26 May 09
CO of 2R22eR BG Shares Update One Month Into ROTO - "De la théorie vers la pratique : Réflexions après un mois d’opérations en théâtre"
CF Looking At Light Tank to Upgrade from LAV III in AFG? (.pdf permalink) - CV90 (Wikipedia) - More
UAVs Helping Keep Track of CAN School Development Projects - We Want to Build 'Em, Tailban Wants to Burn 'Em - Meanwhile, Nimroz Officials Destroy Books on Shias, Shia Islam
New Book Coming Out on Logistics Challenges in AFG
More on USA (Allegedly) to Ask CAN, Allies to Extend or Change AFG Mission
Lawyer Complaining On Day One that Enquiry into CAN Detainees in AFG Isn't Moving Quickly Enough
Drugs, Weapons Destroyed in Helmand - US Troops Help Repair Zabul Bridge - Taliban IED Kills Four Civvies in Zabul - Protests About Arrests in Uruzgan
UK Names Latest Fallen Sapper
"Les messages texte, les sonneries de cellulaire et les équipes de tournage vidéo font maintenant partie des tactiques des Talibans en Afghanistan" - "Taliban uses cellphones to send out news releases; has its own ringtones"
Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web site): Taliban Claim US Forces Destroy House, Detain Non-Taliban Elders in Helmand - More Bragging During Taliban's Operation (Alleged) Victory - AGAIN With the Translation Problems
AFG Elections Getting Rough Even Before Campaign Starts
25 May 09
CanWest News: CAN, Allies Should Expect Obama to Ask for Continued Military Help
Joshua Brian Roberts, 1978-2008, R.I.P.: Parents Still Seeking More Info on Son's Death - 13 Sept 08 CF Statement on Investigation Results (.pdf version)
CAN Nurse Returns Home
CAN Human Rights Activist: AFG Cops Protecting Protesting Women a Good Sign
CAN Postmaster Rides Bike with Playing Card in Spokes (Really!) - Here's a Photo
More on Driver Training for AFG Troops
Taliban Attacks in Zharei, Panjwai Kill Seven AFG Troops
Brit Engineer Killed in Sangin IED Blast - More
Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web site): More Claims of Killing ISAF Troops in Kandahar, Nimroz
NATO Politicians See "Possible Turning Point" for AFG - AFG War 101 by Former Marine Academic
24 May 09
"Nos artilleurs font leurs preuves en Afghanistan"
More Agreements to Ensure Wounded CF Members Heal Closer to Home
Analysis: "Over a longer time frame – especially if the Canadian parliament sees fit to extend the Afghan Mission – the Canadian Forces could provide the necessary security for a diverse range of civilian projects"
Any Questions for ISAF's Manager of Tracking Civvy Casualties?
CAN Fitness/Recreation Co-ordinator Heads Downrange
Blogger Medic Rides Along with PMC Convoy Security on Qalat-K'Har Run
ISAF Soldier Dies in Uruzgan Chopper Crash; Not Caused by Enemy Action - Latest Brit Fallen Killed in Firefight Named
BBC Sending Poet to Helmand, Sharing His Reactions on TV - "The Not Dead"
Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web site): Taliban Claims American, Brit, Aussie Kills in South
More on CAN Not Selling Arms to PAK
23 May 09
Outgoing AFG Envoy on CAN Ending Up in Kandahar: "There were several options that were discussed and studied. And I’ll leave those names to the Canadians to share. All I can say at this point is that the fact that the decision was not taken quicker did have some effect on the choice of Kandahar." (.pdf version of Q&A)
CAN Signature Project Under Way (Slower than Planned) - Government of Canada Dahla Dam Project Information Page
Not Many Folks in K'Har CAN Soldiers Spoke To Know About Coming Election
COIN Expert: "Only a genuine partnership with the people can help us win"
Globe & Mail Embed: "The Godfather" as Metaphor for AFG (.pdf permalink)
More on The Fight in Helmand - Wall Street Journal's Read of Marines vs. Talibs in Helmand - Long War Journal's Assessment of the Fight - Brit Blogger Compares Brit to US Military Coverage of the Fight
Brit Soldier Killed in Firefight - ISAF Statement
Talkin' to the Taliban: UK OK with Plan to Reintegrate Talibs who Renounce Violence
Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web site): Taliban Takes Credit for Broken Helicopter in Uruzgan
Opinion: "As with all things bad, these difficult times too shall pass but they will pass a lot faster if Afghans start standing up and fighting for a better future instead of against each other, and not with the guns of the past but with their minds." - "West should buy, not eradicate, Afghanistan’s poppy crops"
US Aid Agency Report on AFG Corruption (.pdf)
22 May 09
CAN Tanker Writes Home About the Job in AFG
CAN Supreme Court Refuses to Consider Whether AFG Detainees in CAN Control Under Charter - More - more - more
CAN Foreign Minister Spokesperson Says NO Plans to Resume Arms Sales to PAK
Blogger on Where the Interpreters are Coming From, and Why
Huge Drug Haul in Southern AFG Op - More - Lotsa Bad Guys Killed, Too - More
ISAF Chopper Down with Mechanical Problems in Uruzgan - ISAF Statement
UK Aid Ministry Report: Projects Not Going so Well in South? - UN Opens New Offices in Uruzgan
An IED, a Paintbrush and a Brit NCO in Sangin - US Construction Engineers Busy Putting Up "Surge Shacks" in Helmand
Worries About Links Between AQ, PAK/AFG Taliban - Taliban: Good Fighters, Not So Good Rulers?
