February 2008
Background Information
29 Feb 08
Canadiens en guerre contre d'invisibles talibans
AFG: le nombre de vétérans atteints de stress post-traumatique a triplé - CAN Veterans Affairs faces triple the number of PTSD cases since 2002
AFG Pres Denies Assessment of USA Director Nat'l Int
Mullah Omar: Hesitancy to Send Troops=USA Defeat - More on Possible Domino Effect if CAN GTFOs AFG
Jane's : "The US may have to take up any shortfall in troops, leading to an increasing Americanisation of the ISAF mission and country development. Although this will have beneficial effects at the tactical level, it will also damage NATO's credibility." (.pdf permalink ) - USA to Shift Troops from IRQ to Train ANA
Prince Harry in AFG.... - ....But Not for Much Longer - More - Makes Him Not Want to be a Prince Some Days - Prince Harry sert en AFG - Harry bientôt rapatrié
Two AFG Students, Two AFG Stories
Taliban Blows Up First Telecom Tower After Warning - Garmsir as Gateway to Helmand - New Park in Helmand Actually Working - Former Helmand Governor Griping - Royal Marines Nailing Taliban Around Kajaki Dam - Taliban Threatens NLD Troops in Oruzgan if Anti-Muslim Film Shown in NLD
SVK Minister in Running for Uber-Envoy Post
Opinion: "Mission vs. war – How Afghanistan conflict is framed" - Europe's Other Priorities - "Focus should be placed on entrenching peace, rather than on a hopeless counter-insurgency strategy" - "Al Qaeda, Afghanistan and the Good War"
28 Feb 08
CAN DefMin States Obvious: Combat'll STILL Be Part of the Job Down the Road
CAN, Coalition Do Study of Women in K'Har
Signature Aid Project for CAN: Minister Said Not A Good Idea - Now, They're Looking for One
120 militaires de la base de Valcartier rentrent au pays
CAN For Min Says Call for Mo' Troops Will be Met - DefMin Optimistic, Too - More - Reports of CAN Having USA Assurance of Extra Troops if Nobody Else Coughs Them Up
USA Director of National Intelligence: Taliban leadership degraded, but still making gains - AFG Only Controls 1/3 of Land Mass - More - DNI Statement (5MB .pdf) - Alternate download site 1 (.pdf) - Alternate download site 2 (.pdf) - Washington prétend que Karzaï ne contrôle que 30 pour cent de l'AFG
USA Designates Nabbed Journalist Working for CTV as Enemy Combatant - More - more
Naming Anti-Mine Poochies After Canada's Fallen - Canadian Landmine Foundation Canine Demine Program - Should All New Streets in Toronto Be Named for the Fallen?
Manley (Again) Says Not AFG Uber-envoy Candidate
Opinion: CAN clings to war as strategy for AFG - There's no military solution to the AFG's plight
Taliban Nailed Resisting Opium Eradication Drive in Helmand - More - Talibans tués en protégeant un champ de pavot - Plus - Meanwhile, New Report Says Eradication "False Promise" - Civvies Killed by Taliban Rocket in Helmand - Medical, Humanitarian Aid Delivered in Arghandab District
UK Inquest Highlights Bravery of SBS NCO 18 Months Ago - USA Not Pressing CZE for More Robust Presence - Europe ponders the 'how' of dealing with AFG - «Aucune décision prise» sur des renforts FRA - FRA enverrait des troupes (mais pas à Kandahar)
OXFAM: AFG peace efforts not succeeding - Report - Alternate download site (.pdf) - News Release
27 Feb 08
Un autre groupe de héros nous revient
Journo-Blogger: DEU Mil Impressed with CF Leopard Ops - Another Journo-Blogger Heads Home
CAN Liberals to support AFG extension - More
$100 million boost pegged in CAN Budget 2008 for aid to AFG
CAN Library of Parliament 31 Jan 08 Overview of European Involvement in AFG - Alternative download site (both .pdf)
CAN Def Min on Deck for Next Tech Briefing - Séance d'information technique sur l'AFG
Documentary Coming on How CAN Got into AFG
USA Aid Worker Nabbed Last Month in K'Har Killed - Exécution d'une employée d'assistance américaine enlevée
UPI: Taliban More Aggressive? (.pdf permalink ) - Poverty pushing youth into arms of Taliban?
Opinion: Europeans ponder the 'how' of dealing with AFG - Some Say AFG Mission Is in the Wrong Hands - Gen. Hillier steps out of bounds - "The chief of the defence staff has led Canada's government by the nose for long enough" - Letter: When was Hillier elected? - More - Letter: Hillier is his own man - Taliban Jack: How the NDP lost its way on the AFG war
UK Losing Lotsa UAVs in the Fight (.pdf permalink ) - FRA to avoid dangerous AFG south - More - FRA pourrait envoyer plus de troupes, mais pas dans le sud - Plus - Renfort français en AFG? Une hypothèse - NLD parliament wants DefMin to visit Uruzgan (.pdf permalink ) - More on Destruction of Drug Lab in Helmand - News Flash: Aussies Need to Use 81 mm Mortars Against Taliban!
Winter, Eradication Could Help Control Opium
PAK to Repat +1 Million to AFG this Year - AQ Influence Growing in PAK/AFG Areas
26 Feb 08
Déploiement complété de "blindés" en AFG
Caporal Maheux de retour à Sherbrooke
Princeton Team Study of PRTs (.pdf): "The PRT in Kandahar faces many challenges .... There is a lack of coherent vision about what the PRT was meant to accomplish. The PRT must also strive to find a better balance between human intelligence, security and development. Other challenges include: the lack of NGO support, relationships with local actors, a lack of training for the mission, a lack of availability of governmental personnel at CIDA and DFAIT, a lack of metrics to measure success and the overwhelming importance of individual personalities. Finally, the Government of Canada is having growing pains as it attempts to bring all of its departments together under a common umbrella of reconstruction and development."
CAN Liberals, Conservatives nearing compromise on AFG mission - More - Still, No Agreement on Troops' Role - Debate in House Starts on Conciliatory Note - CAN DefMin: NATO may follow if CAN GTFO AFG - Dion Calls PM's Motion on AFG a `Canadian' Plan - Liberals back Kandahar extension - More - more - Debate Continues - Trêve aux Communes - Plus - Les libéraux semblent prêts à appuyer la motion
Opinion: CAN CDS Went Too Far?
