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CAN in Kandahar News Archive (Apr-Dec 2006)

26 Nov 09

Robert Short and Robbie Beerenfenger, R.I.P.: CAN Considered Canadian Trial for Hekmatyar Folks Responsible for Killing CAN Troops


CAN Detainee Handling Fracas:  Generals Speak, Saying Torture Not Mentioned in Their Paperwork and Calling Diplomat's Testimony "Ludicrous" - More - Toronto Star Alleges E-mails Containing Red Cross Allegations Reached Foreign Minister's Office in 2006 - PM Says All "legally available" Documents Will be Handed Over - Retired General:  Why Not Let Military Police Complaints Commission Deal with It? The Torch on WTF Happened to the TV/Online Feed - Meanwhile, Liberals Using Detainee Issue as Fundraising Hook?


International Think Tank Calls for UN Uber-Envoy for AFG to Resign to Restore Faith in Electoral System


Taliban Boss Issues New Message Before Obama Decides (Tailban English site) - Taliban Page (Arabic version) - PDF of statement (English and Arabic) at non-terrorist site -'s Quick & Dirty Once-Over of Statement - ISAF Spokesperson: Taliban "are aware that progress is being made in the country with international support (which is) why the Taliban want to undermine the government" - Media's Read from Agence France-Presse, Reuters, Associated Press


NATO (Allegedly) to Send 5K Mo' Troops - Will US (Possibly) Announcing "Off Ramps" Strategy Embolden Taliban to Hang Tough? - RUS Diplomat Calls for RUS-NATO Meetings on AFG, Drug Trade


ISAF Commander Announces Eid Greetings - 20 Nov 09 Uruzgan Suicide Bombing:  Taliban Claimed Responsibility, but Was There More To It? - Fighting Taliban with Credit Unions in Helmand


AFG Border Cop from Kandahar Jailed for Possession of +40 TONNES (+88K Pounds) of Hash


Talkin' to the Taliban:  Long War Journal:  PAK Talking to AQ about All Party Talks?


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Several Attacks Against British in Helmand - Taliban's Alleged Attack, Casualty Stats (Arabic) at



25 Nov 09

Wall Street Journal:  Any USA Surge Will Target K'Har, Southern AFG - "The fight for Kandahar, Afghanistan's second largest city, shows some of the biggest hurdles faced by the U.S. as it tries to implement a strategy of winning over the ordinary people of Afghanistan."


Former CAN OMLT Boss: "The population is the prize; winning over the minds of the people" - Kandahar PRT Hands Out Food Aid in Kandahar City for Eid al-Adha


Canadians Teach AFG Troops Combat First Aid - Opinion:  "Some Air Force officers have argued that an armed UAV capability would be a relatively low-cost contribution Canada could make to the Afghanistan mission post-2011"


CAN Detainee Handling Fracas:  PM Promises Release of Documents to Committee Looking at Issue - More - Hillier Testifying to Committee Today More Calls for Inquiry - More


Canada's War Poet in K'Har During Rocket Attack


US Sending More ISR Planes to AFG - MC-12 Huron (Wikipedia)


U.S. Special Envoy:  "We're not seeking to destroy every person who supports the Taliban .... Our goal is to destroy al-Qaida"


Talkin' to the Taliban:  PAK Media Quote US Special Envoy Saying SAU Talking to Taliban - Taliban OK As Long as They Denounce AQ - Not As Easy As Some Would Make it Seem


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Eight Missiles Allegedly Fired at CAN Base in Zhari


"Miscreants" Blow Up Supply Trucks in PAK - "Ex-Soviet states see threat of Afghan spillover"



24 Nov 09

The Torch:  Hello?  Where's the Media Coverage?


Last Group of Edmonton-based Soldiers Returning Today


Head of CAN Army Quoted Saying Tribal Militias Should be Part of Security Picture in AFG - Meanwhile, Anti-Taliban Militias Being Called "Death Squads" by "Progressives" and Pro-jihadis


Ronald Kevin Megeney, R.I.P.:  "Soldier who shot comrade in Afghanistan seeks release pending appeal"


CAN Senator Says "Build" Not Happening Quickly Enough After "Clear" and "Hold" - More


CAN Detainee Handling Fracas:  Government of Canada Statement about How System Works - Former Head of Government Task Force on AFG Wants to Testify - Detainee Transfers Blocked Three Times in 2009 - DefMin: "three suspensions of detainee transfers proves system working" - Questions from 23 Nov 09 Question Period in House of Commons Here and Here


New NGO Report:  Attacks on Schools (Esp. Girls' Schools) Continue - More - more


"A senior Pentagon official says that preventing roadside bombs from killing troops has proven to be tougher in Afghanistan than in Iraq because of the austere conditions there"


"Obama to announce Afghanistan decision within days"


Journalist/Author Tweet:  K'Har City Int Official Assassinated - Taliban Took Credit Earlier This Week Here and Here - Tough Talk with Psy Ops in K'Har - More - Search of Bahay Dehe Sufla Compounds Leads to Nabbing of Taliban Money & Logistics Guy


"Garmsir Leaders, 2/2 Discuss Bazaar Security, Joint Efforts"


NLD Reporter Embeds with Special Forces (Original in Dutch - Google English translation) - "The governor of Uruzgan pleads with the Dutch government to reverse its decision and not to leave their jobs half-finished" - How Long Will NLD Troops Be Staying?