21 May 09
CAN Ordering Fewer Chinooks Because of Cash Crunch?
CAN Supreme Court to Decide Whether to Consider if CAN Detainees in AFG are Covered by Charter
NATO Says Tough Fighting in Helmand - AFG Cdos Hard At It in the Area - Human Shields=Civvy Cas in Helmand - More - more
"Afghanistan tops agenda of NATO Parliamentary Assembly Spring Session in Oslo"
Talkin' to the Taliban: Bad Guys Wants USA Out of AFG Before Peace Deal - More - Not EXACTLY "News"
Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web site): Taliban Alleges Civvy Cas at USA Hands in Helmand - Taliban Claims Cluster of Attacks in K'Har, Alleging 30+ Killed
Opinion: "Is the key to Kandahar tucked away in Killinochi?"
Another AFG Poochie Saved
"New Strategy Treats Afghanistan, Pakistan as Integrated Theater"
20 May 09
CAN Aim: Creating "Model Villages" in K'Har - More
More on CAN Seeking Private Contractor to Train AFG Military in Kabul - 7 May 09 MERX Listing for Training - 15 May MERX Listing for AFG Cop Equipment
CAN Reinstating Officer Training Program with PAK - PAK Media Version - Considering End to CAN Mil Exports to PAK, Too - More - "Canada réinstaure un programme de formation d'officiers au Pakistan"
Assassinations Climbing in K'har - Homicide Bomber Kills Three, Wounds Ten AFG Cops at Arghandab Police HQ
AFG Troops Retake Village in Nad-Ali (See Below for Taliban's Version of Events)
AFG: No Plans to Appoint Former USA Envoy as "CEO" - More
US Arms Given to AFG Ending Up in Taliban Hands?
Talkin' to the Taliban: "The Myth of the Moderate Taliban: Why is the West trying to partner with an radical group that must be defeated?"
Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web site): Talibs Allege Brits "Surrounded" in Nad-Ali
Opinion: "Les militaires québécois en mission en Afghanistan ont besoin et ont même droit à un soutien moral."
New USA Envoy Promises to Cut Down on Civvy Casualties
CIA Boss Says UAV's Needed to Fight AQ - USA Supports PAK in Taliban Fight
19 May 09
CAN Tanker Describes IED Incident
"Les militaires canadiens disposent maintenant d'un nouvel outil pour parer à la menace la plus mortelle en Afghanistan: les bombes artisanales posées sur les routes par les insurgés." - Extension of Research Already Underway - Meanwhile, USA Counter-IED Organization Working with Naval Postgraduate School “to leverage a counter-narratives program in support of operations in Afghanistan”
Ex-OMLT-eer Underwhelmed with (Lack of) NATO's Support for Mentoring, Training - More from a Serving OMLT-eer
CAN Army Boss, Senior Civil Servants Visit Armoured Troops in AFG (.pdf permalink)
CAN DefMin to Discuss Security Issues with PAK - PAK to Ask for DART Help - More on CAN Role Shift - "Canada pourrait bien rester en Afghanistan après 2011, selon MacKay" - "Une déclaration faite .... par le ministre de la Défense, Peter MacKay, selon laquelle le Canada pourrait rester en Afghanistan après 2011 a fait bondir les partis de l'opposition."
USA, UK Commanders Meet in Helmand - AFG Forces Regain Part of Helmand
Video (in Dari) of AFG Rights Group Bashing Taliban - How's Other Media Going to Cover This?
Taliban Pushing in Zabul, Helmand and Other Points West
More on Issues with CZE Troops - More - World Socialists Allege AUS "Cover Up" of Civvy Cas
Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web site): Claims of Multiple Attacks Against US Forces in Zabul
Former USA Ambassador to AFG Jockeying for "CEO" Position?