Special "Roll Up the Rim to Win" Campaign in K'Har
NOR Troops (~50) May Be Sent to South - FRA va accroître son effort militaire en AFG - GoogEng: FRA Pondering its Options in AFG - Royal Marines See Progress in Sangin - Militias Causing Redevelopment Grief in Uruzgan - Brits Break Up Drug Lab in Helmand - US/AFG Forces Clean Up Around Kajaki - Leaflets Over RC-South - AUS Says AFG Deployment "Not Unconditional" - Some Brits Worried About Lack o' Helicopters
K'Har Governor Narrowly Escapes Blast - Fatwa anti-télécoms des talibans
UN Quarterly Report (4 Feb 08) on AFG (.pdf): "Regional Command South continued to see high levels of activity on the part of the opposing militant forces, which continued to undertake low-scale conventional operations as well as increased asymmetric attacks throughout Regional Command South in an attempt to increase their credibility and create shadow governments. Their activities were also focused on disrupting ISAF and Security Force movements along Highway 1."
UK Pulls Salary $ for AFG Anti-Drug Team? - AFG Farmers Going to Pot (Literally)
Still Struggling to Find an Uber-Envoy
US Politician: If AFG Fails, So Will PAK
25 Feb 08
More on CAN's New Envoy in K'Har - More
CF: Remember This? (.pdf permalink ) - It Was Only HIS Opinion....
Getting Ready to Head Over (Again) in May
Hillier veut continuer de se battre
CENTCOM Boss: CAN Debate WILL Embolden Taliban - Says You Can't Separate Training, Fighting
CAN MPs Set to Debate AFG Mission
Big Boom West of K'Har City
Taliban Threatens Mobile Phone Companies to Deny ISAF SIGINT - More - more - Talibans menacent les compagnies afghanes de télécommunication mobile
High End Hotel Being Built in K'Har
DNK Soldier Accidentally Shot in Helmand - More - Royal Marines in Big Push in Helmand - Brit Part Timers Prepare to Head Over
Opinion: Taliban will target Canadians if they sense political weakness - Afghans long on memory and short on forgiveness - Dion s'écrase, la bourgeoisie poursuit sa guerre - Are we mentoring thugs? - Quick, someone tell Stéphane Dion he won for a change - Harper's leadership leaves a lot to be inspired - Quebec-city: Call for an anti-militarist demonstration
24 Feb 08
CAN CDS: CF has support of all parts of CAN gov't for the mission in AFG
Injured CF Veteran Hard @ Rehab
CAN Troops Hold Memorial for Civvy Dog Fight Blast Victims
CAN Libéraux se rallient à la prolongation de la mission de FC en AFG - La motion Harper harponnée
More on How Soccer Helps
USA Marines se préparent à une bataille «différente»
USA Sec Def: Expect More Terrorism from Taliban (Instead of Head-to-head Battles)
Prince William Helps Get Soccer Tickets for Brit Injured in AFG - UK Special Boat Svc Helped Nail Coupla Taliban Bosses - Brits Send In the Rifles to Help in Helmand - Brits Say They're Spending More Than European Allies on AFG - AUS Sending More Cops - But It'll Be a "Modest" Deployment
THIS Certainly Ain't Gonna Win Hearts & Minds....
Opinion: Taliban are assessing our every word - We Need an International AFG Study Group - Taliban tyranny - Coming home from Afghanistan in flag-draped coffins - Dion backs down - Honourable compromise
23 Feb 08
CAN BG D/Commander: We Need LOADS More Troops to Secure All the Good Bits of K'Har (.pdf permalink )
CAN CDS: Dragged Out Debate over AFG Mission Makes Troops Targets - More - more - more - more - more - more ( .pdf permalink ) - Says Politicians Should Also Pass "Support the Troops" Resolution if Mission Extended to 2011 - Mission à Kandahar: le général Hillier veut une mission de combat - Hillier pour, Duceppe contre - Meanwhile, Troops on the Ground Getting on with the Job - Soldats CAN en AFG font ce qu'ils peuvent sans attendre 2011 - CAN Liberal Leader Doesn't Want Election on AFG - Head of Bloc Quebecois Says CAN Has to GTFO AFG by 2009 - Duceppe est inflexible: le CAN doit quitter l'AFG en 2009 - 800 personnes pour un changement de rôle du CAN en sol AFG
Conservateurs: "Le leadership du Canada en Afghanistan" - CAN Conservative Party: "Canadian leadership in Afghanistan"
Opinion: Troops deserve united front - Afghan buck-passing never quite stops - Afghan compromise is a credit to Parliament - Taliban assessing our every word - The General Does Not Debate
USA Envoy to CAN: AFG Pullout by NATO Would Be "Epic" Mistake - Manley Panel Member: Setting GTFO Date Bad Idea - Still, It's Looking Likely to Pass
Soldat canadien: «Je veux retourner en Afghanistan» - Mountie @ K'Har PRT - JAG O Preps for Next ROTO in Ft. Bliss
Top NATO Mil Boss Confident Extra Troops'll be Found - NATO Envoys See Progress During Visit
How Donated Soccer Balls are Helping
Think Tank Director: Lack of Security in South=Less Chance of Elections by April
Report: Options for NATO to Deal with Detainees (.pdf)
Brits Say Taliban Being Worn Down in Helmand - More - World Socialists Declare Taliban Spring Offensive Has Begun - FRA Ponders "Grand Engagement" in AFG
USAID Jan 2008 Food Security Update: Watch Them Flour Prices (.pdf) - PAK Frontier Guards Stop Flour Being Smuggled Into AFG
22 Feb 08
CF General Reminds Us You Can't Train AFG Troops to Fight Without Fighting With Them - FC General: L'armée canadienne n'aura d'autre choix que de continuer à participer aux opérations de combat
Retour de soldats de Valcartier - More
"Camaraderie and trash talk" Keep CF Tankers Going in AFG
Next ROTO Prepping in New Mexico - More
CAN PM Offers Compromise; Says CF Can GTFO 2011: Text of new resolution (.pdf permalink ) - PM news release - Canadian Press (Google) - Canadian Press (Yahoo) - CanWest - - - Globe & Mail (.pdf permalink ) - Associated Press - Bloomberg - Reuters - Agence France Presse - United Press International - Liberals to support New AFG motion - AFG out of play for election - More - ( .pdf permalink )
Le PM présente une motion révisée sur l’avenir de la mission du CAN en AFG: Communiqué - Presse Canadienne - Radio-Canada - La Presse - Agence France Presse - Harper réécrit sa motion sur l’Afghanistan - Plus - plus - Les libéraux et les conservateurs s'entendent
Opinion: "When think tanks produce propaganda .... credible public intellectuals should disclose the source of their funding" (.pdf permalink ) - Letter: Our mission is a just cause - More