Talkin' to the Taliban:  More Rumours of USA Talkin' to Taliban - More - more - more - Deja Vu All Over Again? - Retired Brit General Helping Try to Woo "On the Fence" Taliban


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  At least 9 alleged killed in Panjwai attacks


NATO Oil Tanker Convoy Hit (Again) in PAK


Opinion: CPAC/ Debate Offers All Sides - "Canada has learned some painful lessons and it will be a long time before Ottawa again sends thousands of troops to fight abroad."



23 Nov 09

New CAN TF Commander NOT Just Focussing on K'Har City - More


Missing Poochie Returned to Canadians = Sign of Good Will in AFG Village


Embeds Head Downrange (for a Week)


CAN Detainee Handling Fracas:  CDS Quoted Saying Detainee Transfers Halted More than Once - More - more - more - more


Three US Troops Killed in S. AFG - "(AUS) Defence force chief Angus Houston has described as "completely baseless" reports Australian soldiers on tours of duty in Afghanistan are returning home as drug addicts." - Official Statement - Brit Troops Prepare to Arm, Train Militias in Helmand - UK Armoured Artillery Vehicle Survives Mine Blast


Columnist Says India Ready to Move In if NATO Leaves AFG?


Talkin' to the Taliban:  Karzai "could invite militants to attend a "Loya Jirga", or grand council meeting, aiming to seek peace and reconciliation with the Taliban" - More


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Taliban allege 45 ISAF/AFG tps, 9 veh destroyed in K'Har, Helmand, Uruzgan - AGAIN With the "Offering to Let Taliban Control Some Provinces in Exchange for Peace" Message


More from Long War Journal on Taliban-AQ links



22 Nov 09

CAN Push SW of Kandahar City Continues - More - AFG TV Says 18 Bad Guys Killed So Far - Key Village Reportedly Captured


Canada's Post-2011 Mission Messaging Mambo ©:  Hillier: "Whether Canadian troops stay or leave Afghanistan could largely depend on the eloquence of U.S. President Barack Obama and his ability to rally western nations" - Says Another Year to Turn AFG Around, or All is Lost - More - CAN Historian: "The West should set an objective, not seek a way out, which would mean defeat"


CAN Detainee Handling Fracas:  PMO Reportedly Controlling Every Syllable of Responses on Alleged Detainee Abuse - AFG Warden Says Torture Happened (But Not As Much as They Say) - ~600 May Have Been Handed Over


NATO Takes Over Training of AFG Cops, Troops - ISAF Statement - Video: New Girls' School in Zabul


John McCain: "History shows us that if you set dates for when you're going to leave, the enemy waits until you leave" - US Def Sec:  Aid Could Be Withheld if Corruption not Tackled


Five AFG Border Guards Killed in Spin Boldak - Tailban Linked to Suicide Bombings Nabbed in Kandahar City


Signs of Militias Growing to Oppose Taliban


Talkin' to the Taliban:  Former EU Envoy Says Taliban Talking About How to End War in AFG? - Claims "many members of the Taliban would only leave the insurgency if they were given ideological and religious cover"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Statement Alleges CAN Tank near Panjwai


21 Nov 09

US Secretary of Defence: “In Afghanistan, the Canadian military has more than distinguished itself in battle in some of the most dangerous parts of the country” - CAN Helicopter Sqn Receiving Award for AFG Service


Next ROTO Practicing in California


Canada's Post-2011 Mission Messaging Mambo ©:  Anonymous "Government Official" Tells Toronto Star "there may be no need for a debate and vote in the House of Commons on Canada's role in Afghanistan when the current military mission expires in 2011" - Meanwhile, CAN DefMin Talking to US About Protection for Diplomats, Aid Workers - More - more - "Canada will continue to work with the United States and other NATO nations to ensure security for necessary infrastructure projects" - Blog Prediction:  Everything Considered, We're Outta There, Period


CAN Detainee Handling Fracas:  "It is important to let the Parliamentary Committee process unfold and to consider and weigh the testimony of subsequent witnesses before drawing any conclusions" - "The failures of the Hamid Karzai government are not our soldiers' failures" - More


Kandahar Co-op Finds Shipping Alternative After USA, CAN Military Shipping Options No Longer Available


IED Goes Off, Killing 13-year-old in Zhari - More - Bad Boys Killed in K'Har Op - 12 Bad Guy Suspects Nabbed in Nimroz


UK PM:  AFG Would Fall in Weeks if NATO Leaves


Former Governor of Helmand Encouraged Thousands to Fight with Taliban After Losing Office


PAK Gov't:  No, Mullah Omar's NOT in Karachi! - More


Talkin' to the Taliban:  PAK Advice to USA - Talk to Tailban, Keep a Grip on India


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Taliban Claims Attack on Canadian Tank, Alleges 27 Killed in Uruzgan Security Building Attack - Same Taliban Op-Ed Statement, with One Headline in the Morning, and Another in the Evening?


Why the PAK Army May Not Be Keen to Take On AFG Taliban, Too


20 Nov 09

"Canada's campaign against Taliban insurgents is in for an overhaul under a new commander who's concerned with the deteriorating security situation in Kandahar city and facing the prospect of taking more American forces under his wing." - More on New TF Afghanistan Commander - More U.S. Troops to K'Har=More Pressure for CAN to Stay Longer?


Air Force:  CAN UAVs to Remain Unarmed Predicts Another 60 Canadian Fallen in AFG Before end of 2011


CAN Detainee Handling Fracas:  CAN's Foreign Minister on Former Diplomat's Statements: "There were a lot of allegations, but there is no proof to what Mr. Colvin had to say" - No Probe Coming into Detainee Treatment - More - more - more - Incoming TF AFG Cdr:  Lessons Learned Hillier on Detainees on His Watch:  "We detained some people who were the ones we took in the line of fire. There was a process. There was a process the Afghans have -- unless the judge says to continue to detain him, he was let go."


