December 2007
31 Dec 07
Quebec Gunner Killed in IED Blast: Latest from Canadian Press - Agence France Presse - Globe & Mail (permalink) - Reuters - CanWest - Wall Street Journal - Associated Press - Voice of America - NDP statement - Liberal statement - On His First Overseas Mission - On His Way Home
Soldat canadien est tué et 4 autres blessés: Premier ministre du Québec offre ses condoléances - Militaire valdorien perd la vie en Afghanistan - 5e Groupe-Brigade Mécanisé du Canada en deuil - Déclaration du chef du NPD - Déclaration de chef de l’opposition officielle - Un jour de l'an dans le deuil en Afghanistan
CAN General in RC-South Says No Clear Evidence IRN Smuggling Wpns to Taliban - IRN Media Spin
CAN, NATO To Focus on Mentoring AFG Cops in 2008 - More - more - OTAN intensifiera ses efforts de formation de la police
Reservists Getting Ready for Next ROTO - More
CAN CDS: "Afghanistan is a beachhead in a larger fight against the kind of international terrorism represented by Al Qaeda"
How One CAN Reporter Sees Warlords as the REAL Issue (permalink)
CJTF-82 Ops on Who Killed Bhutto - NDP Leader Worries About PAK, What It Shows About Mil Msn in AFG (permalink)
Taliban in a Tizzy Following Punting of Envoys, Firing of Taliban RC-S Boss - More - more
Opinion: Talk to the Taliban
Taliban Gitmo Guest 942 from K'Har Dies of Colon Cancer (permalink) - CNN - Reuters - AFP - Abdul Razzak background
AFG Cops Killed by Taliban at RC-S Checkpoint - More - Ghurka Sappers Help Rebuild M-Q - Deux policiers tués et quatre blessés dans l'explosion d'une mine
Outgoing UN Envoy in AFG: PAK Problems "Jeopardizing Future" of AFG - News conference transcript - Bye Bye UNAMA Boss - Expresses Hope, Concern as he Goes - More - more
ESP King Visits Troops for New Year's -Visite du roi Juan Carlos aux soldats espagnols
Tripartite Commission discuss PAK-AFG border security situation
Some PAK Tribesmen Have to Detour Through AFG Because of Roadblocks
30 Dec 07
Soldat canadien est tué et 4 autres blessés: FC Communiqué - Presse Canadienne - Radio Canada - Agence France Presse - Message de gouverneure générale - Déclaration du premiere ministre - Déclaration du ministre de la Défense nationale
Quebec Gunner Killed in IED Blast: CF news release - ISAF statement - Canadian Press - CTV.ca - CanWest - CBC.ca - Message from the Governor General - PM Statement - Def Min Statement
CF Navy Divers Using Skills on IEDs
USA Envoy to CAN Encourages CAN to Stay in AFG Beyond 2009
Opinion: How Can You Compare AFG Today to DEU Just After WW2? - More - Macleans Piece
ONU craint des répercussions en Afghanistan de la crise au Pakistan
Some Calling for Moving USA Tps from IRQ to PAK, AFG - Député américaine propose de déplacer les troupes américaines d'IRQ à l'AFG et au PAK - Brits Say They Need 3K More Troops
Drapeau de Victoriaville flotte sur Kandahar
Mullah Omar Fires One of His Southern Taliban Bosses - More - more - more - more - Rebelle taliban Mansoor Dadullah dément être limogé - plus - plus - plus - GoogEng from German - Boss Doesn't Believe Omar Signed Off on His Firing, Though - More
Taliban Facing Recruiting, Retention Issues
Two Would-Be Homicide Bombers Held in Helmand - permalink - Hard for Some to See Hope - Lotsa Refugees in Oruzgan - Battle for M-Q as War in Microcosm
US Complaints Led to Turfing of Two Envoys? - NATO Sec Gen Says Expulsions over Taliban Talks "Unfortunate" - They Were Trying What Seemed to Work with IRA - Fmr Diplomat: Big Mistake Punting These Guys
Brit Marine Officer Gets MBE
29 Dec 07
2008 "Critical Year" for CF Mission in AFG
Reporters Reminisce About How They Spent Their Holidays Embeded with CF - One Reporter's Book on His Embed - More
NATO Could End Up Doing Border Duty, Too? - PAK "Key Rear Base" for Taliban - US SF Headed to PAK to Train Troops?Fmr Envoy: PAK Likely to Focus on Internal Stuff, Not Taliban Crossing Border into AFG - More - permalink - Analyst: "If the government is focused on opposition and it is spending most of its resources on stabilizing its volatile politics, it will have negative implications for Canadian forces" - More
Civilian Ready to Go Plan Leave Travel for CF Troops in K'Har
UK 3 Para Sgt, Paralyzed in Sangin Firefight, Returns to Work @ Depot
Plaidoyer pour un long engagement en AFG
Bad Guys Nailed, Nabbed in Zabul - More - Lotsa Taliban Defections Reported - More Than Just Security from USA-AFG Patrol in Zabul
UK Reservist in Helmand Gets Xmas Tree by Mail
ITA Extends AFG Mission - POL to Send 400 More Troops - More - POL renforce son contingent en AFG - Portugal renforcera sa présence militaire en AFG - Portugal (PRT) Sending Mo' Troops
Helmand Governor Says Turfed Envoys Met with Taliban Fighters - permalink - DEU Holding Back on Taliban Contacts Because of Expulsions
Opinion: Like IRA, Taliban Can Talk Peace
Schools the Taliban WON'T Torch
28 Dec 07
Bhutto Assassination: CAN Weighing Impact of Events in PAK on Troops in AFG - Could Disrupt Supply Lines - permalink - AFG Officials Say Killing "a setback in fight against extremists" - More - Commentator: "The great danger is that these people will be able to prevent us from being able to succeed in what we are trying to accomplish in Afghanistan." - Experts Worry Domestic Concerns May Take Precedence for Musharraf - May Threaten PAK-AFG Relationship - Politiciens CDN devront évaluer l'impact de l'assassinat sur les 2500 soldats en AFG - Assassinat de Benazir Bhutto: effet domino redouté - Président afghan condamne l'assassinat - L'assassinat frappe une région stratégique
CF Troops Learn About Death Before Deployment - permalink - Reservist Struggles with PTSD - permalink
Whaddya Do When a CAN Commando is Charged, and the Charge Sheet is Classified SECRET Because of Where He was Working? - Court document - permalink to document
NATO Def Ministers in RC-S Meet in CAN Next Month to Sign Off on New Strategy; AUS Signals Msn Change Once NLD GTFO Oruzgan
Lefties Alternative Media Don't Like US Troops Shifting from IRQ to AFG
Gurkhas secure Helmand compound - Taliban Kill Cops in Helmand
Helmand Governor, Possible Envoy Talk Whistleblower, Has History of Throwing Sand in Gears - US OK With Talking to Taliban (While Keeping AFG Gov't in the Loop)
Opinion: "Huge cost of valuable lessons from fighting the Taliban" - What Chances do Peace Talks with Taliban Have? - Britain cannot rule out talking to the Taliban - "Of Course We Must Talk" - "French timidity, long the order of the day, has been poorly understood by the Anglo-Saxons."