Another Crop of ANA Troops Graduates
Journo-Blogger: OPSEC in the Shitter
Lotsa Vodka Sold to Support the Troops
Fallen Royal Marine Identified - AUS Facing Same Questions as CAN Over AFG - AUS pledges troops in AFG for long-term - AUS promet de maintenir sa présence militaire
AFG COIN Official: Taliban Gettin' Better at Making Bombs - NATO Sec Gen: Bad Guys Using Homicide Bombs to Sway Public Opinion - Taliban Targeting AFG Civvies More
AFG Cop Killed in Blast in Helmand - Water Heaters Delivered to Hospital in Oruzgan
EU calls for deal on UN envoy for AFG
EU Sees Progress with "Troubled" AFG Cop Training Mission - Promises full AFG police mission by April - EUPOL AFG page
21 Feb 08
"Afghans say their government as much to blame for bombings as Canadians" - Seven Nabbed for Latest Bombings
K'Har Boss Pissed with Brits for Talking to Taliban
AFG vu par le soldat Chagnon
Avis aux médias - Un autre groupe de héros nous revient - Un autre groupe part en mission
Ottawa se lance dans la récupération
PM Confirms Work on Getting Choppers, UAVs - Letter of Interest Summary on UAV Lease (.pdf permalink )
More on CF Used Leopard Buy
CAN PM to Unveil Compromise Motion on AFG - More (.pdf permalink ) - Gouvernement conservateur déposera une nouvelle motion - AFG Mission End-Date a 'Moral Dilemma'
More on "Comparing NATO's Work to Soviets' in AFG" Study - "3-D Soviet Style: Lessons Learned from the Soviet Experience in Afghanistan"
Biggish Bad Boys (Mullah Abdul Matin & Mullah Karim Agha) Nailed in Helmand - More - more - Deux leaders des talibans tués
Royal Marine Killed in Helmand - More - UK MoD Statement - ISAF Statement - Yanks Nab Bad Guys in Helmand - Brits Help Girls Injured in Rocket Attack on Sangin - More Nailed in Helmand
More on Helmand Poppy Eradication Op Coming
John Manley dément - Plus - Manley Says He Hasn't Been Approached about Super-Envoy Gig - More - More on CAN PM's Chat with AFG Pres
More on NATO Sec-Gen's Visit This Week - Some pictures of the visit - Pre-visit Statement
IMF Report : "volatile security situation and the increasing importance of the drug economy are weakening attempts at broadening economic development" - Full report (.pdf) - Alternate report download site - Reuters - Voice of America - Insuffisances énergétiques de AFG pénalisent développement
Opinion: Le chant du cygne de l’OTAN - Counterinsurgency operations can be won - "To rescue the Afghan mission, honesty is the best policy"
Watch Those Flour Prices in PAK, Folks
20 Feb 08
Kamikaze attaque un convoi CAN - Plus - More on K'Har Gov Warning CAN Troops About Bombing - ISAF Statement on Spin Boldak Blast - UN Pissed at Series of Homicide Bombings - More - NATO Mil Boss: Expect More Homicide Bombing Attacks
Soldats quittent la base de Valcartier - Plus - Delay in Sending Latest Batch of 12 RBC Troops Out - Déploiement de "blindés" en AFG retardé
Toujours prêtes au combat
New CF UAV's (Worth ~$120 million) to K'Har by 2009 - CF Buying Old DEU Leopards for Training, Spare Parts - CAN fait l'acquisition de vieux tanks allemands
John Manley as U ber-Envoy for AFG? (.pdf permalink )
USA General: Victory will take "a few years"
CAN PM Tells AFG Pres "CAN wishes to extend its deployment of 2,500 troops in battle-scarred Kandahar province to 2011, but only if NATO allies send reinforcements" - More - Entretien téléphonique entre Harper et Hamid Karzaï
NATO Sec Gen Drops By
CTV Stringer Guest of Americans @ Bagram (Not in a Good Way) - More - more - CTV: Charge 'im, or Let 'im Go
Opinion: Dion waves a white flag - Dion takes a dive on AFG - Editorial : "Free-riders such as Germany need to be reminded that Nato will collapse if they continue to act as parasites." - GoogEng: ITA Media Not Impressed with Editorial
New Schools Started in Helmand - AFG "special police force under the Interior Ministry" to Start Poppy Eradication in Helmand This Week - Shivering in the Dark in Helmand?
ID of Latest Brit Fallen Released - USA Trainers Helping Convert AFG Gunners From Sovier Equipment, Techniques - CZE PM Visiting CAN to Talk AFG - More - PM tchèque viendra à Ottawa discuter de l'AFG - CZE Media - Report : "To gain political influence over the making of NATO’s Afghanistan strategy, the German government first needs to adjust its national position on how to deal with the Afghan insurgency." - 'The German Army and Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan: The Need for Strategy ', German Institute for International and Security Affairs, February 2008 - Alternate .pdf report download link
Study : "experience with the PRTs .... point towards their considerable potential as an instrument in comprehensive conflict management and nation building" - 'Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan ', European Center for Security Studies, January 2008 (.pdf) - Alternate .pdf report download link
Warlord in AFG Gov't Canned; Says A-G Can't Fire Him - Wikipedia Bio - AFG Pres Says He Had No Role in Canning
19 Feb 08
Attentat homicide tue 38 civils, blesse 4 soldats: Presse Canadienne - Radio-Canada - AFP - Radio France Internationale - Le Monde - Xinhua
Four CF Troops Wounded, 38 Civilians Killed in Spin Boldak Blast: Canadian Press - Radio Free AFG - Voice of America - LA Times - Agence France Presse - BBC - K'Har Governor: They Knew It Was Coming - More - NATO: More Homicide Bombings Likely
Another Car Bomb Goes Off near K'Har Cop Shop - More - more - Nouvel attentat à Kandahar: au moins un mort - Plus
Major Tribes in K'Har Considering Show of Non-Confidence in Gov't Following Three Blasts (.pdf permalink )
Déploiement de 12 RBC "blindés" en AFG
District d’Arghandâb, dernier verrou avant la chute de Kandahâr
Coderre: l'avenir de l'OTAN est intimement lié à l'avenir de l'AFG
Big Allied Push in Oruzgan (.pdf permalink ) - AUS Sending More AFG Army Trainers - NOR Troops Likely to Stay Until 2015 - Worries That This'll Make NOR a Target - More on Brit Killed in South - Just Another Day @ Brit FOB - Brit MoD Responds to Inquests Bashing Equipment - DEU: No change in missions in AFG - More - Oxfam: Pas de F-16 belges en AFG!