CAN Foreign Minister on Karzai Inauguration:  "Canada encourages the appointments of cabinet ministers and governors based on merit." - Text of Inaugural Karzai Speech (PDF) - AFG Academic Says Kandahar Elders to Visit Kabul to Congratulate Karzai Shortly - Differing Opinions on Corruption and Making the System Work


"Afghanistan civilian casualties: what are the real figures?"


Talib Bad Guys (Including Bomb Guy) Nabbed in Ghorak, Panjwai Districts - Mullah Omar Spotted in Karachi?


The TV Clip You'll Never See of Canadians Explaining How They Win Hearts, Minds - What the Taliban Tap in Winning Hearts, Minds


Two USA Troops Killed in Zabul - UK Names Fallen MP - Queen Elizabeth Helps Comfort Brother of Fallen Bomb Disposal Expert - USMC Sending Reverse Osmosis Units to Helmand to Reduce Convoys of Bottled Water


Talkin' to the Tailban:  Former EU Envoy on What Obama, Mullah Omar and Karzai Have in Common: "A desire to see the back of the Western military campaign inside Afghanistan."


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Taliban Alleges Canadian Tank Destroyed, with All On Board Killed - Latest Taliban Op-Ed Contains Nationalist Messaging, Typos


Long War Journal shares vintage video higlighting AQ, Taliban links


19 Nov 09 

"The Taliban kept to the shadows of Haji Baba on Wednesday as Canadian soldiers trying to seize control of the insurgent stronghold continued to pick up apart its defences."


Task Force Kandahar Change of Command - CAN CEFCOM Boss Drops By ISAF Joint Command in Kabul


CAN Detainee Handling Fracas:  Former Diplomat Tells Committee "we detained, and handed over for severe torture, a lot of innocent people" - Canadian Press Extract from Opening Statement - More - more - more - more - more Calls for Inquiry Have Started


CAN Envoy Helps Launch Polio Vaccination Campaign


Karzai Sworn In for Second Term - Wants Foreign Troops Outta AFG in Five Years - Wants Private Military Contractors Gone in Two - more - NATO SecGen Statement - CAN Foreign Minister Shows the Flag, Speaking to Media After Karzai Inauguration


Opinion: "Canada's role in Afghanistan reliant on U.S." - Latest on What's Canada Doing in AFG Post-2011


NATO SecGen:  We Can't Walk Away from AFG - Head of RUS Mission to NATO Not Entirely Optimistic about NATO's Chances of Getting Outta AFG Quickly - More


Brit MP Killed in Helmand Firefight


AFG Ministry of Defence Not Liking Idea of Bribing Taliban to Roll Over


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web pages):  Alleged Taliban Sotto-Capo from Helmand Says if US Leaves, "we will never again allow our country to be used in the same way as it was used against America in the past" - Attacks Alleged in Kandahar, Helmand, with 35+ ISAF, AFG Troops Claimed Killed


18 Nov 09

Cdn, AFG troops start push into Noorzai territory in/around Haji Baba  - A Game of Inches


Canadian General on Kandahar: "The only way that the people can really be protected is to have work."


Next ROTO Getting "Psychological Resilience" Training - Maybe This Video's Part of It?


CAN Reportedly Spending Almost $8 Million on Private Security to Guard Bases in AFG


More on Big Maintenance Hangars Going Up at KAF


CAN Def Min's Latest Word on the Post-2011 Mission (2 minute video) - CAN Senator Calls for Clarity on Post-2011 Mission (Says We May Be Waiting for USA to Decide Next Steps First) - The Mission Messaging Mambo Continues... - More - Opinion:  "A clean Afghan handover is a long way from reality"


CAN Diplomats in AFG Ordered in 2007 to Hold Back Information About Detainee Handling? - More


NATO Sec-Gen:  Fast Pullout of AFG="Global Jihad" - Confident of More Troops Coming from Europe - More


UK Foreign Sec'y:  Taliban Needs to be Part of Gov't - Success=aligning NATO military, civilian resources "behind a clear political strategy"


Bad Guys Fire on Brits During Mosque Visit in Helmand


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web page):  Taliban statements allege 74+ allied troops killed across RC-South, claim Americans raided civvy homes in Sangin



17 Nov 09

"One of the biggest Canadian operations of the entire Afghanistan mission launched this week with barely a shot fired." - "Villagers welcome Canadian, Afghan troops after Taliban ousted"


CAN TF Kandahar Officer:  Newest Tactics=Undecided Afghans Not Joining Taliban


BIG Projects Coming Up at K'Har Airfield - Meanwhile, Embed Discovers Some Officers Get Flexibility in Spending on Must-Have-Quickly Items


Not Many CAN Diplomats Can Speak AFG's Languages


Latest Stats:  7 out of 10 Civilians Killed in AFG Killed by Insurgents - So Much for Taliban Rule Book


Former CAN Envoy to AFG:  Canada's Approach Should be Driven by International Approach


Latest UK Fallen Identified - UK Sends Javelin Missiles to Tps in AFG


McChrystal, Uruzgan Governor Open New Bridge


UK Commanders:  "It is vital to redefine the notion of clear victory in a battle with insurgents such as the Taliban" - New Brit Manual Reportedly Says Buy 'Em Off with Gold - UK Foreign Sec: AFG "not a war without end" - Speech Text - UK PM Quoted Saying He Wants to Talk Handover Timetable with AFG in New Year vs. Commander of UK Army Calls for "Long-Term Resolve" in AFG