Opinion: Historian Expects CAN's Anti-Americans to Object to President Obama from Asking CAN for Longer Deployment - "From AFPAK to PAKAF" (.pdf permalink) - "Afghan media have characterised the replacement of US Commander Gen David McKiernan as a consequence of a failure of policy on the part of the US." - "Nothing of significance takes place in Eurasia without an energy angle"
18 May 09
CAN DefMin Drops By - Says Lots Left to Do After 2011 - CAN's Role Changing to "delivering aid to city dwellers "rather than simply focusing on holding swaths of land .... I believe there are a number of roles Canada can play well into the future" " - Announces More Centres Where Injured, Family of Fallen Can Get Help
Author/blogger on CAN Leaving Outpost in Kandahar
AFG Ag Minister (Also CAN Citizen): Pomegranates the Wave of the Future
USA SecDef: "Afghan Army Could Take Lead in 2 to 4 Years"
Karzai Brother, K'Har Official, Escapes Assassination Attempt - More - more
Strategy Page Explains A Bit of the REST of the Story Behind Civilian Casualty Counts - Strategy Page's Take on No More CAN Combat Badge
AFG Rights Group Tells Taliban to Stop Executions, Night Letters (.pdf permalink)
Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web site): Taliban Claims British, American Kills in Helmand
Analysis: AQ Propaganda Magazine Disses PAK, Chechen Propaganda - Offers Tips In Case USA Shuts Down Lots of Jihadi Terrorist Web Pages
Opinion: "Canada has earned the right to speak when it comes to Afghanistan, whether the subject is poppy eradication, human rights or military tactics. And for the next few months, at least, the United States might be disposed to listen."
Latest on CAN Web Page Producer Held in PAK
Wall Street Journal: "The U.S. is sending Special Forces teams into one of Pakistan's most violent regions as part of a push to accelerate the training of the Pakistani military and make it a more effective ally in the fight against insurgents there." - More
17 May 09
AFG Army Planning to Push Taliban Out of K'Har Districts Before Election Time - More - Video in Farsi
CAN Company Seeks Resumes for "tactical medic, tactical instructor, embedded trainer and Close Personal Protection Detail member positions in Kabul and Kandahar" (.pdf permalink)
No Combat Badge Coming for CF
CAN Journalist/Blogger: What's One of CAN's Big Exports to AFG? - More - CAN's War Poet on Upcoming ROTO
More on New USA Troops in Country - More - more - One Embed's View of Their Arrival - 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade web site - Meanwhile, Helmand Base Prepares for US Marine Surge
Author/Blogger: Security Level Cranked Up @ Kandahar Air Field?
Taliban Bad Boy Boss, Four Others Nabbed in Zabul - IED Kills AFG Cops, Soldier in Helmand
"The Afghan government is working on a bill that would formalize foreign-troop operations in the country" - More
Food Headed to K'Har Food Distribution Points (.pdf version in case link doesn't work)
AUS Clarifies Letter Calling for Extra Top-Up Insurance Coverage for Deployed Troops - More Brit AFG Troubles
Council on Foreign Relations Report: "Winning the Information War in Afghanistan and Pakistan" - CENTCOM Dir of Comms on "Countering the Taliban's Message"
Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web site): Attacks Claimed in K'har, Helmand & Zabul
Opinion: "The road to Afghan victory runs through Pakistan" - Kilculllen's "Death From Above, Outrage Down Below"
16 May 09
CAN Helicopter Sqn Troops Back Home - More - more
USA Troops Pouring in to AFG with Lotsa Firepower - "L'empreinte américaine en Afghanistan" - Plus
US Military Expecting More IEDs
Human Rights Watch Wants USA to Be More Careful About Air Strikes (also calls for USA to "Stop publicly claiming that Taliban use of "human shields" was responsible for civilian casualties when untrue or unproven") - More - more - more - Blog Hopes HRW Also Looking into Taliban Actions
Taliban Control the Roads? - Why AFG's Drug War is So Hard to Win
Brits Mourn Six Deaths Over Eight Days - AUS Troops Encouraged to Get Top-Up Insurance on Deployment - More on Brit Armoured Vehicle Woes
Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web site): Why Al Queda Thinks The Taliban is Winning (highlights and .pdf of entire statement at non-terrorist web sites)
CAN Imams Issue Fatwa Against PAK Taliban
15 May 09
Seriously Injured CAN Officer: "We must not give up on Afghanistan."