Opinion: Troops don't deserve rebuke - Honour our troops by bringing them home - What's Happening to CAN's Aid Money in AFG? - Dissimulation consciente par la politique et le militaire - L’OTAN doit se retirer de l’AFG
18 Feb 08
Big Boom @ Spin Boldak Against CAN Convoy - Seven Civvies Killed - More - Two CF Troops Injured in Blast - More - more - more - Attentat contre un convoi CAN - Plus
CF Probe of Abuse of Detainees Stalls Because Taliban Kills Intermediary Trying to Find Info (.pdf permalink )
More on Next ROTO Headed Over
Scott Taylor: "Soldier’s complaints present weighty questions"
Big Homicide Bombing in K'Har "Shatters Fragile Calm" - More - Pro-Government Leader Killed in Blast - Attentat dimanche à Kandahar a fait plus de 100 morts - Un des pires depuis la chute des talibans - Commander RC-S Pissed @ Attack - NATO Sec Gen Pissed - UN Sec Gen Pissed - Statement - L`ONU condamne avec force - UN Security Council Pissed - CAN For Min Pissed - Canada condamne l'attentat contre des civils afghans
Spring Offensive Coming? - USA Military: Not Bloody Likely
CF Using Landstuhl Regional Medical Center More - «Coupables d'avoir survécu» - L'aumônier
Afghanistan: libéraux et conservateurs sont unis, selon Bernier
British Soldier Killed in South - More - Soldat de l'Otan tué - Brits to Fight Without Chinooks - AUS to Get Access to NATO Int Being in AFG
Opinion: Harper must level with Canadians on Afghanistan - Reducing CAN casualties means another NATO country taking a turn on southern 'front' - Why Europe Wants to Quit Instead of Fight - Why shouldn't voters discuss war?
17 Feb 08
CF Looking into Shot Fired @ Vehicle Following Too Close - More - FC enquêtent relativement à un civil AFG blessé - Plus
Children of Fallen Granted First of New Scholarships - News release - About Canada Company : "Si à la fin août, le véhicule blindé de Mario Mercier n'avait pas sauté sur un engin explosif improvisé près de Kandahar, Myriam aurait sans doute accueilli son père dans les prochaines semaines à Valcartier."
Homicide Bomber Kills 80 @ K'Har Dog Fight Tourney - More - more - more - Au moins 80 tués dans un attentat lors d'un combat de chien - Plus - plus - Piper Leads Last Patrol for Jocks in Helmand - Scholar Gunned Down by Taliban in Helmand
Brit Troops Pleading for Mo' Helicopters - DEU Blames "WW2 Hangover" for Not Doing More in AFG
Des attentats pour renforcer l’effort de l’OTAN en AFG
Diplomate expulsé d`AFG défend le dialogue avec les talibans
Opinion: AFG's future will be decided outside CAN - AFG is the New Auschwitz
IRN Sends Food, Fuel Aid
Sex Abuse Against Women By Relatives Still (Too) Common
16 Feb 08
Kandahar Politician: We Need CAN Combat, THEN Reconstruction
3 RCR in American Desert Getting Ready to Head Over
«Je lui ai dit que j'étais fière de lui»
CAN Historian : "We've never actually lost a war the way we would if we walk away from Afghanistan and the whole thing collapses"
Stéphane Dion: La nature de la mission canadienne doit changer en AFG - Parti conservateur: Les contradictions et la confusion de Dion sur l'AFG - CAN Conservative Party: Dion Contradiction and Confusion on AFG - AFG: les points sur les i, version Dion - Dion subit la pression de ses troupes
Good Guys Drop By Oruzgan - Medical Visit to Village in K'Har
Expelled Diplomat Defends Talking to Taliban - More - Says Taliban Can Be Convinced to be Peaceful - Diplomate expulsé d`AFG défend le dialogue avec les talibans
Des fleurs et des kalachnikovs...
Blue Rodeo Headed to AFG
Canada's Bishops Call for Peace in AFG
Opinion: Lessons learned from Soviet experience - "3-D Soviet Style: Lessons Learned from the Soviet Experience in Afghanistan" (.pdf) - Letter : Manley Report "based on the premise there is a military solution that will lead to a political solution. Can there be a military solution to guerrilla warfare? It seems not." - "If Canada and its NATO allies are unwilling to engage in combat missions in Afghanistan, why then should anyone have any faith that the West will defend itself in its own backyard"
USA Seeking to Make Kabul Command Three-Star Gig - Pain in the Ass for USA Troops in AFG - Day in the Life of Helmand Royal Marines (Including Taking a Dump) - Meanwhile, Royal Irish Prepare to Head Over - UK Gov't Catches Flak from Coroners at AFG Death Inquests - More
PAK Says Kidnapped PAK Envoy for AFG Not in Kyber Agency - Meanwhile, What About the Kids Nabbed Off K'Har Streets?
International donors letting AFG down - "Peacebuilding in Afghanistan: How to reach the women" - Report (.pdf)
PAK Blocks Commercial Wheat Flour Shipments to AFG
Aid Groups Say International Donors are Letting AFG Down - Report (.pdf)
15 Feb 08
Weekly Briefings on CF in AFG (OPSEC Still Rules, Though) - CEFCOM Cdr: "Combat, reconstruction 'can't be separated' " - OPSEC Worries About Internet, Facebook, Blogs - Lack of Troops Limiting Progress - L'armée donnera des séances d'information, mais gardera des secrets - Reuters: CF Optimistic About Progress - AFP: CF Disrupting Insurgency - Sécurité améliorée dans le sud
CAN Public Servants in AFG Getting Danger Pay (Now) - More
Sudbury Soldier to School Class: 'It comes with a cost'
Mots d'amour de Kandahar
More on Old Report (2006) Alleging CAN Troops At More Risk than US, UK Troops in AFG - Sept 2006 Report - Brits Sending Brain Surgeons to AFG to Help Increase the Woundeds' Odds, Reduce Disabilities
CAN PM urges AUS to reinforce AFG deployment - More - Harper s'entretient avec le PM australien - DEU to debate new AFG mandate - Maybe Mo' Troops - But Not in the South, It Appears
CAN Government, Liberals in tug of war over mission's end date - More - more - more - Dion durcit le ton - Dion's Open Letter to PM - Liberals Accuse PM of "Refus(ing) to Provide Clear Answers on End of Afghan Mission" - Even World Socialists Upset with CAN Liberals
Back to School in Oruzgan - More on Bad Boys "Degraded" in Oruzgan - More - Brits Seize Drug Lab in Helmand - ANOTHER Brit Poochie Story - Ghurkas Training AFG NCOs
Opinion: Wrong approach in AFG - What will 'victory' look like?
US Official: AFG Strategy Sound, But Execution Poses Challenge
14 Feb 08
Edmonton Troops Head Out - More - Plus de 100 soldats quittent Edmonton - Sudbury soldier prepares to Head Out... - ...While Sudbury Doc Returns from AFG Tour.... - ...And Another Shares His Story with Students - “I have seen enough amputations for the rest of my career” ]
Un caporal condamne l'équipement des soldats - Returning Cpl. Blasts Kit - CF denies sending ill-equipped troops to AFG - L'armée canadienne défend... son équipement
CEFCOM Boss Holding Tech Briefing on AFG - Séance d'information technique sur l'AFG - And For the OTHER Side of the Debate....