Remember the 'Terps: "Afghan interpreters working with the British Army have claimed they are being abandoned after being wounded and left open to Taliban reprisals"


Retired DEU General to NATO Parliamentarians: “Simply sending in more NATO troops cannot be the solution .... A viable strategy should build on past successes and, coupled together with a counterinsurgency strategy, should be oriented fundamentally around reconstruction” - " ‘Pax Americana’ in Europe broke down after the US began its War on Terror” in September 2001 .... and Europeans need to work to repair this"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web page):  Canadian Tank Allegedly Destroyed in Zhari; American Troops Accused of Torching Businesses in Panjwai - Who's Killing All the Civvies in AFG? - Latest Taliban Statement, in Haiku


Opinion:  "It is absurd to think .... that Al Qaeda would not be strengthened by a Taliban revolution in Afghanistan" - Blogger Agrees - Former US Infantry Officer on Why Counter-terrorism Alone Isn't Enough in AFG


16 Nov 09

Outgoing CAN TF AFG Commander: "I would say we are at a turning point in the mission"


How Winning Hearts and Minds Works, In a Bit of Detail


Last Vandoos from ROTO 7 Coming Home Today


Blog Watch:  Canada's War Poet in Afghanistan - Brian Platt on The REALLY Brave Women of AFG


"US demands Afghan 'bribery court' " - US Foreign Secretary "sets benchmarks for progress in Afghanistan"


Eight AFG Cops Killed in Attack on K'Har Police Post - More - more


Brit 7 RIFLES Soldier Killed in Helmand - Biometrics to Help ID Good, Bad Guys in Helmand


More on Taliban Hunger Strike at Sarpoza Over


Talkin' to the Taliban Taliban Foreign Minister Quoted Saying "There are possibilities for peace if Taliban are convinced that their objectives can be met through peaceful talks"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web page):  Attacks alleged in Kandahar, Helmand, Uruzgan and Zabul - Talib Info-Machine translation bureau in a hurry?


RUS Official "Tweets" Threat to Stop Helping in AFG "If NATO officials don't change their tone with regard to Russia" - Tweet in Russian



15 Nov 09

CAN Army Commander: "Counter-insurgency operations will eventually displace the army's traditional peacemaking capabilities as it prepares for life after the Afghan mission"


"NATO braced for attack as President Hamid Karzai is sworn in"


UK Commander in AFG:  Winning Hearts & Minds, Not New Hardware, Key to Beating Taliban


More on AUS Bomb Poochie Returning to Unit One Year After Disappearance in AFG


Talkin' to the Taliban "The Taliban, at least with its current leadership, will never risk its Islamic or popular legitimacy by compromising with the United States"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web page):  20+ Claimed Killed Killed, 9 Vehicles Claimed Destroyed in Alleged Kandahar, Helmand and Uruzgan Attacks - Taliban Tries to Set Record Straight on Their Aims


Former Brit Envoy Says PAK Not as Unstable as It Seems


14 Nov 09

Canadian Valour, Merit Rewarded - More


CAN Helicopter Force Commander Returns This Weekend - More Reservists Head Downrange


Blog Watch:  STILL No Clarity on What Canada's Doing Post-2011


Taliban End Sarpoza Hunger Strike - More


AFG Chief Prosecutor Announces Corruption Probe - UN to Follow Up on Anti-Corruption Promises - CAN Foreign Minister:  "Canada expresses its support to the Government of Afghanistan in tackling corruption at all levels in the country." - More


CAN DefMin:  AFG Elections Not Pretty, but Useful


UK PM:  Europe May Send 5K More Troops? - COIN Expert:  Send Enough Firefighters to Put Out the Burning House, or Get Them Out of the House


One Reporter's Truth about Being with Brit Troops in Helmand


AFG Taliban Commander:  No Room for AFG Taliban in AFG; Mullah Omar in AFG - Nat'l Security Archive: "The Taliban Biography: The Structure and Leadership of the Taliban 1996-2002"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web page):  Attacks alleged in Kandahar, Helmand and Nimroz


PAK Seeking Canadian Border Surveillance, Bomb Sniffing Hardware for Tribal Areas


Analysis: "Russian Deal on Afghan Supply Route Not a Deal Yet "



13 Nov 09

Canadian Triple Amputee Saved Five Lives Getting Wounded


CAN Army Boss:  LOTS of Demand to Work in the Infantry, Fight in AFG


USA to Ask NATO (Again) for More Troops - NATO Boss Sees Need for Mo' Troops, Too - US Pres Promises "Strategy, Clear Mission".... - ....As Soon as The Options are Sorted Out - More - US Envoy to AFG Warns Against Mo' Troops (Right Now) - Dostum:  Surge Will Fuel Taliban Insurgency - Hillier to Obama: "Yes, listen to your ambassador, but who's the guy the who's fighting the war? Listen to the commander."


US Military Hospital in Germany Getting Busy with AFG - AUS PM Drops By - "The soldiers from the Netherlands deployed in Oruzgan province have been focusing more on development work and civilian protection and less focus on fighting."