CAN Offers to Match Canadian Private Donations to AFG - AfghanistanChallenge.ca Page - "Canada lance une initiative visant à doubler les dons des canadiens en faveur de projets de développement en Afghanistan" - Defiafghanistan.ca - Plus
Former Chief of Staff to AFG Pres Taking Over as AFG Envoy to CAN (.pdf permalink)
Serving CF Member Attends Anti-War Rally in Uniform (.pdf permalink)
'Les talibans passent à l'offensive en Afghanistan"
Bad Boys Nailed in Helmand
"Kandahar Troops, Civilian First Responders Train Together" - USA Creates Water Problems with Base Expansion in Zabul
"Royal Marine from the Armoured Support Group killed in Afghanistan" - ISAF Statement
NATO Mil Boss Accuses NATO Politicians of Being AWOL on AFG
Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web page): Taliban Allege AFG Cops, Troops Killed in K'Har - Taliban Take Credit for Downing Broken Harrier Jet
Paper: "The Taliban do bring a rough sense of law and order and swift justice that contrasts with the cumbersome and corrupt governance that all too often characterizes governance in the hinterlands of both Pakistan and Afghanistan. Lack of security and poor governance, not the Taliban are the real enemies in both nations."
"Some Canadian viewers still steamed over the Canadian military being trashed on a Fox News show two months ago will be able to exact a little revenge." - "Téléspectateurs canadiens pourront retirer Fox News de leur programmation"
"Pentagon, Pakistan No Longer Cooperating in Drone War?"
14 May 09
CF Says They're Ready if H1N1 Flu Hits in AFG
Embed Reads CAN COIN Manual - CF Not Keen on Releasing It, Though
CAN Asked to Crank Up Aid to PAK, End Ban on Mil Supply Sales - New USA Envoy: Taliban Bases in PAK
Homicide Bombers Hit Spin Boldak Cop Shop - More
Big Drug Bust in Helmand
Brit Officer Dies of Injuries from 9 May Attack - Brit Harrier Pilot Ejects Before Plane Crashes in K'Har - More - Brit Push in OP Zafar - Brit Soldier/Blogger Says No Pizza Hut in Sangin
Talkin' to the Taliban: "Afghan peace mediators in contact with Mullah Omar" - More
USA Learning Info War Concept of "Being First to Comment"
Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web page): Taliban Claim Rocket Attack on K'Har Airfield
Opinion: "Talk to a soldier who’s been to Afghanistan, you’ll be surprise by what you learn and how proud we should be as Canadians."
RUS, AFG Working on Anti-Drug Plan
13 May 09
Michelle Mendes, R.I.P.: Nothing New? Why Not Speculate, Then?
Blog: Is CBC Showing Body Bags on Online Video?
First CAN Probe into Alleged Sex Abuse of Kids Shows "the initial allegations concerning such incidents contained serious discrepancies, could not be corroborated, were not reported to the chain of command and ultimately were not substantiated" - Backgrounder - "Conclusion de l’enquête sur des allégations d’abus sexuels" - "Documentation: Enquête du SNEFC sur des allégations d’abus sexuel" - "Allegations that Canadian commanders turned a blind eye to sexual abuse of young boys by Afghan soldiers and police have been dismissed as unfounded by military investigators." - NDP Def Critic Alleges CF "Washing Hands" of Issue - Separate Board of Inquiry Still Underway
Next ROTO Training for IEDs
"In a few months the (CAN) force of CH-47 Chinooks, escorted by CH-146 Griffons, transported more than 6,000 troops and thousands of tonnes of supplies" - CAN Air Power "Saved Lives"
Returned CAN OMLT Soldier Puts CAN Moving out of Outpost into Perspective
"Afghan army troops learn how to handle a Humvee"
"Taliban using voter cards as 'visas' in southern Afghanistan" - AFG MPs Warn Taliban Spreading Influence in Helmand
Embed's Take on Planned CAN Info Ops to Counter Taliban Propaganda - Ex-USAF Boss: Let the Troops Blog More to Help Wage AFG Info Fight
Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web page): Taliban Allege US Fire Killed & Injured 19 AFG Troops in Panjwai - AGAIN with the Taliban Typos (in Taliban Denial of Use if WP)!