Looking at the Cas Stats
Tories to present a new proposal on Afghan role - MP says gap remains with Harper on AFG mission - Supposée entente sur l'AFG : Rodriguez furieux - Collusion Dion-Harper? - PM lauds Dion AFG plan - Harper encense les amendements libéraux - More - more - Still, Liberals Backing Away from Election Over AFG? - Or Just Split? - Or Even Mixed Signals? - More - CAN Liberals: "Harper Must Commit to Firm End Date to Afghan Mission" - Parti libéral: "Harper doit s’engager à fixer une fin définitive à la mission"
Opinion: "Kandahar consensus is just politics" - CAN Liberals "rooting for the Taliban" - Closing the gap on CAN's AFG role - A bipartisan tone on AFG
USA Sec State Admits Coulda Done Better in AFG - AFG risks losing support of Brit public with snipes at UK, US - Clock running on NATO's stretched AFG operation
Lew-Mac Says Europe Using Kosovo as Excuse for Not Beefing Up AFG (.pdf permalink ) - DEU Rethinking Troop Numbers? - FRA Still Considering Troop Options for AFG - More - FRA évalue ses options - FRA évalue des moyens d'envoyer des renforts
Bad Boys Nailed in Uruzgan - ITA Soldier Killed 60km from Kabul Distributing Aid - ITA MoD Statement (Italian) - GoogleEnglish
Taliban Suggest Trading Nabbed PAK Envoy for Nabbed Big Boy
13 Feb 08
New Commander @ K'Har PRT - Passation de commandement de l'ERPK au Camp Nathan-Smith
Shilo soldiers headed for AFG - More - Des soldats du Manitoba partent - Plus - Troops return home to Quebec - Un militaire dénonce l'armée canadienne? - Army poorly equipped for mission, soldier tells TV (.pdf permalink )
Journo-Blogger: Unanswered Questions on Griffons with Miniguns
Retired General: What'll the Rules of Engagement Look Like Now? (.pdf permalink ) - Tories: "It's our government's intention that the mission end in 2011." - CAN dodges AFG election bullet as Dion backs down - Harper, Dion extend olive branch on AFG mission - More - more - more - more - À la recherche d'un compromis - Dion et Harper tentent un rapprochement - Common Ground, but No Consensus - Closer to agreement - Signs of compromise - FRA to Reveal AFG Plan in April - AFG vote may have to take place without assurance of French help - Dion makes right call, still loses
USA Appeals to European Publics in Plea for Mo' Troops - USA Disagrees with Mullah Omar's Assessment of War
Training Afghans not without risk: FRA envoy
AUS Chinooks in AFG - AUS Unable to Boost AFG Force - Brits Tossing Their Rules, Use USA Coin Manual Instead?
Taliban Say They Nabbed PAK Envoy - Uh, No We Didn't - Helmand Cleric Killed by Mine Going Off in His Home
Opinion: Where do we show resolve, if not Kandahar? - Time to Talk to Taliban - Plan, for the 'Stan, By the Envoy That Wasn't
Red Cross Says Refugees Being Forgotten
12 Feb 08
Roadside bomb narrowly misses CAN convoy - GoogleFrancais: "La bombe au bord de la route manque de peu le convoi canadien"
CF Trying Some Miniguns for AFG Svc? (.pdf permalink ) - More - more - More on CAN Approaching USA for Used Chinooks
Road paving in southern AFG helps living, honours dead - New ISAF Central Tracking of PRT Construction Projects Across AFG
Baisse des embuscades
One CF Corporal's Story - Another MCPL's Story (with UAVs)
MERX: CF Lookin' for Anti-IED Ideas (.pdf permalink ) - Def Research & Development Canada Technology Demonstration Program
Journalist-Blogger: Just What IS The Situation in AFG?
CAN Government proposes 'open-ended' mission - CAN quittera K'har en 2011 au plus tard - CAN Tories won't budge on AFG withdrawal date - More - CAN Liberals to offer its own Afghan plan - Liberals meet to plan response to AFG - 2011 troop withdrawal to be proposed? - AFG mission must change or fail: Rae - Libéraux discuteront de leur proposition - Dion camp united on Afghanistan
CAN DefMin Sees "Positive signals" from FRA - France may not answer Harper's call - More - Le Figaro : "Le président de la République examine les quatre options qui lui sont soumises pour appuyer les forces alliées engagées dans les régions en proie aux attaques des talibans." (.pdf permalink ) - GoogEng : "The (FRA) president considers the four options that are submitted in support of the allied forces engaged in regions beset by Taliban attacks." (.pdf permalink ) - FRA still mulling troops decision - Harper demande l'aide de l'Allemagne - Plus - DEU says role in north precludes assisting CAN - NATO's Afghan mission at risk: Britain, US - Otan cherche une stratégie commune en AFG - NOR wins support for AFG strategy
Mansour Dadôllah a été capturé au PAK
Opinion: Answer to Afghanistan question more complex than adding troops - Afghanistan question isn’t one for partisan political manoeuvering - How to replace U.S. Marines helping CAN soldiers? - Guerre d’AFG: un pont trop loin - Winning in AFG - NATO's future lies in Afghanistan - Political Scientist Pretending to be Europe : "We suggest that if Canada is looking for military assistance, then rather than coming to Brussels the prime minister ought to send emissaries to Washington and London. They are after all your traditional allies and unlikely to desert you because it is in their interests that Canada remains engaged in Afghanistan."