More on How Taliban Collect Protection Money to Allow Construction, Redevelopment to Carry On


Talkin' to the Taliban:  "A reconciliation between the Afghan government and some Taliban leaders in the next two years has been proposed by UK officials"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web page):  Attacks alleged in Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul & Nimroz - Taliban Claim They Sucked NATO Forces into Helmand, Calling Recent ISAF Ops a Failure - AFG Taliban Spokesperson Claims No Help to PAK Partners, Denies They've Disowned AQ - More - Why's Karzai's Opponent Suddenly the Bad Guy to the Taliban? - Taliban Calls PRTs "a wing of the special forces of Pentagon"


Organization of the Islamic Conference "sees non-military Afghan solution"


Opinion:  "The Obama administration has been openly debating its future Afghanistan policy and will come to a decision of its own. It is time for the Canadian government and Canadians to do the same." - "The 103,000 foreign soldiers in Afghanistan and the over 150,000 Afghan National Army soldiers and the Afghan National Police should be more than enough to tackle the less than 20,000 Taliban if the Afghan people were convinced that the west and its partner in Kabul, President Karzai, could be trusted to put their homeland on the path of progress and prosperity." - "Abandoning Musa Qala again would be “a defeat”. "



12 Nov 09

"Families of fallen soldiers seek solace at Nov. 11 ceremonies in Kandahar" - More - more


One of the Wounded Returns to Finish the Job


CDS Says No Leopard Tanks to be Left to AFG Forces when CAN Leaves


Outgoing CAN TF Commander's Assessment of Taliban:  "They're crappy insurgents .... They offer no viable alternative. They've performed too many heinous acts to become a political force."


The Torch:  It's Now Up To the CAN Politicians to Explain What Happens Next in AFG


"The Canadian military is backtracking on reports it will offer the H1N1 vaccine to Afghan detainees, saying there are no plans to vaccinate those being held." - More


Work Continues on Dahla Dam - CAN Engineers at Work


"A senior White House official says U.S. President Barack Obama is calling on his national security team to revise the options for the U.S. war strategy in Afghanistan." - More - "The U.S. ambassador in Kabul sent two classified cables to Washington in the past week expressing deep concerns about sending more U.S. troops to Afghanistan until President Hamid Karzai's government demonstrates that it is willing to tackle the corruption and mismanagement"


Bad Boys Nabbed in Helmand, Bad Boy Financiers Hunted in K'Har City - Getting Busier in Zabul - UK Aiming to Hand Over Control of Two Helmand Districts to AFG Security Forces before June 2010 - UK Sniper Makes Taliban Think Twice


NATO SecGen After Speaking to UK PM:  "Transistion to Afghan lead is the way forward, and that we can and should start next year to hand over lead responsibility to Afghan forces, where conditions permit. In a coordinated way through NATO."


AUS Soldier Wounded in Uruzgan IED Blast - AUS, AFG Soldiers Wounded in Another IED Blast - Aussie Bomb-sniffing Poochie Returned to Unit a Year After Disappearing in AFG Firefight


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web page):  Taliban Claims Five Canadians Killed, Seven Injured in Zhari IED Blast - Taliban English-language Web Site Part of Cranking Out the Message


Taliban Using Child Labour to Process Drugs in Southern AFG


Opinion "Claiming that Quetta houses the top leadership of what is called the Quetta Shura Taleban is absurd" - "The balance of power between militant groups in war-ravaged Afghanistan is shifting in the interest of emboldened Taliban at the expense of weakened Al-Qaeda" - "Al-Qa'ida will continue to try to goad the US into staying involved in the conflict because the sustenance and empowerment the conflict gives al-Qa'ida far outweighs the benefits of a safe haven in Afghanistan." - More


"Pakistan Says U.S. Should Share Intelligence on Afghan Border"


11 Nov 09



CAN Defence, Industry Ministers Drop By for Remembrance Day


Chief of Defence Staff:  We're Packing to Leave K'Har by End of 2011 as per Commons Resolution -  "Perhaps we need to consider putting troops someplace else in Afghanistan to prevent the imbalance in our contribution that Parliament expressly wanted to avoid"


Flap Over Canadian Detainees in AFG Getting H1N1 Vaccinations - More - more - more - more - "Taliban prisoners to get vaccine before Canadians" - Committee Testimony About Geneva Conventions - CF:  "Offering vaccinations to detainees for H1N1 would be based on medical need and at this point there is no program to vaccinate detainees."


Bad Boys Nabbed in Kandahar - Suicide Bomber Attack on NATO Troops Kills Two AFG Civilians - "He Says, She Says" on Zabul Raid:  ISAF Says Suspected IED Facilitator Nabbed - AFG Red Crescent Says Their Office Attacked


Latest Brit Fallen was Son of Calgary Cop


"The ascendancy of the Taliban and the relative decline of al-Qaeda have broad implications for the Obama administration as it seeks to define its enemy in Afghanistan and debates deploying tens of thousands of additional troops." - Brits Could Pull Out of N. Helmand if US Reinforces?


Mullah Omar Spokesperson Promises War in AFG Until Foreign Troops Leave


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web page):  Taliban Alleges Attacks Killing Brits, Americans in Helmand, Others in Zabul


10 Nov 09 

Steven Marshall, R.I.P.:  Funeral in Calgary Today


CF soldier on stress:  "I don't think anybody who watches a soldier disappear on an IED can not be affected"


First Sacrifice Medals Presented - More - Prime Minister's Statement - List o' Recipients


More on Taliban Hunger Strike at Sarpoza Prison


CBS News:  Obama to Approve ~40K More Troops? - Senior SpecOps Officers Helping Shape Approach?


CAN to AFG:  Sorry, No H1N1 Vaccine to Spare


US Govt Watchdog Report: "Afghanistan’s security situation has deteriorated significantly since 2005, affecting all aspects of U.S. and allied reconstruction operations."