Talibanization common threat to Pakistan, Afghanistan
Quick BBC "Who's Who?" in AFG
Trading Aid for Int in Remote AFG Regions - Getting Ready for Winter in Salang
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: Lotsa Coloured Studies Should Help AFG Opium Problem - The Papers - "Opium Poppy Free Road Map and Provincial Profiles" - "Targeting Precursors used in Heroin Manufacture" - "Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan: Border Management Cooperation in Drug Control" - "Securing Central Asia’s Borders with Afghanistan"
"Afghanistan: Narcotics and U.S. Policy", updated 6 Dec 07 (.pdf)
27 Dec 07
Book: UK's 3 Para Liked CF LAVs - "3 Para" @ Amazon.ca
PM Wonders if Cdns Really Get AFG - permalink - Afghanistan: Harper ne sait pas si les Canadiens comprennent les enjeux
RC-South Medals Parade Without Canada Listed? - permalink
CF Docs Treating More Injured Kids
ISAF COS Says 2008 Will See More Improvements
From CF Tanker in AFG to Carpenter
AFG Envoy to CAN: No Proof IRN Flowing Arms to Bad Boys - Expect Long Haul Effort - permalink - L'Afghanistan avertit le Canada que la mission sera longue
AFG Senator Pushes Nice-Nice with IRN -Ministre de la Défense canadien : les insurgés afghans reçoivent des armes de l'Iran - plus
IED Makers Nabbed in K'Har, Paktya Provinces - Wpn Cache Spotted in Oruzgan - Bad Boy Gets Medical Treatment from Bad Guys in Oruzgan
Vandoos Get Hockey Equipment - 82 Abn Xmas Carol: "So bring us a C-130, so bring us a C-130, so bring us a C-130 and bring it right here. Cause, we won’t jump until we get one, no we won’t jump until we get one, we won’t jump until we get one, so bring it right here."
Turfed UN, EU Envoys Leave - More - more - Deux diplomates de haut rang expulsés - This in Spite of Rash of Frantic Talks - More - Unveiling (A Bit) the Murky World of Talking to the Taliban - More - UN Radio version of events (.pdf) - UN Calls it "Misunderstanding" (4:45, RealAudio) - mp3 version - AFG media version - permalink - Différend entre l'Afghanistan, l'Union européenne et l'ONU
Opinion: Fmr DEU For Min: NATO Consensus on AFG Needed - L’Afghanistan et l’avenir de l’OTAN: Joschka Fischer - "NATO's convulsions over Afghanistan don't amount to much -- U.S. reinforcements from Iraq will be the difference-maker"
More on POL Incident - permalink
Karzai, Musharraf to Co-operate - Increasing Int Co-operation, Too - Karzaï et Musharraf se jurent de lutter ensemble contre les "terroristes" - Militancy, talibanisation are not future of PAK, AFG - PAK PM Says Peaceful AFG Good for Both Countries
European Parliament: We Back AFG (But Let's Look @ How EU Aid was Spent) - permalink - EP AFG Team Page - francais
26 Dec 07
CAN Def Min, CDS Serve Xmas Meal to Troops in K'Har - permalink - Remembering the Fallen in a Bloody Year - permalink - Timmy's Co-Founder Visits K'Har, Too - Still, Generally Low Key Xmas for Troops - Noël sur la base de Kandahar - Canadiens ont pu célébrer pendant quelques heures - Holiday Message from CJTF-82 Boss
CAN Def Min: We Have to Stay the Course - permalink - Says IRN Supplying Wpns to Bad Guys - More - more - more - permalink - more - MacKay affirme des armes iraniennes pour le Taliban - plus - plus
Expect Hot Debate of AFG Mission in CAN - permalink
Arms Seized in Zhari - permalink
No peace for Royal Marines on Christmas Ptl in Helmand - 500 Poppy Growers Released in Helmand - 150 Bad Boys Claimed Nailed in Oruzgan
Taliban Tries Using 50 Year Old Woman as Homicide Bomber
Opinion: Pays en guerre, peuple en marche
Mari coupe nez et oreille de sa femme - GoogEng: Hubby Cuts of Wife's Nose, Ear in S.AFG
Media: Brit Int Talked to Talban in Summer - More
Afghanistan expels top officials - More - more - Un Britannique, un Irlandais déclarés persona non grata
25 Dec 07
Her Majesty's Christmas Message to the Troops (.mp3) - CAN PM Msg for the Troops - Vœux du Premier ministre Stephen Harper à nos troupes à l'occasion de Noël - CF Def Min's Msg - Message du ministre de la defense nationale à l’occasion du temps des Fêtes - Troupes de l'ISAF loin de leurs familles pour Noël - CENTCOM Cdr Xmas Message - USA Pres Msg to Troops
How the Troops are Celebrating Christmas - More - Padre's Second K'Har Tour - Noël dans la nuit de l’Afghanistan - Du hockey pour Noël à la base - De Kandahar, un saint Noël - Brit Xmas in Theatre
Next ROTO Thinking About Coming Deployment - More
Troops and Poochies
Afghan tué par un soldat chicoutimien: l'enquête progresse - GoogEng: CFNIS Still Investigating Shooting of Civvy in October
Taliban Planting IEDs in Bodies - permalink - ISAF statement - more - more - IEDs Still Big Threat to CF Troops
AFG Human Rights Group Calls on Taliban to Stop Executing Civvies
Opinion: Why the United States and NATO Aren't on the Same Page - La vérité sur l’Afghanistan
ISAF Video Magazine
24 Dec 07
CF Troops Injured by IED on Road to Arghandab: Canadian Press - CanWest - Globe & Mail - CBC.ca - Agence France Presse - Press TV (IRN)
Trois soldats blessés dans explosion: Presse Canadienne - Corus Nouvelles - Radio Canada
CF Donates Old C-7 Rifles to AFG Military
Mountie Mentor to K'Har Kops
Pour Ottawa, l'Afghanistan est dans une situation très difficile - GoogEng: Ottawa in a Tough Spot Re: AFG
CENTCOM Commander to IRN: Stop Supplying Bomb Parts to AFG Bad Guys
Lotsa Demand for Crosses, Religious Paraphernalia Among Quebec Troops - Les deux pieds dans le sable - Gilbert Delorme en soutien aux troupe - Deux ados témoignent - Brits Prepare for Xmas
No Firm Promises for Mo' Troops from Visiting ITA, AUS or FRA Leaders - More - ESP Def Min Says No Deadline for Involvement in AFG
AQ Regrouping in Border Areas with PAK
23 Dec 07
Coupla Suspects with Explosives Residue on Their Hands Nabbed by Vandoos - More
AFG Security News in the Past 24 Hours
COS en AFG: "attrition par tous les moyens de la capacité" des talibans - GoogEng: More on FRA SF in AFG
More on FRA, AUS Visits - More on Possible FRA Troop Increase - ITA PM Visits - Chef du gouvernement italien Romano Prodi est à Kaboul
More 82 Abn Psy Ops Against AQ Types?