PAK Envoy to AFG Nabbed - More - more - L'ambassadeur du PAK en AFG porté disparu
More Predictions for Future Opium Crop (.pdf)
11 Feb 08
Civvy Shot Following Too Close to CF Convoy - More - Une fusillade entre soldats canadiens et civils afghans fait un blessé
CAN Seeking Refurbished US Army Choppers for Use in AFG - More on CAN Leasing UAVs for AFG
FRA Rafales ont décollé pour la première fois
CRS Express rend un hommage à Étienne Gonthier
La seconde vie des militaires blessés
Commander CEFCOM: Still Stuff to Do, But We're Making Progress - More - CAN DefMin : 'If you want to stand up for human rights, you have to do more than just mouth words' - AFG Envoy: Stay Course, or Bad News
CAN DefMin: We'll Tell Canadians When Detainee Transfers Resume
Survey Says "Canadians Reject Extending Afghan Mission" - Full Poll Results (.pdf)
CAN Arm-Twisting Continues - CAN poursuit sa quête de renforts en AFG - Progrès dans les discussions FRA-CAN - FRA est prête à envoyer des renforts en AFG - FRA au secours de l'Otan - Etats-Unis veulent un engagement plus fort des Européens - USA Bashes Countries Not in the Fight - More - NATO-Afghanistan Link Holds Lessons for Future, Gates Says - US shock-tactics to rouse NATO allies; Opting out of ISAF seen as "unaffordable luxury" - AUS demands expanded AFG role
CAN Liberal Leader: NATO Crisis PM's Fault Because He Wants to Continue Combat Mission - More - Grits plan attack on PM's Afghan proposal - More - Liberals say they will offer alternative vision of AFG mission - Columnist: Soldiers Will Still Die Under ANY Liberal Plan
Helmand Taliban Speaking in Brit Accents? - Taliban Boss Promises Harder Push - Another Taliban Big Boy Nabbed in PAK - Maybe Nailed? - Afghan governor from volatile south survives bomb attack - Gouverneur de Kandahar échappe à un attentat
A Kandahar, le cimetière des jihadistes est devenu un haut lieu de pélerinage - GoogEng: " In Kandahar, the graveyard of jihadists has become a Mecca pilgrimage"
10 Feb 08
Much remains to be done in Kandahar - CAN 'nowhere close to the finish line - DefMin: Development without security 'pure folly' - We've got to fight in AFG: DefMin - Mission AFG: Opposants font entendre leur voix - On attend la réponse de Stéphane Dion
CF Troops Rotating Lots Since CF Hasn't Expanded as Much as Planned
Two AFG Troops Killed, Two Injured in Sangin IED Incident
No consensus among troops on extending Afghan mission
CAN poursuit sa quête de renforts en AFG - NATO’s Leader Says the Alliance Remains Unified on Troops for AFG - NATO leaders call for restructuring of alliance - DEU 'confuses' NLD Def Min - USA Trying to Calm Waters over DEU - USA SecDef Says IRQ Proves Mo' Troops Needed in AFG - Paris critique «l'infantilisation» des Européens face aux Américains - Chance for FRA to Show NATO
Brits to Attach Cameras to Mo' Troops for Museum? - More Firepower for Brits in Helmand
Opinion: "If such a motion were put to the House and defeated, it would almost certainly mean a confused and premature end to Canada's role in Afghanistan" (.pdf permalink ) - PM will get the election he angled for - Canadians Should Decide on AFG - An election call over Afghanistan? Bring it on - "Blindly irrational" debate over AFG
9 Feb 08
'My men don't want to come back after 2009'
CAN Gov't Introduces Motion to Extend AFG Mission to 2011 - More - more - more - more - more - more - Text of Motion - Government news release - "Le Premier ministre annonce des actions décisives concernant les recommandations du Groupe d’experts sur l’Afghanistan" - Liberals to Propose Amendments - Liberals Trying to Hold It Together? - Conservateurs: "M. Dion écoutera-t-il les libéraux au sujet de l'Afghanistan ?" - Conservative Party: Will Dion Listen to Liberals on AFG? - Harper présente sa motion sur la mission en Afghanistan - Une prolongation de près de trois ans - Plus - Dion: Change Tack, or Prepare for Election
CF Troops Help Start Work on "Spine of Panjwai"
Montreal-Based Company Confident of Bid to Supply CF with UAVs Quickly - More
AFG: It's Okay to Hand Over Detainees Now, Really - Transfert des détenus à Kandahar pourrait reprendre
CAN urges AFG troop stay - CAN Def Min: CAN "knocked on a few NATO doors and some opened" - FRA suggest they will offer troop commitment - DEU says no plans to boost AFG - DEU Trying for More Clout - DEU as Rodney Dangerfield?
Following FRA SF Troops in AFG
8 Feb 08
Globe & Mail: Number of CF Wounded Drops in 2007 (.pdf permalink )
Kabul Wants CF Transfer of Detainees to Resume (.pdf permalink )
CAN PM Denies Open Ended Commitment - Not ALL Liberals On Side with their Boss - CAN Gov't Split on War
CAN Appoints New Civvy Boss for K'Har (.pdf permalink ) - 2003 Interview with New Appointee
Gates sees no need to change command structure in south
FRA Def Min Tells CAN to be Patient About Help - Canadians sound out French on Afghan troop offer - More - more - France aidera le Canada mais prêche la patience - Délégation CAN se rendra en France
Afghan debate dominates NATO talks - USA Says CAN's Message is Being Heard - Canada demande une réponse de l'OTAN sur les renforts - CAN Def Min: Few Can Meet Demand - Will Try To Avoid Hodgepodge Mix of Troops - USA Sec Def Opens with Warning - "Nag" is Such a Harsh Term - DEU Rejects USA Pressure - l’Allemagne tient tête aux Etats-Unis - NATO split over deployment to south - OTAN divisée - More - more - Coalition of the not so willing - NATO Def Mins: What Crisis? - Where the sniping has to stop - Karzai: What Tension with West? - Talking Civvy Problems, Too
ISAF Statement on USA, UK For Mins to K'Har
J udge rejects temporary ban on CF prisoner transfers in AFG - More - more - more - more - more - Court Has Concerns, Though - Détenus afghans: la Cour fédérale refuse la demande d'injonction
RAF Regiment Provides Heavy Eqpt to Help Build Waterway
Opinion: Media Spinning Success as Failure - Could NATO Lose in AFG? - Need for International Resolve - Election over mission would encourage Taliban
Bad Boys Busy in PAK=Can't Be Busy in AFG?
7 Feb 08
Commander CEFCOM optimistic, pleased with AFG campaign
Media Info Request to CF: Almost 5,000,000 CF Rounds Downrange
CF Tankers "Revitalized" in AFG
Des familles comblées - Un premier contingent revient à Valcartier - Plus
CIDA minister says 'PR' Afghan aid project not in the cards
Stampede de Calgary souligne le dévouement des soldats de Valcartier - Calgary Stampede highlights the devotion of Valcartier soldiers
UK, USA For Mins Visit Kandahar - More - more - more - Rice, Miliband sur la base aérienne de Kandahar - Plus - plus
Vote sur l'extension de la mission AFG ravive les scénarios d'élection - plus - Motion sur l'avenir de la mission militaire - Canada MPs in risky vote to keep AFG mission - More - more - AFG leaves Dion cornered - Dion Not Budging on "No Combat Mission" - Dion Will Propose Amendments to AFG Bill - More - Will Gov't Fall Over Budget, Not AFG? - Columnist : "The Conservatives are clearly hoping the threat of an election will pressure Stephane Dion and the already fractured Liberals into a compromise. But actually forcing an election over Afghanistan is something else, a dangerous political gamble that could easily come up snake eyes for the Conservatives." - Editorial : "we like the two most likely outcomes of Mr. Harper's gambit: an election that the Tories would enter in a position of strength, or a Parliamentary extension of our mission backed by the chief opposition party." - Election Over AFG Could Be Political Minefield for All Parties - Election ready? Ready, Aye, Ready.