NGO: "Why Afghanistan’s 2009 Elections were (and were not) a Disaster" (PDF)


~2300 kg of Fertilizer Explosive Seized in Kandahar Raid - Brit Commander in Helmand:  We're NOT Pulling Back to Avoid Casualties - Progress, Hope in Helmand? - AUS Troops Nab Arms Caches in North of Tirin Kowt - More - AUS Medics Patch Up Afghan Civilian Injured in Firefight


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web page):  Canadian TF Commander, Canadian Troops have Cameo Appearance in Taliban Video - More - Attacks Alleged Against Brits in Helmand


AFG Tailban Commander Disassociates with PAK Taliban - More - Hekmatyar:  We're Not Linked to Haqqani - More


9 Nov 09


Outgoing Canadian Commander: "The international community is going to demand honesty, integrity and good performance from all levels of government or we won't stay" - More


"The uneasy ride of Canada's tankers in Afghanistan"


Départ de 125 soldats de Valcartier


CAN Spokesperson Explains NATO Counterinsurgency Approach (YouTube)


"Remembrance Day in Kandahar a time to reflect on bigger picture" - Brits Remember in Helmand, Too - More


CAN Detainee Handling Fracas:  Who's Speaking When to to the Special Committee


"Taliban prisoners on hunger strike in Kandahar" - Last Time They Complained About Prison Conditions - A Bit on What Canada's Done at Sarpoza Prison There - Initial Taliban Statement on Hunger Strike (Arabic - Google English)


H1N1 Closes Schools Across AFG, including Kandahar


US Think Tank:  15.8K More Troops Needed to Secure Kandahar - Think Tank Report (3.1 MB PDF)


2 RIFLES Solider Killed in Sangin IED Blast - 4 RIFLES Soldier Killed in Sangin Blast - The Torch on UK Wants to Consolidate Troops, Reduce Combat Ops


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web page):  Taliban Alleges 6 Canadians Killed, Tank Destroyed in Kandahar Attack


8 Nov 09


Justin Boyes, R.I.P.: Laid to Rest - More


Canadian MPs Surprised by CF Ordered to Start Pulling Out of Kandahar


Canadian Press Embed Talks to Anti-IED Troops, Pilots about Adrenaline


UK 2 RIFLES Soldier Killed in Helmand Blast - Brit Company Commander Blog Post


Bad Boys Nabbed following Kandahar IED, Firefight


UK Troops in Helmand Remember the Fallen - USMC Busy in Helmand


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web page):  Taliban Claim Responsibility for Killing Kandahar Prison Official


America's Plan to Include Mo' Troops, No MatterWhat? - More

UN: Warlords Not Good for Government - AFG Foreign Ministry:  Who the Hell is the UN to Tell Me How to Assemble My Cabinet?


7 Nov 09


Justin Boyes, R.I.P.:  Private Funeral Today


"This officer's job is a dignified burial for his comrades"


Canadian PRT Boss: "Canadians need to temper their expectations ahead of a planned pullout for 2011" - More on CAN Getting Ready to GTFO AFG - More - CDS on Being Able to Get Next Mission Going: "It's still a year-and-a-half away; we've launched operations on less than that, but I can't assume that" - Still Don't Much About Canada's Post-2011 Mission (Except that The Packing has been Ordered to Begin) - More from Blog and The Torch - The Torch on Who Backfills


"Canada's top police officer in Afghanistan says more needs to be done to bring the Afghan National Police force up to par." - "Canada and its international allies in Afghanistan must do a better job of developing local police officers and curbing corruption if their counter-insurgency strategy is to succeed" - AFG Cop Accused of Killing Brit Mentors Liaised with Taliban in Home Town While on Leave


"NATO criticises UN Afghan evacuation" - UN SecGen:  We're Not Leaving Afghanistan (Only Some of Us)


New US AFG Strategy "Imminent"? - Forecasts of Mo' Troops as Part of Plan?


Osprey Joins the Fight - Other Ways to Keep Troops Off Souithern AFG Roads - Bad Guys Getting Better at Hitting MRAPs - Small Wars Journal's Take on Why Stryker AFV's May Not Be Doing as Well in AFG as in IRQ


UK Identifies Latest Fallen - Reuters blog on UK aid work and protecting Helmand's governor

IED Organizer Nabbed in Zabul Capital


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web page):  Attacks Alleged in Helmand, Nimroz - "Taliban turns screws on UN in Afghanistan" - Here's the Statement


"Is Iran Supporting the Insurgency in Afghanistan?" - More


6 Nov 09 

Justin Boyes, R.I.P.:   Funeral Tomorrow


Next Commander JTF-Afghanistan Headed Downrange This Weekend - Upcoming ROTO Training in New Brunswick Exercise


More on Segways for Wounded CAN Warriors


"Chief of the Defence Staff Walter Natynczyk has ordered commanders to begin plans for 2011 troop pullout" - More


K'Har Provincial Police Chief, Other AFG Cops Killed in Shootout with Security Guards: - Radio Free Europe - The Telegraph (UK) - Xinhua


"Senior Taliban Facilitator" of Suicide Bombs, IEDs Nabbed in Kandahar Village


Stryker Worries in Kandahar? - Discussion


"Canadian police mentors in Kandahar unshaken after attack on British soldiers" - "What Drove Afghan Policeman to Kill UK Troops?" - "Will the U.N.’s withdrawal cancel out the U.S.’s civilian surge?" -  "UN shows its glass jaw" by Withdrawing Staff"


Mystery Virus Spotted in K'Har FOB? - More on Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever


Brit 3 RIFLES Soldier Killed in Sangin Blast - AUS DefMin Rules Out More Troops for AFG

NATO Says Single Rocket Nailed IED Planters in Helmand.... - ....While Villagers Protest Civilian Casualties


Blog Watch:  The Torch Highlights Estonia's Bit of the Fight - "If they wished to be objective, the (media) would report daily how many civilians were killed by the enemy, purposely, clearly attributing the deeds of the enemy to the enemy, instead of portraying it as they did in Iraq as a failure of American Troops."