Latest on New Brit Rations
UZB Provides Air Base Access to USA
12 May 09
"Canada plans to boost its propaganda reach by tapping into mobile phones in Afghanistan to send text messages, run contests and drive listeners to its military-run, Pashto-language radio station."(.pdf permalink)
New CEFCOM Commander: "The Canadian army's way of doing business in Kandahar will not change, even though the Americans and their thousands of reinforcements will control most of the volatile province"
How the Troops Deal with Loss
K'Har Police Chief Happy to See CAN TF Commander
"L'insurrection rend la tâche des avocats militaires beaucoup plus difficile"
"Canadians help Afghan cops, soldiers learn the evils of graft"
USA Appoints New Commander in AFG - More - Registan.net Says "Oh oh" - More - CAN CEFCOM Commander Has Kudos for Outgoing Commander
U.S. troop influx = infrastructure boom
New Video Available of 2007 Royal Marines Riding Apache to Rescue Colleague
Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web page): Taliban Alleges 25+ Killed, Injured in Helmand, K'Har Attacks
Opinion: World Socialists Opine "Canada’s Prime Minister inspects neocolonial occupation force in Afghanistan" - "A five-day visit to Afghanistan left me profoundly pessimistic over the accomplishments to date, measured against the scale of international blood and treasure expended, yet convinced of the importance of not losing Afghanistan to the other side."
11 May 09
"Un soldat canadien se plaint auprès du lieutenant-général Michel Gauthier" - Outgoing CEFCOM Boss Gets Earful from Solider @ PRT
CAN CDS Calls PAK Insurgency "Worrisome" - PAK Leaders Reportedly Unite Against AQ, Taliban
"L'obéissance n'est plus nécessairement privilégiée dans l'armée" - GoogleEnglish: Legal Advisor to CAN Battle Group quoted saying "We focus on the 'understanding' rather than obedience as in old movies"
How CAN-run Hospital in K'Har Helping More than Just Troops
CAN's Role in AFG "creating increasingly conflicted emotions among Afghan-Canadians" - "La mission canadienne en Afghanistan crée des sentiments partagés parmi les Afghans-Canadiens"
Text of CAN PM's 7 May 09 Speech in K'Har Now Available - Discours du Premier ministre à Kandahar, 7 mai 2009 - .pdf version here/ici
Helmand, K'Har Still Focus of Drug Trade - 'Thriving Afghan drug trade has friends in high places"
Petraeus: AQ No Longer Operating in AFG
Organization of the Islamic Conference Secretary General "condemns the targeting of civilians in Afghanistan" - USA Holds Firm on Still Using Air Strikes - More - Karzai: No, I REALLY Mean It About Airstrikes, Guys! - Meanwhile, Lots of "Shows of Force" by USA Fast Air Over K'Har, Helmand Last Week
Two Motorbike Bombers Kill Five AFG Cops in Helmand - Taliban Takes the Credit for Killing 39 (.pdf of statement in Arabic, followed by English, downloadable from non-terrorist web page)
Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web page): Taliban Publishes (Alleged) Stats for April 2009 (.pdf of table of stats available at non-terrorist web page here) - Attacks Alleged in Kandahar, Helmand and Zabul
Karzai to Offer Power-Sharing Deal to Wanted Warlord? - Wikipedia Profile of Hekmatyar - Feb 2003 Designation as Bad Boy by USA
Opinion: "A journalist in Afghanistan who is not embedded with the military is incapable of getting the whole story, and is far more likely to be captive of what he/she is told by the Taliban who are adept at using the media in a way our military wouldn't dare." (.pdf permalink here)
PAK Steps Up Swat Push
10 May 09
Returning CAN Troops Get Big Red Welcome
More on Bad Guys Nailed Setting Up IED in Helmand
UK Identifies Four Latest Fallen - Rifleman from 2 RIFLES, Corporal from 3 SCOTS and MP & Ghurka - Fallen Ghurka's Widow can Stay in UK - This, the Day After the Immigration Minister Says, "I can't say "let the nice people in and the nasty people not". We have to have a law."
"A second (British) officer has been arrested over allegations that medal citations awarded for gallantry in Afghanistan were faked"
Board of Inquiry: Fallen AUS Soldier Hit by 107mm Rocket That Didn't Go Off
EST Adding More Troops in the South - More
Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web page): Attacks Claimed in K'Har, Helmand and Zabul
Bloggers on Civvy Casualties and Losing the InfoWar: Registan.net - Canada-Afghansistan Blog - The Torch
President's Brother Doesn't Take Kindly to Tough Questions
"Sceptics question Pakistan's anti-Taliban resolve"
9 May 09
CAN Auroras Headed to AFG to Map - "Force aérienne du Canada produira des cartes pour les troupes canadiennes en Afghanistan"
Meanwhile, CAN Air Force Ass'n Says Lots of Things the AF Could Do Post-2011 - Position Paper (.pdf)
CDS on Pulling Out of Panjwai: "The Taliban hate our guts, so if we're in there, the Taliban will come. You have the Taliban who can move into some areas and intimidate people, which makes it very hard on them." (.pdf of article here)
More on CAN PM Redefining Mission in AFG
Karzai Trying to Get USA to Stop Using Fast Air (Again)
Four Brit Troops Fallen in One Day - Brits Need to Stay Until 2021? - Brit Officer Accused of Medal Jiggery-Pokery Vows to Clear Name
Contractor Charged with Killing Man who Torched Anthropologist Gets Fine & No Jail Time - More - more
"At least 16 Afghan civilians and two International Security Assistance Force soldiers were killed, and more than 30 other civilians wounded, as a result of a suicide improvised explosive device attack yesterday in Helmand province" - ISAF statement - Five Bad Guys Blown Up Planting IED - Others Nailed Before Finishing the Job
Blogger: AUS SF Taking Out Bad Guy Boss=Targeted Assassination?