USA, UK Call for Mo' Troops - More - more - more - Abandonner l`AFG serait "catastrophique" - USA SecDef: AFG row may make NATO two-tiered alliance - Gates s'inquiète d'une Otan à deux vitesses en AFG - MacKay expects blunt talk - MacKay s'attend à des discussions franches pendant le sommet de l'OTAN - Berlin résiste aux pressions de l'OTAN
NATO Boss in AFG: Taliban Not Stronger, But Mo' Troops Still Needed - No USA Mil Consensus on Taliban Strength, Though
Next UK ROTO: 16 Air Aslt Bde, Followed By 3 Cdo RM - Lotsa Jocks Preparing to Move, Too - New Brit Fd Hosp @ Bastion in Helmand - FRA mulls troops for mission in south
Latest from Senlis : "Taliban entrenched in southern Afghanistan and running parallel governments – Presidential elections impossible if security situation does not dramatically improve" - More - more - Report - Alternate download site (both .pdf)
Opinion: The lessons AFG have to teach us and our enemies - "Using Afghanistan to scratch the election itch" - AFG war can bring neither peace nor freedom
6 Feb 08
Two CF Troops Injured in IED Blast - More - Soldats Canadiens Blessés - Plus - plus
Reuters : "Taliban militants in southern Afghanistan are launching fewer direct attacks on Canadian troops because they suffer heavy casualties from such operations, a senior officer said on Tuesday."
Report: CAN PM Putting AFG Mission to Confidence Vote of Commons (.pdf permalink ) - More - Harper prêt à des élections pour prolonger la mission - No Common Ground on AFG Following Meeting Between CAN PM, Opposition Leader - Dion, Harper se sont entretenus au sujet de l'AFG
Blogger/Journalist: CF Griffons Headed to AFG?
CF: "no records could be located with the Department of National Defence that would provide projections for casualty figures"
L’ambiance était à l’émotion ce mardi soir à la Base militaire de Valcartier - Plus - Quebec-based soldiers among troops returning from AFG - Troops Happy to be Home
Bernier says CAN not in the business of running AFG jails - Human Rights Groups: Why Not Co-Manage Prisons to Ensure Detainee Rights? - Columnist Calls Detainee Issue "Non-Story"
Opinion: Hockey Recognizes Troops: Discussing the War on a Sports Forum - Retired WO Says AFG Peace Coming Only @ Point of Gun - "Afghanistan’s occupiers fall apart under pressure"
UN Calls for End to Attacks on Aid Workers
IED Kills Coalition Soldier in Helmand - More - LOADS of UK Paras Heading Into the Fight - More - more - AUS Troops Getting Snow in Oruzgan - AUS Workin' an FOB - Brits Flippin' Flapjacks @ Bastion for Mardi Gras/Shrove Tuesday - DEU's "Nein Trupen Fur Der Sud" Driven by Pre-Election Pressures?
New Taliban Bad Boy in PAK - Got His Own Wikipedia Page
New Report : "The situation is not hopeless, but it is bad, and an urgent collective effort is needed to tackle it." - Full report (.pdf) - Alternate download link (.pdf)
All Eyes on NATO in Vilnius: AUS Call for Troop Boost - USA Will, Too - More - CAN Twisting FRA's Arm - "International angst over Canada’s Afghan ultimatum awaits" - More - Harper s'entretient avec Sarkozy sur l'AFG - L'engrenage afghan
Connie Rice Twisting Arms in UK, Too - Rice attend plus des alliés
Tryin' to Find a New "Super Envoy"
Donors Diss USA Ideas to Deal with Opium at JPN Donor Conference - Bumper Crop=Taliban Jackpot - More - Production d'opium devrait se maintenir à un niveau record en 2008 - Les taliban afghans vont profiter des revenus
5 Feb 08
Une aile canadienne dans une prison de Kaboul? - GoogEng: CAN Wing Considered for AFG Prison? - «Le Canada n'est pas dans l'industrie de la construction de prisons», a déclaré aux Communes le ministre des Affaires étrangères, Maxime Bernier - GoogleEng: CAN Planned on Building Jails in AFG for Detainees? - Editorial: CAN Prison in AFG Makes Sense
CAN DefMin: K'Har Jail Guard Removed after Complaints to Governor (.pdf permalink ) - CF Still Not Releasing Detainee, Bullet Counts
More on POL Choppers to Help CAN - More - POL Bashes Allies a Bit - More - more - Pologne offre deux hélicoptères pour aider les Canadiens à Kandahar - FRA to Help Out in K'Har, Too?
Un premier contingent militaire rentre au bercail
MacKay doit faire face aux hésitations des alliés en Afghanistan - Dion to Meet Harper About AFG - More - Dion as Wishbone - Dion Could Be Toppled by Internal Party Tensions - CAN NDP Leader Calls War "Dead End"
Royal Marines Reach Out from FOB Gibraltar - Fmr DEU COS Says DEU Troops Not Equipped for Combat - DEU ForMin Confirms "Nein Troopen fur Sud" - More on Brit Plan to Train Taliban to Fight Taliban - Kabul Kinda Underwhelmed by Idea (.pdf permalink ) - UK Denies Plan - Brit Dev Min: NATO Allies Gotta Do More - Brit Letter Responding to Latest Three Studies - More
AFG Cops Nail Bad Boys in Oruzgan - Taliban Orders No More Beheading (Just Shooting or Hanging) of "Collaborators" Civvy Cas Climbing? (.pdf permalink )
Opinion: Point: Harper Kinda Like Pearson - Counterpoint: Let's Leave Pearson Outta This - Why AFG Matters - "Hillier and Harper can pound their little chests. They have their little war, and can hold their heads high where it counts – in Washington." - A Substantive Post About Afghanistan - "Afghanistan Spins Out of Control, U.S. Fiddles"
USA: Most Opium Focused in South - UN: More Needs to be Done on Opium - World Bank, UK Dev Agency: Economic Opportunities for Poor Afghan Farmers Key to Opium Fight - Translation: LOTSA Aid Money Needed to Counter Opium - AFG "Begging" For Help on This
Xinhua : "Much of the international media, especially from the European countries, reported Afghanistan from the different and bad angle like war, which was not true, Bernama quoted Rahimullah Samander, news director of Afghanistan's Wakht News Agency, as saying."
4 Feb 08
More on CAN Trying to Lease Chinooks for AFG - POL Putting Two Choppers @ CAN's Disposal in AFG
CAN Info Czar Not Optimistic About More Info on AFG Fight Coming Out - Afghan mission tough PR sell
One Reporter's Assessment of Accommodations
Civvies Cited for Their Assistance In Country
CAN Liberal Leader to Wobble on AFG???