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web page):  Taliban statements allege 14 killed (9 British) in attacks across Helmand - Haiku Summary of Latest Taliban UN-Bashing Op-Ed - Jawa Report Underwhelmed with Newest Taliban YouTube Channel


NATO, Contributor Countries Meet to Discuss AFG; Sec-Gen (Again) Calls for More Help


Bodyguard Fights Off Taliban, Saves +20 Before Being Killed During Kabul Attack on U.N.


Opinion "Let's be honest: What Afghanistan has on its hands isn't an insurgency, it's a civil war."

German Think Tank Study: "The Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan: Role Model For Civil-Military Relations?"


5 Nov 09


First Round of Sacrifice Medals to be Presented Today


CAN Auditor-General:  Buying New Hardware for AFG Could be Faster


Opinion:  "The (Canadian) government needs to reassure veterans that it had their best interests in mind when the (injury/disability) benefits system was revamped, that it wasn't simply a money-saving exercise."


Five Brits (Grenadier Guards and MPs) Killed by AFG Cop in Helmand:  List of the Latest Fallen - Taliban Claim Responsiblity - SAS Reportedly Now After Rogue Cop - Betrayal = New Doubts? - More - "Slayings by 'rogue' Afghan cop underlines dangers to Canadian mentors"


CAN Detainee Handling Fracas:  "Brig.-Gen. Ken Watkins, the military judge advocate general, claimed solicitor-client privilege about whether he'd seen warnings from a diplomat in Kandahar" - Commons Committee Wants to Hear from Former CDS


UN Evacuating Non-Essential Staff from AFG Post-Kabul Attacks - More - more - more - more


Blog Watch:  Micro-Preview of CBC TV's "The Border" in AFG Tonight - More


Presidential Candidate who Stepped Down Now Says Karzai's Appointment "Lacks Legitimacy" - Opinion: "Elections could be the country's undoing. Or, it could be a good start for much-needed reform." - Why The Elections May Not Have Been a Total Disaster


Suspected Bad Guys, Lots of Explosives Seized in Kandahar - Aussie Special Forces Seize Weapons, Ammo, IED Parts and Drugs in Uruzgan raids - More - Four AFG Kids Killed in Uruzgan IED Blast


"Angry Afghan villagers protested on Thursday against what they said was the killing of 11 civilians in an air strike by foreign troops, but local authorities said only fighters were killed."


Bigger IEDs + Troops Thrown Around in MRAPS = More Spinal Injuries in US Casualties

RUS Media on Where Taliban Gets its Money


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web page):  Attacks Claimed in K'Har, Helmand & Nimroz -   "Colonialism" Big Theme in Latest Statement


4 Nov 09


Steven Marshall, R.I.P.:  He's Home - More - more - more


Special Remembrance Day Event with One of Canada's War Wounded - Wounded Troops to Receive Segways to Help Get Around


Worries About RCMP Coverage if Injured Overseas?


"Canada prepares for violent winter in Afghanistan as Taliban changes tactics" - CAN BG Commander Would Love to See More U.S. Troops in K'Har" - Mission Changing from "eradicating the Taliban to gaining support of population in suppressing insurgency"


Hallmark Canada Offering Free "Canadian Heroes" Cards November 9 to 11 - The Available Cards


Karzai Offers to Bring Taliban Into the Tent (Taliban Say "No, Thanks") - "Karzai Credibility Still in Question Despite Poll Win" - UN Sec-Gen Calls on Karzai to "ensure freedom and democracy for all Afghans" - Obama Gives Karzai Six Months to Clean Up Corruption - Opponent to Cry Fowl Now?


Five Brits (Grenadier Guards, MPs) Shot Dead in Helmand by AFG Cop - ISAF Investigating - MoD Statement - "Afghan police infiltrated by Taliban 'at every level' " - More


Combat Advisors See Afghan Troops in Action in Kandahar


Blog Watch:  More Calls for "All Civvy, No Military" UN Mission (And Why It Won't Work) - What ELSE to Think Of for Next Year's AFG Elections - Watch for "Afghanistan in Caledon" on CBC-TV's "The Border" Thursday Night


IED wounds 2 AUS, 1 ANA soldiers in Uruzgan (PDF) - Europe (Still) Reluctant to Send More Troops - Still, World Socialists are Pissed with Europe


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web page):  Attacks Alleged in Kandahar, Helmand and Uruzgan


3 Nov 09


Steven Marshall, R.I.P.:  "Family says Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan died doing what he loved"


CEFCOM Commander: Winning in Afghanistan "involves a different timeline and different set of criteria than in other wars in which this country had fought"


Blog Watch:  DND Beefing Up LAV II’s Belly Armour


UN SecGen: "I welcome today's decision by Afghanistan's Independent Election Commission to forego a run-off vote and to declare Hamid Karzai as the winner of the 2009 presidential elections." - NATO Sec-Gen Congratulates Karzai - CAN PM Congratulates Karzai - PM's statement - "Karzai vows to wipe out Afghan corruption" - "Karzai Is Vague on Confronting Corruption in Afghanistan" - "Afghan president says all welcome in his gov't" - Counterpoint:  "After a blatantly fraudulent ‘election’ and now mainstream media exposure of the Karzais’ nepotism and corruption, the work of the anti-war movement should in a sense now be easier, if also more urgent than ever."


