops GTFO
Brit MPs Worried about Taliban - Report - Itinerary During AFG Visit - More
AFG Red Crescent Worried About Internal Refugees, Too - Security Situation Limiting Returns
CHN Wins Copper Mine Deal in AFG
20 Nov 07
Zhari: CF Maintains Presence, but Taliban Pushing
Quebec soldier to march behind her partner's coffin
Analyst: Can't Protect 100% Against IEDs Rate of CF Wounded Up? (.pdf)
Son fils militaire s’est enlevé la vie - GoogleEnglish: More Troops Committing Suicide?
CF paying K'Har warlord for services in AFG? - Tim Hortons à Kandahar : sa présence soulève des questions - How Tim's Got to AFG
CAN Def Min: Kids Kept Separate in AFG Jails - More - CAN Opposition Pile on Gov't Over AFG Prison Conditions, Abuse - Des mineurs remis aux autorités afghanes
Débats intenses sur l'achat de chars de combat
L'Afghanistan veut plus que des puits - GoogleEnglish: AFG wants more than just wells dug by CAN
Opinion: AFG Not Lost (But Way More Development Needed) - Jihadists aren't in AFG because 'we' are - GoogleFrancais: Jihadistes ne sont pas en AFG parce que "nous" sommes la
Chretien: "si les Américains ne s'étaient pas engagés en Irak .... ces ressources auraient pu être consacrées à l'Afghanistan" - GoogleEnglish: Chretien Says USA Shoulda Put Troops into AFG, Not IRQ
Blood Donation Campaign @ K'Har Hospital
Taste of home for troops
Taliban Nailed in Oruzgan
19 Nov 07
CAN, AFG Troops Keep Pushing Taliban - Une centaine talibans de tués ou blessés au sud - CAN Troops Retake Taliban Birthplace (In Spite of Human Shields)
Latest CF Fallen Continue Their Trip Home - More - Des mois plus calmes à prévoir - Hommage aux militaires canadiens - Cérémonie en l'honneur de deux soldats canadiens tués - Michel Lévesque : fier et courageux - Plus - Déclaration de la famille du Soldat Michel Jr. Lévesque - GoogleEnglish: Levesque family statement - Nicolas Beauchamp : “Il s'en allait en mission pour aider” - Plus - Young Quebecers felt called to duty - Small-town Quebec man was 'confident in our army' - A spouse loses her comrade, a bride-to-be loses her groom
Latest CAN Leopard Lease from DEU Tangled with Bureaucracy
Drug Poochies Busy @ KAF
How the Private Sector is Helping Keep CF Troops Fighting - Tim Horton's in AFG Pretty Pricey
Opinion: Mort de deux soldats de Valcartier: «signaux inquiétants» - Là où la mort peut frapper à tout moment - Western countries don’t treat detainees well either - Le retrait d’Afghanistan est-il en train de devenir une option?
Taliban Hangs AFG Cops in Oruzgan
UK Royal Marines Headed Back Next Year - NZL Troops Extend Tour - Nouvelle-Zélande poursuit son déploiement militaire en AFG - DEU Says They're Not Letting Allies Down
UN Agency Calls for Harder Push Against Opium - More - UN Office on Drugs & Crime news release on latest study - report (.pdf) - Alternate download site
AFG fifth last on global index of human development - More - 2007 Afghanistan Human Development Report - report (.pdf) - Alternate download site
18 Nov 07
10 Nov 07
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