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on May 8, 2010 at 3:55:27 am


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Background Information & Research Information


8 May 10

CF Board of Inquiry: "Canadian Forces members acted appropriately on 14 June 2006, taking positive action when they realized an individual in Afghan custody had been mistreated" - BOI Report - Section Commander "heard rumors of the brutality of the ANP and witnessed the ANP using certain forms of corporal punishment. However, the section commander testified that he never observed ANP in the act of abusing detainees" - "Afghan police beatings routine: inquiry" - “In accordance with the strict definition contained in (the policy), the individual was a Canadian Forces detainee” - "Canadian soldier believed Afghans were abusing detainees, but couldn't prove it" - "Afghan authorities used corporal punishment on 'a whim,' report says"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Attacks alleged against Canadians; 40+ ISAF, AFG casualties claimed in alleged attacks in Kandahar, Helmand & Zabul


"Dutch Afghan experience a lesson for Harper? You can't leave trainers behind without combat troops, Dutch PM says" - "Prime Minister as, er, brave (or is that principled?) as his Dutch counterpart?"


"Afghanistan to hold peace assembly on May 29"


Khadr Trial:  "Pentagon bans four (Canadian) reporters from Guantanamo trials" - More


CAN Detainee Fracas:  "Scholar doubts soldiers could be convicted in detainee transfer"


Robert Semrau Murder Court Martial:  "Captain admitted to shooting unarmed Taliban insurgent, court martial told"


"Afghans wary as NATO rebrands Kandahar "process" " - "Karzai brother dismisses criticism" - "Attacks signal end of poppy harvest in Afghanistan" - "Battle for Kandahar could turn into deadly urban fight"


Gizab Taliban Boss Nabbed - AUS government "will spend more than $300 million to fund the urgent deployment of rocket-warning systems to protect Australian troops in Afghanistan." - Follows Rocket Attack on AUS Troops in Tarin Kowt


7 May 10

Craig Blake, R.I.P.:  He's Home - More - more


Robert Semrau Murder Court Martial:  "Third member of unit testifies at captain's court martial"


CAN Detainee Fracas:  "Board Of Inquiry To Release Findings Related To June 2006 Afghanistan Detainee Incident" - "MPs may need extension for Afghan doc deal"


Khadr Trial:  "Canadian reporters barred from Gitmo" - "Deck stacked against Khadr, experts say"


Blog Watch:  People Losing Interest in the War?


"Nato gambles on collaboration with Ahmad Wali Karzai in Kandahar" - "Marja Success Proves New Afghan Strategy, Officials Say"


AUS, AFG Troops Nab Weapon Caches in Uruzgan - Taliban Boss Nabbed in Uruzgan - "Rocket Attack on Australian Forces at Tarin Kowt"


Nabbed Afghan Taliban chief providing 'useful' information: US official


Talkin' to the Taliban:  Karzai Seeks Deal with the Taliban


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  New Taliban sites allege attacks in Kandahar, Helmand and Zabul


6 May 10

Craig Blake, R.I.P.:  Back at 2pm Eastern Today - More


"New Commander for Canadian Battle Group"


"Saskatchewan and Thunder Bay Reservists Return Home From Afghanistan"


"Canadian troops will take lead in Panjwaii offensive: General" - "Commander stresses political reform over military might in Kandahar" - "Canada aims to avoid bloodshed in Afghanistan" - "NATO acknowledges Taliban strong in Kandahar" - "Military operation in Taliban spiritual heartland Kandahar still on track: Afghan official" - "Kandahar Deployments Augur Key Fight in Afghan War"


Analyst Video: "What Canada Can Do For Kandahar"


ISAF Condemns Nimroz Suicide Attack - More - more


CAN Detainee Fracas: "'Possible' torture behind CSIS intel: official" - More - more - "U.S. rejects Ottawa’s plea to suppress Khadr interrogation by CSIS agents"


Khadr Trial:  "Khadr prosecution 'dangerous precedent' " - "Former interrogator felt ‘compassion’ for Khadr" - "Khadr lawyer offers to house him in Edmonton" - "Khadr routinely trussed up in cage, hearing told "


"Britain and the US have been accused of launching secret biological warfare on Afghanistan's poppy fields in a bid to blight the opium crop." - "UK donates 6 helicopters to Afghan counter-narcotics police"


CENTCOM Boss Drops By Helmand


Talkin' to the Taliban:  "U.S., Karzai seek common view on Taliban talks" - "Golden Surrender: The Risks, Challenges, and Implications of Reintegration in Afghanistan" - "Taliban leaders to be offered exile under Afghanistan peace plan"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Before/after reports on Nimroz suicide bombings; Taliban disagrees with Reporters without Borders


"Pentagon says US Afghanistan Strategy is Beginning to Work" - More - "GAO report questions whether Obama's Afghanistan surge can succeed" - GAO-10-613R May 5, 2010, "Afghanistan's Security Environment"


5 May 10

Craig Blake, R.I.P.:  Commander-in-Chief's Statement - Prime Minister's Statement - Defence Minister's Statement - On His Way Home - More - more - Arriving Thursday - Loved Hockey - More


"Canada Extends Congratulations to Members of the Media and the Afghan People on World Press Freedom Day" - Reporters Without Borders Name Taliban Boss Free Press "Predator" - Taliban Denies Claim


Robert Semrau Murder Court Martial:  "Soldier revisited site of 'mercy killing,' court martial hears" - "Soldier admits he appeared unconcerned that officer killed wounded Taliban"


"Kandahar mayor refuses to back down against Taliban" - Another Kandahar Elder Assassinated by Taliban - Nimroz Government Buildings Attacked by Suicide Bombers - More - "NATO commanders scrapped a helicopter assault by hundreds of U.S. and Afghan troops last week because the Afghans weren't able to take charge"


Blog Watch:  Getting Busier in Kandahar - "In the end, (latest surge) will probably end the way all the other ISAF operations in the South have ended: a broad stalemate that alienates vast swaths of the local population."