22 Dec 07
Impressive CAN causeway project about to open in southern AFG
Anglo Troops Getting First Aid Training in French???
"Christmas in Kandahar" Story - L'Afghanistan en cadeau
How Christmas was saved for a paralyzed CAN soldier - permalink - His Story, a Year Ago
K'har Base Shows Inequities Between AFG Army, Police
Bilan mitigé pour les forces spéciales françaises - GoogEng: Mixed Results for FRA SF
USA Pres: We're Making Progress Against Taliban - USA Chair of Joint Chiefs: Evaluating AFG Strategy Makes Sense - USA Sec Def Doesn't Rule Out "Small Uptick" of Troops to AFG - Economy Has to Improve for Security to Improve - Mo' on Mo' Help Needed in the Fight
FRA PM, AUS Pres Drop By AFG - FRA Could Send Mo' Troops? - FRA Assures AFG of Military, Political Support - More - Warns World About Taliban - Visite surprise et éclair de Nicolas Sarkozy - Plus - plus - "Nous ne pouvons pas, ne devons pas perdre" la guerre en Afghanistan
Opinion: "Poppies vs. Power in Afghanistan"
Robin Williams, Kid Rock entertain in AFG - More
21 Dec 07
CAN PM: "Afghanistan is in a "very, very difficult situation" .... because the international community wasted years before trying to stamp out the Taliban across the country"
CAN Envoy to AFG: Weaker Taliban Still Dangerous - permalink
CF Having to Keep a Close Eye on Some AFG Cops - More
CF Chopper Pilot Helping Co-ordinate Air Support from K'Har
Dubya, Condi Rice Say "Way to Go, Canada" on Role in AFG - More - more - Rice Pushes Allies to Keep Going - Transcript of Rice's Comments - permalink - Bush encense le Canada pour son aide en AFG - Rice reçoit Bernier : des discussions « fructueuses » - plus - Bush craint un éventuel retrait de ses alliés en Afghanistan
Karzai: Foreign Troops Needed for Another Ten Years
CENTCOM Boss: USA Troops Will Continue Push Through Winter - USA Chair of Joint Chiefs Endorses Uber-Envoy for AFG
USAF "Help Bring Gift of Freedom to Afghans" in M-Q
Opinion: NATO's AFG Trials - Some common sense on Afghanistan and malaria
Still Looking Into Doc Who Published Story Including Details of CF Trooper Dying
AUS Troops Prepare to Spend Xmas with Tailban in Oruzgan - What Brit X-Ray Readers are Up To in Helmand
Hervé Morin n'exclut pas l'envoi de renfort en Afghanistan - Morin: "La situation se dégrade" - FRA Def Min Sees AFG Deteriorating - Letter to the Editor: France IS Supporting Troops in AFG - Still Looking into August 2007 POL Army Incident
Centre for Defense Information Summary, 1-30 Nov 07 (.pdf)
"He's 40, She's 11": UNICEF's Photo of the Year from AFG
20 Dec 07
NDP Def Critic: If Gov't Spoke About AFG Mission, CDS Wouldn't Have to Be So Outspoken
Latest in CAN Detainee Court Case - permalink
Brits Buying Chinooks for AFG - permalink - Converted Ones, Actually
AFG Def Min Plans "Training Surge" - permalink
CAN troops love mail bombardment - In Kandahar: Rocker Kim Bingham's Diary, Part Two
CF Lawyer in PRT
Musulmans célèbrent l'Aïd el-Kébir mais pas toujours dans la joie
UN Sec Gen Proposes Mo' Money for UNAMA - permalink
More on NATO, Allies' Review of Mission
Conference of Def Ass'n Update on AFG (.pdf)
Opinion: CF Doesn't Torture Prisoners - permalink - Un scénario rappelant la déroute soviétique - AFG Gov't Needs to Connect with Citizens - Communists Say "U.S.-Britain gay-bashed Afghanistan"???
AUS Troops can't wait for NATO back-up - ITA PM to Visit Troops Around Xmas
"Mullah Omar Sacrifices Khost Citizens During Eid" - permalink
Karzai: Hey, We're Not the Bad Guys, We're the Victim Here! - More - more - more - more
More Opium Production=More Addiction
19 Dec 07
CF: Couldn't Do Job in AFG if Detainees Weren't Transferred to AFG Custody - permalink
CAN urged to take diplomatic, development offensive in AFG in 2008 - GoogFrancais: CAN demande instamment à prendre diplomatique, le développement offensive en Afghanistan en 2008
AFG, Coalition Troops Nail Bad Guys Planting IED
Christmas packages flood Kandahar; boost morale among Canadian troops - Postiers de l'armée canadienne à Kandahar s'activent - Someone Wants to Help His Son In Law
From Hockey Mom to Civilian Support Staff in K'Har - NGO Helps CF Help Disabled in S.AFG - Brit Soon-to-be-weds in Different Parts of Helmand
Taliban chief taunts foreign foes - More - Mollah Omar raille l'OTAN après la prise de Musa Qala - "Pas de repos" pour les troupes étrangères - AFG Pres: Allah Forgive Dead Taliban (But Keep Hunting Them Down, ISAF) - Karzaï veut que la "guerre anti-terreur" cible l'extérieur
Des chars Leclerc en Afghanistan? - GoogEng: FRA to Send 15 Tanks to AFG? - AMX-56 Leclerc - Le «pré-Noël» de Sarkozy en Afghanistan - GoogEng: FRA Pres Visiting AFG Before Xmas?