More on Stats Showing Attacks Up, But Still Focused in South - More
AFG Pissed About (Alleged) UK Plan to Build Training Camps for Fmr Taliban in Helmand - More - more - more - More Bad Boys Nailed in Oruzgan
Not ALL DEU MPs Don't Wanna Keep Troops Just in northern AFG
Opinion: We need military goals, not deadlines to withdraw - We can't impose values on Afghans - World Can't Ignore AQ, Taliban Threat in AFG - NATO's AFG Test - Amnesty, BC Rights Group Says AFG Detainees Deserve Charter Protection
3 Feb 08
Étienne Gonthier, R.I.P: Obsèques ont eu lieu à Saint-Georges - Dernier hommage - Plus - plus - plus - Family, Friends Pay Respects - More - more
Injured Soldier, Walking Again, One of Several Hosted @ NHL Game
Général CAN assume le commandement des troupes de la coalition dans le Sud de l’AFG: COMFEC Communiqué - Biographie - Déclaration de MinDef - Radio-Canada - Agence France Presse
CAN General Takes Over RC-South: ISAF Statement - CEFCOM Statement - Biography - DefMin Statement - Canadian Press - - - Globe & Mail (.pdf permalink ) - Agence France Presse
They're STILL Not Obeying the Signs to Stay Back
K'Har Guv: Military Takes Care of Prisoners, Not Me - Gouverneur: Le traitement des détenus incombe à l'armée - AFG Cops Distributing Aid in K'Har - Weapon Facilitators Bad Boys Nailed in Oruzgan - AFG Army Brings Medical Patrol, Supplies to Helmand
Taliban Attacks Up (But Not Spreading) - More - Three Bad Boys Killed in Uruzgan - UN Special Representative Wants to Talk to Taliban About Using Child Killers (.pdf permalink )
Royal Navy Sea Kings (With Special Rotors) in Helmand - UK MPs Drop By Helmand - DEU Gov't Statement on Request for Troops - DEU Communiqué - CAN MP Pipes Up, Calling for More DEU Work - NATO Boss Tries (Again) To Get DEU to Move Troops to South - Can't We Do This More, uh, Discretely? - Uh, Thanks, But We've Already Said "Nein" - US Request Seen by DEU as "Impertinent" - DEU A Bit Pissed - More
Opinion: CAN NDP Layton wrong to admit defeat - CAN won't renege on commitment - Afghan war is key to peace in our time - CAN Academic: "How much of the absence of "peace" is due to our own actions?" (.pdf permalink ) - Brits Ignored How Tough Taliban Would Be? - EU Missing in Action - Afghanistan has a ways to go, but they've come a long way - "Political support for a polarizing mission cannot be sustained by a minority government that doesn't trust Canadians with the truth." - Historian: "There is some irony that today the Stephane Dion-Bob Rae Liberals talk only of non-combat roles for Canadian troops in Afghanistan, often incorrectly invoking Pearson's memory as they do so."
2 Feb 08
CAN CDS: If Yer in K'Har, There'll Be Fighting to Do - More - more - more - Early GTFO Unrealistic - Hillier: Mission canadienne à Kandahar est impossible sans combat - Plus
K'Har Governor Alleged to Have Tortured, Kept Secret Cells (.pdf permalink ) - Senior CAN Officer: Charges of Torture Unproven - More (.pdf permalink )
CF Medical Officer: Nobody Hurt After Spin Boldak Medical Clinic (Like Some Folks Said Might Happen)
CAN Liberals Say CAN Should Twist PAK's Arm Harder
Opposition Worries About Prisoner "Loophole" - AFG Human Rights Group: Get Back to Handin' 'Em Over (.pdf permalink ) - Court Affadavit: If We Can't Transfer 'Em, They'll Shoot At Us, Then Surrender & Wait to be Freed
Is CAN Adequately Tapping Expertise of AFG Diaspora?
Fight Continues Even if Taliban Bad Boy Confirmed Dead - Why the Taliban Feel Confident These Days - WAY More than Two Sides in Helmand - New Gov'n'r of M-Q Says He Switched Sides Because Taliban Violating "Orders of God"
USMC Commandant: Mil Assessment of AFG Positive, While Int Assessment Negative? - Chair of USA Joint Chiefs : "Afghanistan is facing a 'classic, growing insurgency,' and NATO needs to focus on what kind of force it needs to deploy to fight it." - More
NATO Boss Worries Push for More Troops Worsening Split Between Nations - Brits Worry AFG May Be Harder than Some First Thought - DEU Declines, with Thanks, Request to Send Troops South - More - more - more - more - Berlin dit nein au Pentagone - Plus - plus - Belgique enverra quatre F-16 en AFG en septembre - Plus - Belgium Sending Four Jets, 140 Troops
Opinion: AFG Peace Only Possible With More Foreign Aid (.pdf permalink ) - "Rather than blaming our European allies for non-support, the panel might better have taken a hard look at why Canada's military capacity isn't sufficient to succeed in Kandahar, where Canada insisted on playing the lead role right from the get-go." - Fmr CF Strategic Advisor: AFG Mission IS About Helping People
1 Feb 08
NATO Says They Want CAN to Stay, Will Press for 1K More Troops - More - US Writes Nastygram to NATO Seeking 3.2K Mo' Troops? - More - Abandonment Anxiety - CAN (Tries) Twisting Arms, Too, With Brits - More - Harper avertit Londres sur l'Afghanistan - Plus
AFG "Second Home" for CF Troops as War Reshapes Military
Reporter Blog: "Catch and Release"
Fmr AFG Minister Says CAN Needs to Win Over The People More
USA Senator Thanks CAN for Hard Work During Hearnigs
CAN Aid Reportedly Not As Effective as it Could Be
High Tech Against IEDs - Proposal : "Remote Neutralization Vehicles (mini-RNV) for EOD/IED neutralization, dismounted reconnaissance, mine warfare operations" - Alternate proposal link (.pdf)
Big Time AQ Bad Boy in AFG Toast? - More - more - BBC Profile - Un commandant d'Al-Qaïda en AFG a été tué
More on Homicide Bomber Killing Helmand Official
Report by Retired Generals Calls for Re-jigging of NATO Mission - "Toward a Grand Strategy for an Uncertain World" - More Reports Casting Doubts - "Afghanistan Study Group Final Report" (.pdf) - More on OXFAM's Worries - NATO winning battles, losing Afghanistan
CAN Liberals Still Pressing on Detainees - Détenus : les Canadiens ont le droit de connaître la vérité - NDP Say Can't Win by Fighting - Layton speech - Layton: "De mal en pis – le mauvais rôle pour le Canada" - Avocats fédéraux jugent vaine la poursuite sur les détenus afghans
One DNK Soldier Explains Why He's There - Royal Regiment of Scotland, Scots Dragoon Guards Preparing to Head Over - More on the Poochies of Helmand
Opinion: US Ambassador to NATO : "The next three to five years will be crucial for the people of Afghanistan, for the NATO alliance and for the community of democracies." - Will Leasing UAVs Work for CAN in AFG? - "Stéphane Dion's unfair smear of Canadian Forces in Afghanistan" - "Shortage of British troops, increasing violence, abhorrent allies: can it get any worse in Afghanistan?" - Betrayal of AFG
US Official: We Are SO Making Progress Against Poppy Crop!
CAN Christian Reform Churches Call for Peace, Reconciliation
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