New Idea to Reduce Civilian Casualties: Rewarding "Courageous Restraint" - New Intelligence-gathering Light Plane Unit Up and Running


Latest Two Brit Fallen Identified Here and Here - UK Royal Dragoon Guards arrive in AFG - 11 DNK Soldiers, 2 Interpreters Wounded in Attack on Helmand Patrol Base - "Afghan and Australian Troops help improve Afghan lives in Southern Baluchi Valley Region"


Talkin' to the Taliban:  "Karzai to seek Obama's approval for peace deals with insurgents"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  30+ ISAF/AFG troops, cops claimed killed in alleged attacks in Kandahar, Helmand and Zabul


Khadr Trial:  "Canadian interrogated while sedated, soldier says" - "Omar Khadr questioned by sergeant later court-martialled, court told" - "Khadr left hooded, chained in cage after capture, prosecution admits"


4 May 10


Another Batch of Western Canadian Troops Home


Khadr Trial:  "Tories not interested in Khadr plea deal" - "Shackled Omar Khadr not in pain, medic says" - "U.S. chained wounded Canadian teen to door: medic" - "Judge Grants Government Request for Psychological Examination of Khadr"


CAN Detainee Fracas:  Bloc MPs Need to Take Loyalty Oath to Queen before Seeing Documents? - "Tories hope for Afghan docs deal by Friday" - "Detainee talks bear more fruit" - "Small group made detainee document decision" - "Feds spent $1 million vetting detainee documents, panel told"


"An effort to give construction projects to Afghan firms is leading to delays at a time when NATO is rushing to accommodate tens of thousands more international troops, U.S. officials say."


"Kandahar governor plays down military aspect of offensive" - USMC Commandant:  Helmand = Anbar - ICOS (Formerly Senlis) Report:  Operation Moshtarak:  Lessons Learned


Latest UK Mercian Regiment Fallen Identified - Brit Sapper Killed in Explosiion - Brit Sapper Killed in Vehicle Accident - Brit Sniper in Helmand Sets New Distance Kill Record? - More - "No Australians, Afghan and Coalition troops wounded in an rocket attack at Tarin Kowt" (


Talkin' to the Taliban:  "Clinton firm on conditions for Taliban reconciliation" - Assessment of New Taliban 2 i/c:  "I don't think he will want to negotiate .... He wants to win this war at any cost. That's what makes him dangerous."


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Tanks claimed destroyed, US/AFG cas claimed in alleged Helmand, Zabul attacks


3 May 10

"Canada expanding Kandahar memorial to include American soldiers" - "Slain reporter Michelle Lang named winner of Canadian World Press Freedom Award"


Current RCR roto to Kandahar last full battle group? - More  Whispering About Canada's Post-2011 Mission Not Good Enough - More


"Afghanistan vets at risk for homelessness: experts" - Opinion: "We may not need to know about battle injuries as they occur, but a report just once a year is inadequate to provide a true sense of events on the ground."


"Rising tide of insurgency looms as Kandahar election nears" - "Explosives cache found in Kandahar as escalation of Taliban attacks feared" - More


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  40+ ISAF, AFG casualties claimed in alleged attacks in Kandahar, Helmand & Zabul


2 May 10

Embed Photographer Shares IED Worries from Up Close


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Lies o’ the Month, April 2010 - 10+ US, AFG troops claimed killed in alleged attacks in Zabul, Helmand


CAN Detainee Fracas:  The Torch "It's not about detainees at all; it's about forcing an end to the CF's combat mission, the sooner the better." - "Afghan detainees: The news not fit to print " - More - Opinion:  "A useful compromise is possible on the issue of the Afghan detainee documents -- but the opposition must be willing to risk an election"


Khadr Trial "U.S. army officer testifies to changing Khadr report" - More - more - more - "Khadr’s defence teams presses for identities of 3 officers" - More - "Guantánamo interrogators testified that sweets and the possibility of return to his native Toronto -- not abuse -- got Omar Khadr to spill al Qaeda's secrets" - "Two Edmonton lawyers say the cause of basic justice drives their work on behalf of an alleged terrorist"


"NATO checks report of Afghan civilian deaths"


AUS: AFG Troops Doing More Heavy Lifting in Uruzgan - "From gunfire to governance in Gizab" - "Agriculture Development Team Begins Work in Zabul"


1 May 10

One Soldier's Story


Opinion: "Afghanistan withdrawal an abandonment of our ethics"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Canadian tank blast, multiple Helmand attacks alleged


Robert Semrau Murder Court Martial:  "Court martial sheds light on mentoring of Afghan soldiers" - More


CAN Detainee Fracas:  "Parties divided on whether they should call on retired judge to resolve the problem of accessing uncensored documents" - Op-ed: "Detainee file could still force election"


Khadr Trial:  "Omar Khadr considered for release months after capture, hearing told" - More - "Female agent built rapport with Khadr during interrogations"


"Three Afghan civilians 'killed by foreign forces' " in S. AFG


"Afghan soldier working with 1 SCOTS finds 177 IEDs" - "New Garmsir District Governor Arrives at District Center"


CAN in Kandahar April 2010

CAN in Kandahar March 2010

CAN in Kandahar February 2010

CAN in Kandahar January 2010


CAN in Kandahar December 2009

CAN in Kandahar November 2009

CAN in Kandahar October 2009

CAN in Kandahar September 2009

CAN in Kandahar August 2009

CAN in Kandahar July 2009

CAN in Kandahar July 2007


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