Pays-Bas prolongent la mission de leurs troupes en Afghanistan - NLD GTFO AFG By July 2010 - More - more - NLD Conservatives Support AFG Mission Extension, BUT.... - permalink - Original NLD Announcement from November - 18 Dec 07 NLD Def Min Ann't - permalink in Dutch - GoogleEnglish
Bad Boys Nailed in Oruzgan - Helmand, Too
Downloadable ISAF Video of Post-MQ Battle News Conference - Aid Getting Through
Opinion: Time short for Afghan answers - Jusqu'en février 2009...
DNK Troops Killed in September in Helmand by Brit Fire: BBC Online - Reuters - Bloomberg - Times Online - Associated Press - Original Story
Worries About Losing if NATO Strategy Isn't Changed - Experts: Tactical victory less important than political, economic stability
NLD Announces Development $ - Paper on NLD PRT Experiences (.pdf)
Child Soldiers Still a Problem - 15 Afghan guards working for U.S. PMC killed in W.AFG
Holiday Greetings from UN in AFG - Eid al-Adha
18 Dec 07
Taliban Caught Sleeping (But Holding Taken Ground Key) - More - more - Talibans chassés d'un secteur de Kandahar - plus - plus
CDS: Taliban Now Focusing on Easier Tgts (Like AFG Army and Aid Workers)
CF OP Causeway over Arghandab River - Opération Causeway: ingénieurs de combat canadiens réduisent l’écart entre Zharey et Panjwayii
As Future ROTO Trains, Talk of CAN GTFO'ing - permalink
AFG Forces Back in the Centre of Town @ M-Q - Brit Brigadier Walks to Work During Battle?
ISAF, PAK & AFG Discuss How to Get a Grip on IEDs - More - more - Pakistan, Afghanistan et ISAF discutent des moyens de contrer la menace des explosifs
Brit Medics Make a Difference in Helmand
Toys for the Kids in Oruzgan - Five People (Including Three Kids) Killed inn Motorcycle Bombing
"In (AFG), It's About Air Power, Too" - "US Airpower in Iraq and Afghanistan: 2004-2007" (.pdf) - permalink
Rocker Kim Bingham's Afghanistan Diary, Part One - Guerre, drogue, corruption... les Afghans perdent espoir
DEU Facing "Taliban Pincer"? - permalink - No Big Increases Planned in NZL Troop Numbers - Maybe... - Sorta, Kinda - Could Crank Up Cbt Ops, Though - Nouvelle Zélande pourrait envoyer des troupes supplémentaires
USA DoD Looking Into Marine SF Shooting Incident
Afghanistan's north-south divide - permalink - "As foreign troops become more efficient, government is still the problem" - permalink
UNAMA 17 Dec 07 News Conference: "We have not been able to carry out what we would like to do in the area, which is a comprehensive assessment of the humanitarian situation and the needs resulting from the fighting there .... due to security restrictions." - permalink
One Program That Seems to be Working - permalink - National Solidarity Program (NSP) Description (CIDA) - permalink - NSP Results Map - permalink
Opinion: "There are lessons from Bosnia that can be adapted for Afghanistan" - Socialist Worker Sees AFG Mission Heading into Trouble - Duplicity and evasion over Afghanistan - Dubya to be (Uncomfortably) Reminded About AFG
This is NOT the "Private Sector Mentoring" We Really Need.... - Not Enough Lawyers? - permalink
17 Dec 07
AFG, CAN Troops Clear Panjwaii of Bad Guys
CAN CDS: Taliban Getting Smarter - permalink
How the Troops Remember Home in K'Har
Dernier hommage émouvant au soldat Lévesque
More on Hit on CF Leopard
Toys to Kids in Oruzgan Province
PAK Bad Guys Huddling @ Border Bad News for CF? - permalink - US General Says Border Violence Better - More
Opinion: UK's AFG "Mission Impossible"? Yes vs. No - permalink
Washington Post Says Pentagon Pushing for Mo' Troops in AFG, Fewer in IRQ - permalink
US Pumping Up Governor in Khost - permalink
AUS: NATO'll Lose Without More Resources - More
16 Dec 07
New CF FOB Going Up in Arghandab - More - more
CF Troops Still Working with AFG Cops - Working with the Disabled, Too - Canadiennes distribuent des vivres à l'approche de l'aïd
CAN Parliamentary Library Paper on the Taliban - Afghanistan : Les Talibans - permalink (English) - permalink (francais)
CF Troops Leaving Because of AFG? - permalink
New Brit Approach: Isolate & Eradicate Taliban - Sending 500 More Scots Soon - Will Need to Recruit More Troops
Reporter Says Taliban Still Better at Public Relations than NATO?
LOTSA Reviews of the AFG Mission Under Way in NATO, USA - permalink
8/10 Students Stay Away from School in Helmand
Quatre taliban tués près de Musa Qala - Big Promises in M-Q Now That Taliban in Gone - Taliban Justice Before Coalition Arrived - L'armée va reconstruire une ville - Safe House Found, Raided - Big Batch o' Heroin Burned, Too - Residents Returning - Fortifications Going Up
Opinion: "Manley panel deserves better than this public attack" - Afghanistan: Who's to Blame? - Muscle Alone Won't Finish the Job - Plenty of Blame for Afghanistan
DEU Expecting More Attacks in AFG - permalink - Brits Get Ready for Xmas Dinner in Helmand
PAK Media Says USA Still Pushing Aerial Spraying of Poppies
15 Dec 07
CIDA (Finally) Talks Up Its Successes
Reporter Finds K'Har Better (and Worse) Than His Last Visit
CAN DefMin: Can't Send Troops? Send Other Help - More - USA to Pull Together Big New Plan for Southern AFG - Uh, We Mean the Allies - More - Mo' Reconstruction, Development to Come - (Maybe Not So Much Pushing for Mo' Troops?) More - more - more - permalink - Alliés vont élaborer un plan détaillant leur stratégie - Plus - plus - Alliés soulignent la nécessité de « partager le fardeau » en Afghanistan - Etats-Unis isolés au sein de l'OTAN?
Follow-up to Clearing Out M-Q - Blogger Compares BBC vs. ABC Coverage
AUS Says They'll Stay the Course - But Not With Mo' Troops
Opinion: Brits "hiding behind US airpower and taking towns from weak forces"?
