Updated ~12:30UTC and ~01:30UTC
Background Information & Research Information
31 Oct 10
"Canadian general says NATO, Afghan efforts getting results"
"HAMKARI: (Canadian) Engineers at work in Kandahar"
Khadr Trial: Agreed-To Statement of Facts (PDF) - "Guantanamo made prisoner more dangerous, doctor says" - "Doctor brands Omar Khadr ‘highly dangerous,’ cites strong ties to radical family" - "Khadr a ‘rock star’ in Guantanamo, psychiatrist testifies" - " 'Highly dangerous' Khadr called remorseless" - "Canadian militant Omar Khadr revelled in US killing" - "Harry Potter-reading Khadr is a cold-blooded killer: Witnesses"
"Australian commandos seriously injured during hunt for bomb maker in Afghanistan" - "Uruzgan Teachers to Begin Receiving Salaries"
"Security firm ban will not hurt us - NGOs" - "Don’t ignore our ways, Afghan tribal elders say"
U.S. Treasury Designates Southern AFG Drug Lords linked to Taliban "Specially Designated Global Terrorists" - "Taliban IED senior leader captured in Kandahar" - "U.S. military campaign to topple resilient Taliban hasn't succeeded" - More
Talkin' to the Taliban: "Prospects of talks with Taliban are very much overestimated" - "It's hard to comprehend how the U.S. would fail to forecast that its enthusiasm for a Taliban power-sharing arrangement might trigger angst amongst the warlords of the Hazara, Tajik and Uzbek minority groups in the north."
Taliban Propaganda Watch (Links Only to Non-Terrorist Sites): Taliban Interviews Alleged Commander of Dand District on Taliban's (alleged) Surge in Kandahar (MILNEWS.ca blog) - Attacks Alleged in Kandahar, Uruzgan and Zabul
Deja Vu All Over Again: "Russian military could be drawn back into Afghanistan" - "Mikhail Gorbachev, the former leader of the Soviet Union, has warned that Afghanistan risks turning into another Vietnam, telling Nato that victory is impossible"
26 Oct 10
"Canada tries to bring order to Panjwaii"
"The Canadian military has launched an investigation into claims by an Afghan farmer that troops “totally destroyed” as many as 10 mud-walled homes three years ago in a hamlet in the Horn of Panjwaii in order to protect a small firebase."
Khadr Trial: "Canadian at Guantanamo to announce plea decision" - "Expect fireworks this week in Khadr trial" - "Omar Khadr: Deal or no deal?" - "No plea deal yet, Khadr's lawyer says" - More - more - "Khadr says he will give any book, movie profits to Ottawa"
"Afghan president repeats determination not to allow private security firms in the country after December deadline"
Talkin' to the Taliban: "Taliban peace talks with Hamid Karzai are 'mostly hype' " - "Possible coalition with Taliban may deny Al-Qaeda a foothold" - Analysis: "A Karzai-Taleban coalition won’t survive a few days" - More - "More high-level Taliban interested in talks: Holbrooke" - "U.N. will help, but not discuss, Afghan peace talks" - World Socialists: "In sponsoring talks with the Taliban and Taliban-aligned groups such as the militia led by the Hekmatyars, Washington is renewing old acquaintances."
Taliban Propaganda Watch (Links Only to Non-Terrorist Sites): Attacks Alleged in Kandahar, Zabul
7 Oct 10
6 Oct 10
CAN in Kandahar July 2007
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