More on USA DefSec Dropping In on Troops in K'Har - "Wraps Up Afghanistan Visit With New Insights" -
New USA Approach in AFG = Need for Bigger System Changes, Too
Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web page): Attack Alleged in Helmand - AQ Media Arm Bashes USA in AFG (Posted to LOTS of Jihadi Forums All Over) (.pdf versions of statement available at non-terrorist page here and here)
44 In the Running for AFG President
AFG, PAK Start New Border Security Measures
PAK Military Push Against Taliban Begins
8 May 09
PM Drops By AFG - "Le PM se rend en Afghanistan" - The Big Six - Six priorités du Canada en Afghanistan - Pushes Aid Projects During Visit - More - more - more - more - "L'arrivée des Américains amènera des progrès, dit Harper en visite à Kandahar" - Plus
More on CAN Soldiers Making K'Har Safer
CAN Seeking Companies to Build More Quarters for Troops at K'Har Airfield (.pdf permalink)
USA SecDef Drops By Helmand FOB
Homicide Bomber Kills 12 In Helmand - "Attentat-suicide a coûté la vie à 12 civils et fait 32 blessés jeudi dans le sud de l'Afghanistan" - Investigation Shows Civvies Killed in Helmand
"UN expands presence in southern Afghanistan with new office in Uruzgan" - L'ONU étend sa présence dans le Sud
Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web page): More Allegations of Civilian Casualties, Arrests in Helmand - How Much "News" did CNN Drag Out of Taliban Spokesperson?
Opinion: "However Harper frames our mission, what the generals call "activity" will trump aid for now. Canada's 2011 exit is a long way off." - "Give the Afghan Army a Governance Role"
7 May 09
"Les forces de sécurité afghanes ont mené des rafles qui ont impressionné leurs mentors de la coalition internationale cette semaine, à Kandahar, ce qui ne veut pas dire toutefois qu'elles sont prêtes à voler de leurs propres ailes." - GoogEnglish: New CAN Troops Impressing Allies (But Not Ready to Head Out on their Own?)
The Torch Shares (and Disagrees With) NDP's Concerns about Private Security at CAN FOBs - Q&A in Question Period 6 May 09 (.pdf permalink)
More Valcarter Troops Head Downrange - "Valcartier military wives count each day as their husbands fight on the war front"
CAN War Poet Starting to Feel Better
Mentoring=Better Work Hunting Down Bad Guys
UN Mission's Canadian 2 i/c: "Before Canadians condemn Afghans for their controversial women's law, they need to know their parliamentarians have made great progress rebuilding their country by passing 50 perfectly good ones"
CAN Media Rules: One Blogger's "So What?"... - ... is Another Blogger's "When Will Their Oppression End?" - More on the Back-and-Forth
"Construction Crews in Southern Afghanistan Prepare for Troop Increase"
More on AUS SAS Nailing Uruzgan Taliban Boss - How Brit Logisticians are Helping in the Fight - Brit Gunners, Too - Brits, ANP Handing Out School Supplies in Helmand - ISAF statement - UK MoD feature
"Eight years after the Taleban were toppled from power, with hundreds of millions of pounds spent and more than 150 British lives lost in trying to defeat them, they still have a pervasive influence in the heartlands of Helmand province in Afghanistan."
Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web page): Attacks Alleged in Helmand, Zabul - Video of CNN Interview with Taliban Spokesperson
Potential for More PAK Troops on AFG Border=Tougher Time for AQ?