CICR en Afghanistan : visites aux détenus - GoogEng: Red Cross Visits Detainees
14 Dec 07
Colis destinés aux soldats seront finalement envoyés - Care Packages from Montreal Will Head Out After All - more
Plus: À Kandahar au-delà de 2015? - GoogEng: More on CAN in PRT to 2015
UK Troops Pleased with Secret Talks with Taliban Making Life Easier? - NATO SecGen: Gotta Deal with the Taliban, but AFG Has to Take the Lead in Those Dealings
UK Commander in Helmand Sees More Public Support for Troops
Bad Guy Reported Nailed in Sangin - permalink
Public Health Team Drops By M-Q - permalink - Taliban Under New Management? - Asian Media Say Brits Still not Safe, Even with Capture of M-Q - permalink
S.AFG Women Get Out, Pray for Peace
How NLD Fast Air, Arty Helping AUS in the Fight
NATO Sec Gen: NATO Staying (But NOT as Int'l Police Force) - Retrait de l'OTAN de l'Afghanistan n'est pas d'actualité
Meeting in Scotland to Talk AFG - More - USA (Again) Pushing For More Help for AFG - Karzai, Too - Not To Mention UK PM - More - more - Gates en Ecosse pour une réunion consacrée à l'AFG - Chef de l'Otan frustré par le manque de soldats
NATO Hopes JPN Will Help More - JPN PM to NATO: I'm Tryin', I'm Tryin' - More - Chef de l'OTAN appelle le Japon à soutenir la lutte - KOR is Done Here
Conference of Defence Associations News Highlights, 13 Dec 07 (.pdf) - Transcripts of PBS Interviews with Military, Other Experts on AFG (all .pdf): 10 Dec 07 (Pt. 1) - 10 Dec 07 (Pt. 2) - 11 Dec 07
AFG Report: "In the absence of countervailing economic activity that replaces lost income and access to assets and maintains household security and well-being, rural populations have begun to show increasing antipathy for counter narcotics efforts." - Alternative link to report - Opium, guerre : le "narco-Etat" afghan
Connie Rice: "We are asking American law firms and law schools to help the Afghan judicial system in a variety of ways." - More
World Bank Putting US$112M into 2K km of Road - News release - Meanwhile, IND Interested in a Road of Their Own
13 Dec 07
Plans in Place to Extend CAN PRT through 2015? - permalink - L'équipe de reconstruction restera en Afghanistan jusqu'en 2015? - permalink
CAN Cranks Up AFG Cop Training
UNICEF Canada Boss: Security Troublesome, but a Difference Can Still Be Made - UNICEF-Canada: En Afghanistan, le dialogue s'impose
Worries About Infections Brought Back from AFG Spreading in Hospitals - Cdn Med Jnl Article on acinetobacter (.pdf)
UK Orders More Protected Vehicles for AFG - permalink
Six Killed as Civvy Car Drives Over K'Har Landmine - Six civils tués par une explosion de mine terrestre
Why "One of the Usual Anti-War Suspects" Decided Not to Submit to the Manley Panel
L’armée afghane reprend le contrôle du centre du district Musa Qala - plus - Mistake over 'captured Taleban' @ Musa Qala - A Touch of Confusion - AFG Flag Flies Again in M-Q - Taliban Defectors Helped Coalition Win - Could Have Been Hundreds of Taliban Nailed - Taliban Says They Killed 17 AFG, NATO Troops, Too! - permalink - Even Taliban Says They're Gone - How They Ran Things Before Being Run Outta Town - PAK Pres: "Hey, they may hide here, but the Taliban wouldn't win if the Afghans didn't support them" - Quelle est la portée de la perte de Moussa Qala pour les taliban ? - What's Next for M-Q?
Karzai Already Talking to "Allies of Former Taliban Leader" - Elders Acting as Go-Betweens? - UK PM: We Won't Talk with Taliban - Elimination, Not Negotiation - UK PM Urging Taliban to Get Into the Tent (Politically)? - C'mon Now, You Know You WANT TO.... - more - more - Londres veut négocier avec les talibans
Medical Outreach in K'Har Province
Grandma, Grandson Beheaded by Taliban in Oruzgan for Spying
UK PM Updates Parliament Following Trip to AFG - Full statement - permalink
Big Meeting in Scotland of Regional Command-South Players: AUS to Say "We Send No Mo' Troops Until You Do, Europe" - USA Slams DEU - Might Suggest Hitting PAK? - I'll Bet!
Conference Hears How NATO Not Cut Out for AFG - Three D's No Longer? - Quel rôle pour le Canada en Afghanistan? - Another View of the Same Conference
How the Fight is Going for (Some of) the Americans in AFG (.pdf)
USA Sec Def Says Congress Blocking $ Would Affect Work to Train AFG Troops, Cops
Let's Keep an Eye on PAK's Food Crisis, Shall We? - More
12 Dec 07
Two Kids Injured as Homicide Bomber Attacks CAN Convoy - More - more - Attentat-homicide contre convoi canadien blesse deux enfants afghans - plus - Les convois: une cible prisée des talibans
US Says ISAF Soldier Dies in Non-Combat Incident in Kandahar
Musa Qala Back in Friendly Hands - More - more - permalink - more - permalink - Armée afghane reprend contrôle du centre du Musa Qala - Lotsa Taliban Nailed - Plus de 50 militants talibans tués - Taliban Regrouping
Fier de rejoindre nos troupes en Afghanistan - Des bonbons et des voeux pour l'Afghanistan
Someone in Montreal Didn't Get the Memo on "Can't Send Boxes to 'Any Canadian Soldier' Addresses" - Write to the Troops, No Packages Please - « Écrivez aux militaires » : prière de ne pas envoyer de colis - Packages will get there, eventually
Solidarity with soldiers in Afghanistan - Se serrer les coudes pour les militaires en Afghanistan - Operation Overseas huge success
Shuras in Zabul Province
UK PM to Be First to Say "We'll Talk to the Taliban"? - More - more - Laying Out New Strategy - UK to Pay Opium Farmers Not to Grow?
Taliban Claims to Have Downed Chopper in North - permalink
Taliban Country Full of Sick Kids - permalink
USA Def Sec (Again) Calls for Mo' NATO Boots on the Ground - More - Gates demande à l'OTAN plus de troupes et de matériel en Afghanistan - Disses Lack of Plan for Drugs in AFG - Expresses Cautious Optimism - Hopes for Uber-Envoy Soon - Def Sec's Testimony (.pdf) - Chair of Joint Chiefs: Attacks Up, but Taliban Getting Weaker - Chair's Opening Statement @ USA Committee Hearings - Chair: IRQ Work Holding Back Progress in AFG - Could This Be Why He Said This?