CAN Officer at US Army/USMC COIN Centre: "Next year, (parliamentary and district) election security will require a full court press by all security stakeholders."


"Defence Minister Peter MacKay has ordered officials to look into allegations that innocent Afghans may have been sent to jail due to botched translations by Canadian military interpreters."


Royal Visit to Canada:  "Prince Charles said Monday that Canadians are serving with the "greatest possible distinction" in Afghanistan and that his heart goes out to the family of the latest soldier killed there."


UK General Takes Command of RC-South - More - Outgoing NLD Commander Says ISAF Regaining Initiative


Bad Boys Detained in IED Lab Raids in K'Har, Helmand


Inquiry into Nov 2008 Death of AUS SF Officer in Uruzgan:  "The risk of a casualty occurring in Afghanistan was increased by the deficiencies in training, assessment, certification and leadership" - More - more - Latest Brit Fallen Killed on LAST DAY of Tour while Defusing IED


ISAF Director of Intelligence:  "The expansion of Islamic extremist groups across the Afghanistan-Pakistan region is “the worst I’ve seen it,” with Afghan insurgents receiving help from Iranian operatives and “very possibly” freelancing Pakistani intelligence agents, as well as a small but growing number of “deadly” foreign fighters."


Talkin' to the Taliban:  Hilary Clinton Says U.S. In Contact with Taliban? - One Version:  USA Offering Taliban Control of Some Provinces in Exchange for Keeping Bases in AFG - Taliban Spokesperson Quoted Admitting to Mediated Talks - More


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web page):   Taliban Claims Responsibility for 27 Allied Troops Allegedly Killed, Injured in Kandahar - Taliban Point Out Contradiction of Disarming Tribes, then Creating Tribal Militias - Leader Important to Taliban Dead?


Strategy Page on Taliban Helicopter Rumours: "Taliban helicopters are unlikely. Even if they came from Pakistan (where the Pakistani military has helped out that way in the past), avoiding NATO aircraft, and American spy satellites, would be difficult to do every time."


"The Pushtun tribes in southern Afghanistan now produce 90 percent of the worlds heroin, and most of it is produced in the Taliban heartland, particularly Helmand province. While there is a terrorism problem in Afghanistan, it's become mostly a drug problem."


Academic:  "That few Taliban leaders in either branch are likely to betray al Qaeda does not mean that all efforts to peel off or “flip” Taliban members are worthless."


2 Nov 09


Steven Marshall, R.I.P.:  Prime Minister's statement - "Hard to Believe He's Gone" - Arriving Home Tomorrow


Parents Worry as More Troops Head Downrange


Election, Round 2:  Run-off Cancelled, Karzai Declared Winner - More - UN SecGen in AFG for Poll Meetings - Says UN'll Stay in AFG - "With few options, US accepts Karzai"


President's Brother Denies Bankrolling by CIA, Says He Shared IED Int with Canadians


Canadian Press on Translation Woes in AFG:  Translator Says He's Frustrated that More Canadian Pashto-Speakers Aren't Heading to AFG to Help - More - Meanwhile, U.S. "Military 'terps' head to war to win peace -- and visas"


Blog Watch:  The Torch: "The Third Way: Ending the Illusions in Afghanistan," Part 2


CAN-funded Kandahar School Project Sees Grads


"A joint Afghan-International Security Assistance Force operation detained one militant in Kandahar province on Sunday while in pursuit of a Taliban district leader and senior commander of a sizable militant element in the area."


More on Haqqani Network, al Qaeda, behind attack on UN guesthouse in Kabul


Brit Logistician Killed in Sangin IED Blast - "Spy chiefs fear Al-Qaeda is intercepting (mail) to (British) troops in Afghanistan in a bid to target their families."


"Russians managed to buy off some tribes, but this did not work with many tribes because the top guy who took the money, often did not spread it around much. So his minions would often keep on causing trouble."


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web page):   October Summary of CAN Casualties Alleged by Taliban - Alleged IED Attack on Canadian Tank in Panjwai - US Accused of Killing 8 Civilians in Uruzgan Air Strike


1 Nov 09 

Steven Marshall, R.I.P.:  On His Way Home - More - "Remembered as devoted friend with contagious sense of humour" - More - Governor General's statement - Minister of National Defence's statement


Justin Boyes, R.I.P.:   He's Home - More


Election, Round 2:  Karzai's Opponent May Pull Out of Run-off Election - More - more - "Security, not candidates, will determine whether voters in (Arghandab) risk going to the ballot box for next week's disputed presidential run-off vote." - What next:  "Weak gov't" or "Uncertainty, But Also Opportunities"? - "Afghan Vote Boycott Won’t Affect Poll: US "


AFG Int Claims Advance Info on Kabul Attack on U.N. Staff - Allegedly Co-ordinated by Warlord and AQ - Six Held Linked to Incidents - More


"Iranians, Pakistanis play role in growth of Taliban force"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (all links to non-terrorist web page):   20+ Brits Alleged Killed in Helmand Attacks - Account of Kabul Attack Admission of Taliban War Crime?


Opinion:  "One factor of special sensitivity and importance that receives almost no attention either in the public debate about Afghanistan or in the internal policy battles of the Obama administration may well be the most important of all: the domination of the Afghan armed forces, police, secret police and intelligence agencies by leaders of the Tajik ethnic minority"



CAN in Kandahar October 2009

CAN in Kandahar September 2009

CAN in Kandahar August 2009

CAN in Kandahar July 2009

CAN in Kandahar July 2007


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