Three-Way AFG-PAK-USA Meeting: "US President Barack Obama has said after meeting his Afghan and Pakistani counterparts that they are united in the goal of defeating al-Qaeda." - "President Obama said on Wednesday that the United States is deeply committed to helping Afghanistan and Pakistan defeat Al Qaeda and its extremist partners and in helping democracy endure and flourish in those countries." - "President Barack Obama said today he is encouraged by the spirit of cooperation between the leaders of Pakistan and Afghanistan as the two nations confront extremists." - "Le président américain Barack Obama a assuré mercredi que les Etats-Unis feraient tout leur possible pour éviter les victimes civiles dans les combats contre les extrémistes en Afghanistan, après l'annonce de dizaines de morts civiles dans des frappes et des combats" - Plus
6 May 09
CAN R22eR Company Tasked with Keeping K'Har City Safe
"Quelle est cette bête rampante, sournoise, qui prolifère en Afghanistan, dans l'ombre? La corruption. Les Canadiens auront bientôt une nouvelle arme pour la dépister et la traquer. La chasse est ouverte."
Change of Command as TF 1-09 Takes Over
CAN Embeds to Provide Fingerprints, Retinal Scans for Accreditation - Globe & Mail Embed Talks to the Cooks - BBC Visits UAE Troops In AFG
Flat Stanley Follows CAN Medic to AFG - CAN War Artist Shares Story - CAN War Poet Hit by Gut Flu Preparing to Deploy (Get Well Soon, SMS!)
Federation of American Scientists: Open Source GEOINT Analysis of AFG Terrorism Hot Spots - Alternate .pdf Download Site (19 MB) - Long War Journal Map of Where the Taliban's Busiest
Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies' First Quarter Report for 2009
CAN Getting New AFG Envoy
Corrupt Judge in Daykondi Province Mobbed, Beaten (But Nobody Notices?)
"Attentat à la bombe à Helmand; 4 morts et 7 blessés"
More on High Level Taliban Boss Nailed in Helmand - Another One Nailed in Uruzgan - AUS Statement - ISAF Statement
UK's Socialist Worker: "Nothing illustrates the problems of the occupation more than the hapless misadventure of British troops in the Helmand province in southern Afghanistan." - Blogger: "a wider geopolitical reason why the tactic of pinning troops down in Helmand is proving effective .... is the disintegration of the Euro-American alliance"
Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web page): Attacks Claimed in Helmand, Uruzgan and Zabul - Spokesperson Tells CNN "We believe by both ... negotiation and also by war ... we ask them to leave the country we are ready to talk ... so they are not ready to leave so they want to talk by the mouth of the gun we will talk by the mouth of the gun." (.pdf permalink)
Opinion: "Now, it's the Van Doos' turn to carry the load; But sending Quebec-based troops to Afghanistan carries extra political risk" - "The latest downward spiral for the occupation cannot be solved by sending in more troops or spreading the war to Pakistan"
USA Preps for AFG-PAK Meeting - "Failure to destroy bases in Pakistan allows insurgents to thrive, says Afghan President" - "Washington's special representative for Pakistan and Afghanistan has said the US must put more pressure on Islamabad to counter the Taleban." - "Pakistani President Tries to Assure U.S. on Taliban" - "Sommet tripartite à Washington consacré à la lutte contre les Taliban"
PAK Taliban Say UAVs Doing a Good Job - Leaky PAK-AFG Border Could Cause USA Problems
5 May 09
CAN Troops Injured in pre-AFG Training Road Accident (Thanks, muzz47) - Others Still Preparing to Head Downrange
CAN Army Boss: AFG Mission Leaving Army Short o' Officers, Senior NCOs
"Le célèbre haschisch afghan enivre certains militaires et civils canadiens déployés en Afghanistan au point que les trafiquants n'hésitent pas à le faire entrer par camion au coeur même de la base de Kandahar, comme le révèlent des documents de la Police militaire." - GoogEng: Drug Dealers Getting into CAN Base?
Blogger: What the Latest CAN Pullback from Panjwai Could Mean - More from Macleans.ca
CAN Names First Top CAN Cop in AFG - "Ministre Cannon et le commissaire de la GRC Elliott annoncent la nomination du premier commandant de police canadien en Afghanistan"
Tension Continues Between CAN Foreign Affairs and Defence over AFG Roles? (.pdf permalink)
"Of all the occupational hazards facing Canadian fighter pilots, you'd think getting blown up by an improvised explosive device (IED) would rank pretty far down on the list."
CAN Embed Visits the Tougher Part of Kandahar City - Another CAN Embed Ponders Walls
PAK Terrorists Nabbed in Helmand (.pdf permalink)
"Afghan, Coalition Troops Successfully Target Senior Insurgent in Helmand" - Beware the Helmandi with a Shovel in His Hand... - How UK High Tech Prevents Civvy Casualties in Helmand
Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web page): Panjwai Talib Shares "New Strategy" for Summer Campaign (.pdf permalink) - Longer Globe & Mail Version (.pdf permalink) - Attacks Claimed in K'Har, Zabul - Also in K'Har, Nimruz and Helmand
Karzai Brings In Former Warlord as Running Mate - Mohammed Qasim Fahim Bio
AFG Reportedly Soon to be Self-Sufficient in Wheat
USA Chair of Joint Chiefs: PAK Nukes OK, but Taliban's Latest Worrying - Says "U.S. military strategic focus is shifting from Iraq to Afghanistan"
4 May 09
Karine Blais, R.I.P.: Which Flag Should Have Been on Coffin?