AUS to Confirm AFG Commitment - KOR "Vertical Construction Company" Leaving AFG - JPN Pres Visits AFG - Slovakia Sending Mo' Troops to AFG (After Pulling Them from IRQ)
EU's European Council Reaffirms Commitment to Long-term Support of AFG - Permalink - EST Supports EU Police Mission
PAK Flour Prices Climbing Because of Smuggling into AFG
11 Dec 07
CF Blocks Care Pkgs fm Montreal?
Worries About New Rules for CF Talking to Reporters - permalink
AFG, ISAF Forces Enter Musa Qala: ISAF statement - UK MoD Statement - Bloomberg - NY Times - BBC - Reuters - AFP - Al Jazeera - Centre de Musa Qala pris par l'armée, visite de Gordon Brown - More - more - Troupes afghanes s'emparent de Musa Qala
Brit PM Visits Troops in Helmand - Gordon Brown rencontre les soldats britanniques en AFG - plus - GBR PM Says Job Could Continue for Decade
"Facilitator" Nailed in Helmand
More Taliban Info War?
Taliban Hangs 12 Year Old "Collaborator"
10 Dec 07
CAN, AFG troops capture IED factory in Panjwai-area - More - Part of Big New Push in K'Har - permalink - Canadiens assiègent une usine talibane
UK Def Min: Time is Now to Retake Musa Qala - Looking for More Support - Prep for Final Push - More - L'étau se resserre sur Musa Qala - Now Into Day Four - Back in Friendly Hands - More - more - more - Armée afghane a pénétré dans Musa Qala - plus - Bad News for Taliban?
More on Senlis Suggesting CF Do Aid Work
Drapeau de Gatineau flotte à Kandahar - GoogEng: Gatineau Flag Flying @ KAF
Un bébé et une demande en mariage - GoogEng: VanDoo Gets Married on Leave
Helmand Governor Reportedly Offers Amnesty to Afghan Taliban - permalink
Bad Guys Nailed, Nabbed in Zabul
Latest UK Fallen Identified
AFG Mi-17 Crashes, Killing Four - Hélicoptère afghan s'écrase
Updated NATO-ISAF Who's Where "Placemat" (.pdf)
9 Dec 07
Lotsa Brits in the Fight for Musa Qala - Taliban Surrounded - Talibans chassés de Musa Qala - One Brit Killed, One Injured - ISAF Statement - Bad Boys Nabbed, Too - More - Afghanes arrêtent deux commandants talibans - UK Def Min Visits, Too - Arrivée du ministre britannique de la Défense en Afghanistan, combats à Musa Qala
Uphill Push Training AFG Cops
Security Making it Harder for Aid to Get Through
CBC Finally Catches Up to Senlis Recommendation that CF Take Over Aid Deliveries in K'Har
Hundreds of Mourners Attend QC Funeral of Latest Fallen - More - Québécois saluent la mémoire des deux soldats tués en Afghanistan - Dernier hommage aux deux soldats tués
Opinion: How we put our foot in it - permalink - CAN Shouldn't Abandon AFG
Ontario Unions Oppose CF in AFG - permalink
AUS Says No Final Decision on Their Staying in AFG - More
UK Brass Divided on Special Medal for Helmand Service
(Possible) Super-Envoy Disses Lack of Co-ordination in AFG
8 Dec 07
CanWest Writer: "The" Tank Totalled - permalink - CDS: "The" Tank is Back in the Fight - permalink
Push on Kajaki Dam Continues - Map of Area - More - ISAF Statement - UK MoD Statement - More - more - permalink - Otan bombarde un bastion des Taliban - More - NATO Soldier Killed - more - 15 tués à Musa Qala, dont un soldat de l'Otan - plus - Coalition approche de Musa Qala
AFG, USA Forces Take Back Now Zad in Helmand - Air Strike Nails Bad Boys - More
Afghans restent optimistes, malgré tout - GoogEng: AFGs Remain Optimistic
Funérailles de deux soldats québécois sont célébrées - GoogEng: Latest QC Funerals Today
CAN Def Min "Helps" NB Co. Give Xmas Trees to CF Families - Ministre MacKay aide à ce que l'on fasse don d'arbres de Noël aux familles des militaires
Soldats craignent le jugement des autres - GoogEng: Troops Worry About What Their Peers Think
Molson Canadien Headed Overseas
NATO Countries Offer Eqpt, but No Mo' Troops - OK, Maybe SOME Troops - Afghanistan remains "our top priority" -- NATO chief
Opinion: Young soldier shows impressive grasp of mission
Brit Inquest Finds Soldier Killed When Not Wearing Body Armour, Helmet in Helmand - DEU Aid Team Working in Oruzgan
AFG Cops, Troops Start EOD Course
USA fooled into supporting military forces in PAK?
USA Backing Off from Aerial Spraying of Poppies
7 Dec 07
The OTHER Way to View the CF Tanker's "Thank You" E-mail - permalink - Is Taliban Targeting Tanks (Any More Than, Say, Any OTHER ISAF Vehicle?) - GoogFr: Attaque conduit certains à croire Taliban cibler de nouveaux blindés
Raymond Saint-Pierre échappe à un engin explosif - plus - GoogEng: CAN Journalist Thrown Off Vehicle in Blast on Convoy Near K'Har
RUS veut que le CAN prolonge sa mission AFG - GoogEng: RUS Wants CAN to Stay in AFG
The Brit Push for Musa Qala is On: BBC Online - Exeter Express & Echo - The Sun - The Times
UNICEF Canada Boss Says Development IS Happening in the South
WFP Boss Pissed Aid Worker Killed Delivering Food in South - Directrice Exécutive du PAM condamne le meurtre d'un travailleur humanitaire dans le sud de l'Afghanistan - Getting More Dangerous for Aid Workers
Outlook Report: Expect More Fast Air Because Countries Don't Want to Put In Mo' Troops; Taliban Could Slow Down for Winter - UK Making Precision Air Strikes Even More Precise
More on Senlis' Call for Longer, but Different Mission
Opinion: "Afghanistan's no quagmire, it's an anti-malarial swamp" - "Failed strategy connects Afghan fields, city streets"
Are PMC's An Issue in AFG?
CF Troops Enjoy Getting Cards from Home
This Week's Summary from the Canadian Defence Association
AUS "In For a Decade" - NLD Lower House Committee Holding Hearings on AFG Mission - permalink - ITA, ESP Agree on Need for Review of AFG Strategy
The Tough Time Dealing with Opium - permalink - Aussies Sending Police Team to Work on It - permalink - More - more
"A decline in Afghanistan's opium poppy cultivation is highly unlikely without viable eradication methods or alternatives for farmers."
How Helmand is Lighting Up These Days
6 Dec 07
Injured CF Tanker Back in the Fight - Another Tanker Thanks DEU for Making One Fine Panzer - permalink (.pdf) - GoogFr: Officier blindee dit "merci" a DEU pour le Leopard
CF EOD Killers Work in the Shadows
CF Medics Treating More than Just Military Wounded
One ISAF Soldier Dead, Two Wounded in S.AFG Blast - Identified as Brit Gunner
ISAF Shares Video of Taliban Tricks (Let's See How Much Ends Up on TV)
New Montreal Gazette Reporter in Country Starts in Kabul
Newfies Send Greetings to Troops by Mail - CF Reminds You That All Packages Must Have a Name, Not "Any Canadian Soldier" - Prière de ne pas envoyer de colis
Think Tank to CAN Panel on AFG: Now is NOT the Time to GTFO - NATO Leaving South=Another Srebrenica, Rwanda - Full report (.pdf) - Alternate report download - Main Recommendations - More Recommendations - Meanwhile, One Paper Just Listens to the Negative Waves
Submission to CAN Panel on AFG: "Canada’s Complicity in the Flawed US-led operation Enduring Freedom and NATO’S ISAF Mission Must End"
Opinion: "While the view that Canada should take one more for the team may play well at NATO headquarters in Brussels, it shouldn't be the reason we stay in Kandahar" - More Voices Calling for CAN to Stay the Course
AFG, Aid Top Items on CAN Political Committee Agendas - permalink (.pdf) - Big Priority for CAN Opposition Politicians, Too
Gettin' The Bigheads Together in Ottawa to Come Up With Some Ideas - permalink (.pdf)
Opposition étudiante au recrutement militaire : l'armée annule des activités de recrutement - GoogEng: Anti-War Protests at Quebec CEGEPs
Rome appelle à modifier la stratégie de la FIAS en Afghanistan (diplomatie italienne) - GoogEng: ITA For Min Says Time for Change o' Strategy
USMC Commandant: No, We're Not Moving All Our Marines to AFG (for Now?) - More - USA Senator Calls for Mo' Troops in AFG - Meanwhile, CZE Troops Moving from IRQ to AFG
Bad Guys Nailed in Garmsir - More - Musa Qala About to Fall from Taliban Hands - People GTFO'ing Before the Fight - permalink - Brits to Get Helmand Tribesmen to Help in the Fight
Les fermiers afghans auraient une solution de rechange à la culture du pavot - EC Aid Official Says Need Growing
5 Dec 07
Nouvel appel de l'AFG pour une prolongation de la présence de l'OTAN - GoogEng: AFG Envoy Says CAN's Help Needed Past 2009 - Analyst: Time's Run Out to Find a Replacement Country, Anyway
CF Troops Get "Loose Lips Sink Ships" OPSEC Lecture
Future ROTO Headed to S.Texas to Prepare - Exercice Southern Bear à Fort Bliss, Texas préparer les soldats qui seront déployés en AFG en 2008
NATO Revamping Measures of Success in AFG
Dress Code Getting (A Bit) Less Harsh
BONNE ANNÉE KANDAHAR: Richard Petit montrera la vie des soldats québécois en Afghanistan
More on UN Willing to Start Talking to Ex-Taliban - permalink (.pdf)
Coalition Troops Nab Bad Boys, Weapons in Oruzgan - Helmand, Too - Taliban Bad Boy Nailed in Musa Qaleh Positively Identified - Démantèlement d’un réseau de passeurs talibans - GoogEng: Tackling Taliban Smugglers
Musa Qualeh Back-and-forth Chronology - permalink (.pdf)
USA Sec Def Calls for Other Countries to Join the Fight - More - more - Praises Progress of AFG Army - AFG Pres Asks for More Trainers, Equipment - Gates reçoit les doléances des Afghans, réitère ses appels à l'Otan - Gates «inquiet» de l'activisme croissant des talibans
More on AFG Army Getting M-16s
Opinion: Time to Move USA Troops from IRQ to AFG
Info Ops: RUS Media Outlet Suggests NATO Mil Involved in Drug Smuggling - permalink (.pdf)
Brit Killed in AFG - Soldat britannique tué - Royal Marine Gets Conspicuous Gallantry Cross - UK Board of Inquiry published into loss of Nimrod - UK Def Min Apologizes - More on POL "War Crimes" Trial Awaiting Troops in Jail - permalink (.pdf) - GoogFr: Afghanistan cas de crimes de guerre - Essais Pologne s'est engagée à des missions à l'étranger - permalink (.pdf)
How FRA Fighter Jets are Helping in the Fight
NATO Creating Jobs, Opportunities for Afghans
Leaked Map: Getting Aid Out Getting Harder
4 Dec 07
Newest CF Tanks Roll Into Theatre - Leopard 2A6M
CAN Announces New Funding for Mine Action Program in AFG - CAN annonce un nouveau financement pour le programme d'action contre les mines en AFG - Radio Canada
View from CF Tac Ops Ctr @ K'Har
Coûts de prolongement inconnus - GoogEng: Don't Know How Much It'll Cost to Extend CAN Mission
Panel Looking at CAN's Future in AFG Extends Deadline Because of Slew of Submissions
Opinion: "Some of the longer term development inadequacies .... are real. But the claim that no "visible" improvements have been made is grossly misleading."