"Les Forces canadiennes ont démantelé un fort de l'armée afghane" - "Forces dismantle police substation in Afghanistan ‘drawback’" - More - more
"En plein coeur de la ville de Kandahar, la présence d'enfants est un bon signe pour les militaires canadiens."
More on New Rules for CAN Media
Bad Guys Nailed in Helmand - Zabul IED Kills 12 Civvies
Worries About Fraud with Ballots (Which Are Supposed to be) Cast by Women - More - Karzai Signs Up - Potentially Nobody Running Against Karxai? - UN Asking Everyone Who Can to Vote
Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web page): Attacks Claimed in Kandahar, Zabul - Al Jazz Claims Americans Trying to Convert Afghans to Christianity - USA Military Says "We're NOT Proselytizing"
"U.S. drone attacks in Pakistan 'backfiring,' Congress told" - USA May Give Joint Control over Drone Missions Over PAK?
3 May 09
Smiling Kids=Less Danger
Narrated Videos of CAN Troops at Work
Reporter/blogger: "There are lessons both NATO and American forces can learn, from their own unique experiences. As Canadian Forces move into the last years of this mission, it is an opportunity that should not be lost."
How CAN's Helping Get Water Where it's Needed - USAID Working in Zabul - USA Chair of Joint Chiefs Finds Challenges in Zabul Visit
CAN's RoCK: "Our exit strategy from Afghanistan lies primarily in the establishment of a sustainable economic and political system"
USA Leery About Pushing Even More Troops into AFG?
Bike Bomber Kills Civvies in Helmand Market - More - more
Taliban Aching to Down Brit Chinook? (.pdf permalink) - OSINT Bibliography on Taliban/MANPADS
Black Watch Into the Breach - Brit Officer Nabbed in "Medal Fiddle" - More - more - Curry Night for UK Troops
Talkin' to the Taliban: AFG Seeks IRN's Involvement with Taliban
Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web page): Claims of USA Troops Causing Civvy Cas in Uruzgan
"Clinton Sees 'Intense' Afghanistan-Pakistan Talks"
"Pak General Wants Drones Grounded in Taliban Cease-Fire Deal"
2 May 09
Michelle Mendes, R.I.P.: Laid to Rest - More - more - video - "Garde d'honneur rend un dernier hommage"
Darryl James Caswell, 1981-2007, R.I.P.: "Motorcyclists on a mission for mom"
"Dernier contingent de Valcartier quitte pour l'Afghanistan" - Plus - plus
"Canadians playing a role in new security unit at Kandahar Airfield" - "Une nouvelle force de protection voit le jour"
"Fighting season is fast approaching, but for the time being, Kandahar is preoccupied with water, food and crops"
CAN DefMin: PAK Most Dangerous Place on Earth These Days
"L'OTAN prévoit un été «sanglant» en Afghanistan"
Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web page): April 2009 Summary of Taliban Claims of Canadian Casualties - Attacks Claimed in Panjwai, Arghandab and Garmsir
1 May 09
Michelle Mendes, R.I.P.: Funeral Today, Memorial Service Tomorrow - More
"Le dernier contingent de soldats canadiens s'envole pour l'Afghanistan"
"De ville fantôme qu’elle était il y a à peine trois ans, Panjwai est en train de renaître."
CAN to Make it Easier for AFGs Helping the Troops Get into CAN - "Canada s'apprête à accueillir des Afghans qui ont travaillé pour le pays"
"Père et fils sont affectés en Afghanistan et volent ensemble" - CAN Father-Son Working Hercs
CAN's First RoCK Loved Her Title
CAN Historian on Patrol in K'Har
Deputy Cdr of RC-South Expects "Bloody Summer"
Some Commenters Underwhelmed with Globe's Latest Blog Post from AFG
AFG Cops Need More Human Rights Training - "Kandahar est une bonne école pour les policiers canadiens en mission"
US Navy F-18 Pilot's View of AFG - "Been There, Done That" Advice Blog
IED Factory Dealt With in South
UK Troops Waiting for USA Surge to Help Out in South - More on UK Troops Wanting Even More UK Troops
Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web pages): Attack Claimed in Zabul
Red Cross: Using Clinics as Polling Stations Not a Great Idea
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