Daniel Villeneuve remplit sa dernière mission en AFG? - GoogEng: LCOL Villeneuve's Last Mission? - One of His Papers on CAN Mil Int from Summer 2006 (.pdf)
Producteurs de sapins de Noël offrent leurs produits aux familles des soldats en poste en AFG - GoogEng: NB Xmas Tree Producers Give Free Trees to Families of CF in AFG
More Stats from BBC Poll: Afghans Support ISAF Presence - GoogFr: Sondage - population afghane soutient ISAF -
CAN's Dev Aid Min Disagrees with Stats Showing Dropping Support for NATO in SW - More - Ministre Oda conteste les résultats d'un sondage sur l'AFG
ISAF: Taliban Only Controls 5 out of 59 Districts - GoogFr: Contrôle des Taliban, pas plus de cinq des districts - Trouble on the Kabul-Kandahar Highway
MORE Taliban Info Ops... - US Countering with "Critique" of Hekmatyar - permalink (.pdf)
UN Envoy to Talk with Former Taliban - News conference transcript - permalink to transcript (.pdf) - GoogFr: Mission de l'ONU pour renforcer le dialogue avec d'anciens insurgés en AFG - Mission des Nations Unies en Afghanistan a fait part de son intention de continuer à sensibiliser les groupes d’anciens insurgés qui recherchent désormais les moyens de mettre un terme à la violence - More
Bad Guys Nabbed in Oruzgan - More
AFG Sends Families of Army, Police Fallen to Mecca for Pilgrimage - permalink (.pdf)
Next USA Units Heading Into the Fight
US Sec Def Arrives in AFG to Assess Conditions - Chef du Pentagone en AFG - plus - Looking at New USA Strategy? - permalink (.pdf) - Washington craint un regroupement d'Al Qaïda en AFG - US Worries About Renewed AQ Buildup in AFG - permalink (.pdf) - AFG Tells Gates Mo' Training Resources Needed - AFG Gov't Says Larger Army Needed
3 Dec 07
CF Tango Call Signs ALWAYS Welcome! - GoogFr: Leopard 2A6M est "grand, fort, agressif et bruyant"
Riding Shotgun on CF Supply Convoys - GoogFr: Canadien forces de sécurité "rouler fusil de chasse" pour les convois d'approvisionnement
Only Homicide Bomber Killed in Attack in Sha-Wali Kot
CAN Reportedly Wants to Focus Aid on Kandahar (Instead of All Over the Place)
PCO (Allegedly) Tells CF "Pay for the War Outta Yer Own Coffers, Folks" - permalink (.pdf) - Guerre en Afghanistan coûtera cher à la Défense - plus - permalink (.pdf) - plus
GoogFr: MDN a déclaré la guerre à maintenir les coûts dans le prochain exercice
Opinion: "Holland Extends to 2010, Well Done, Something for Canada to think about!" - "Real reasons we are fighting in Afghanistan are: Power, Money, Resource Control and Integration into the Global Economic System" - permalink "The reality of the ultimatum is that it asks the chiefs to sign their own death warrants – for themselves and their families." (.pdf)
Taliban Big Boy Nabbed in K'Har?
District Int Boss: Talian'll Take Garmser in a Couple of Hours if Brits Not Around
Wedding Blast Nails Taliban in Zabul - permalink (.pdf) - more - permalink (.pdf) - AFG Cops Killed in Oruzgan, Helmand Attacks - permalink (.pdf) - Terrs Killed in Oruzgan, Too - Fast Air Nails Taliban Boss Implicated in Kidnapping of ITA Journalist in March - More - Bit of PsyOps by US Troops Against Rebel Leader?
CAN Liberal Says NLD Extending Mission to End it Right Afterwards? - More Details of POL Attack that Drew Public Fire - Les soldats polonais doivent ils se soumettent à la loi coranique? - DEU's Growing Dilemma in AFG
AFG Soon to Get First M-16s for ANA
Another Plan for Mo' Choppers: Upgrade Old CZE Mi-8's? - Remember These CZE Choppers for AFG?
BBC/ABC Poll: Afghans 'still hopeful on future' - Optimism for future fading? - Support for US Slipping?
Warlord Wants Foreign Troops to Go, "Neutral" Interim Gov't in Kabul - permalink (.pdf)
Super-Duper-Envoy for AFG in the Wings? - More - Bio - OSCE Promises to Help AFG Guard Borders
2 Dec 07
Attentat suicide contre les troupes de l'OTAN dans le sud - GoogEng: Homicide Car Bomber Hits NATO Convoy in K'Har
More on Op TASHWISH MEKAWA - Opération de sécurité réussie dans le district Zhari pour l’ANA et la FOI-Afg - Video (QuickTime) - Taliban Nailed, Nabbed in South - Quarante Talibans présumés ont été tués dans le sud
Workin' on the Arghandab Causeway
Next CF "Head of Operations" in RC-South Prepares to Head Over
Questions about who's providing CF Strategic Advisory Team's security
CF Sgt-Major Wood Carving on the Side
Opinion: Fier soldat en Afghanistan - GetTranslation: Trust soldiers in AFG - Don’t Give Up on AFG
AFG Forces Take Back Zampto Valley in K'Har Province
Up Forward on the "Taliban Highway to Helmand"
UK Gunners Escape Serious Injury as Howitzer Explodes - More - Army.ca Discussion
AFG Gov't Spokesperson: Army Up to Speed by March 2008? - AFG DefMin: Bloodiest Year Ever - Armée afghane va se renforcer
Taliban Shura Says Civvy Cas at a High (Do They Take Blame for Using Human Shields?)
AFG Happy to Hear NLD is Sticking Around
Pétition en ligne pour un retrait militaire d'Afghanistan - GoogEng: Appeasers Opponents Post Online Petition to End AFG Mission
1 Dec 07
Mullah Omar's Old 'hood Now Quiet Following OP "No Worries" - Permalink (.pdf) - CTV.ca
Taliban Claims Four Kills in 29 Nov 07 Attack that Injured Three CF Troops - permalink (.pdf)
Taliban Resurgance=Aid, Development Slowdown?
CEFCOM Boss: We're Winning in AFG - GoogFr: Gen. Gauthier dit 'Nous sommes gagnante "en Afghanistan
Reservists Preparing for Next ROTO
FRA General: NATO Force Not Enough to Secure AFG - USA General: More Muslims Should Get Into the AFG Fray - permalink (.pdf) - GoogFr/Craddock: "nous voulons avoir plus participation des nations musulmanes"
Another View of the AFG Counterinsurgency Academy
DEU Politician: NATO Could Collapse if CAN Leaves, Stops Pressing Europe to Fight - Who is this guy?
Fmr CF Cdr in AFG: Crippling Opium Biz=Beating Taliban - More
More on How the Air Force is Helping in the Fight
TVA: Reportages sur le Noël des soldats
La mort de Michel secoue son ami Kevin - GoogEng: Friend of One of the Fallen, Still in the Field, Remembers
CAN to announce major $ to clear land mines in AFG - Ottawa doit annoncer un grand investissement contre les mines antipersonnel
Bloomberg: NLD Cabinet Extends Mission to 2010 - Reuters - Radio Netherlands - permalink (.pdf) - more - NLD Def Min Statement in English - permalink (.pdf) - Google Translation of NLD Statement from Dutch - AFP - BBC - Les Pays-Bas prolongent leur mission a 2010 - Le Monde - DEU Views Its Troops as Armed Aid Workers
Opinion: CAN Troops Need More than JUST Griffons Called for by Senator - "Why doesn't my company .... make (a Canadian) Afghanistan series or war movie? The only answer is that we don't think it would sell or be watched in sufficient numbers." - "A spate of recent news reports indicates that the NATO occupation of Afghanistan is becoming a deeper disaster"
AFG Becoming More Dangerous for USA than IRQ?
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