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CAN in Kandahar News Archive (Apr-Dec 2006)

6 May 09 

CAN R22eR Company Tasked with Keeping K'Har City Safe

"Quelle est cette bête rampante, sournoise, qui prolifère en Afghanistan, dans l'ombre? La corruption. Les Canadiens auront bientôt une nouvelle arme pour la dépister et la traquer. La chasse est ouverte."


Change of Command as TF 1-09 Takes Over


CAN Embeds to Provide Fingerprints, Retinal Scans for Accreditation - Globe & Mail Embed Talks to the Cooks - BBC Visits UAE Troops In AFG


Flat Stanley Follows CAN Medic to AFG - CAN War Artist Shares Story - CAN War Poet Hit by Gut Flu Preparing to Deploy (Get Well Soon, SMS!)


Federation of American Scientists:  Open Source GEOINT Analysis of AFG Terrorism Hot Spots - Alternate .pdf Download Site (19 MB) - Long War Journal Map of Where the Taliban's Busiest


Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies' First Quarter Report for 2009


CAN Getting New AFG Envoy


Corrupt Judge in Daykondi Province Mobbed, Beaten (But Nobody Notices?)


"Attentat à la bombe à Helmand; 4 morts et 7 blessés"


More on High Level Taliban Boss Nailed in Helmand - Another One Nailed in Uruzgan - AUS Statement - ISAF Statement


UK's Socialist Worker "Nothing illustrates the problems of the occupation more than the hapless misadventure of British troops in the Helmand province in southern Afghanistan." - Blogger:  "a wider geopolitical reason why the tactic of pinning troops down in Helmand is proving effective .... is the disintegration of the Euro-American alliance"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web page):  Attacks Claimed in Helmand, Uruzgan and Zabul - Spokesperson Tells CNN "We believe by both ... negotiation and also by war ... we ask them to leave the country we are ready to talk ... so they are not ready to leave so they want to talk by the mouth of the gun we will talk by the mouth of the gun." (.pdf permalink)


Opinion:  "Now, it's the Van Doos' turn to carry the load; But sending Quebec-based troops to Afghanistan carries extra political risk" - "The latest downward spiral for the occupation cannot be solved by sending in more troops or spreading the war to Pakistan"


USA Preps for AFG-PAK Meeting - "Failure to destroy bases in Pakistan allows insurgents to thrive, says Afghan President" - "Washington's special representative for Pakistan and Afghanistan has said the US must put more pressure on Islamabad to counter the Taleban." - "Pakistani President Tries to Assure U.S. on Taliban" - "Sommet tripartite à Washington consacré à la lutte contre les Taliban"


PAK Taliban Say UAVs Doing a Good Job - Leaky PAK-AFG Border Could Cause USA Problems


5 May 09

CAN Troops Injured in pre-AFG Training Road Accident (Thanks, muzz47) - Others Still Preparing to Head Downrange


CAN Army Boss:  AFG Mission Leaving Army Short o' Officers, Senior NCOs


"Le célèbre haschisch afghan enivre certains militaires et civils canadiens déployés en Afghanistan au point que les trafiquants n'hésitent pas à le faire entrer par camion au coeur même de la base de Kandahar, comme le révèlent des documents de la Police militaire." - GoogEng:  Drug Dealers Getting into CAN Base?

Blogger:  What the Latest CAN Pullback from Panjwai Could Mean - More from


CAN Names First Top CAN Cop in AFG - "Ministre Cannon et le commissaire de la GRC Elliott annoncent la nomination du premier commandant de police canadien en Afghanistan"


Tension Continues Between CAN Foreign Affairs and Defence over AFG Roles? (.pdf permalink)


"Of all the occupational hazards facing Canadian fighter pilots, you'd think getting blown up by an improvised explosive device (IED) would rank pretty far down on the list."


CAN Embed Visits the Tougher Part of Kandahar City - Another CAN Embed Ponders Walls


PAK Terrorists Nabbed in Helmand (.pdf permalink)


"Afghan, Coalition Troops Successfully Target Senior Insurgent in Helmand" - Beware the Helmandi with a Shovel in His Hand... - How UK High Tech Prevents Civvy Casualties in Helmand


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web page):  Panjwai Talib Shares "New Strategy" for Summer Campaign (.pdf permalink) - Longer Globe & Mail Version (.pdf permalink) - Attacks Claimed in K'Har, Zabul - Also in K'Har, Nimruz and Helmand


Karzai Brings In Former Warlord as Running Mate - Mohammed Qasim Fahim Bio


AFG Reportedly Soon to be Self-Sufficient in Wheat


USA Chair of Joint Chiefs:  PAK Nukes OK, but Taliban's Latest Worrying - Says "U.S. military strategic focus is shifting from Iraq to Afghanistan"


4 May 09 

Karine Blais, R.I.P.:  Which Flag Should Have Been on Coffin?


"Les Forces canadiennes ont démantelé un fort de l'armée afghane" - "Forces dismantle police substation in Afghanistan ‘drawback’" - More - more


"En plein coeur de la ville de Kandahar, la présence d'enfants est un bon signe pour les militaires canadiens."


More on New Rules for CAN Media


Bad Guys Nailed in Helmand - Zabul IED Kills 12 Civvies


Worries About Fraud with Ballots (Which Are Supposed to be) Cast by Women - More - Karzai Signs Up - Potentially Nobody Running Against Karxai? - UN Asking Everyone Who Can to Vote


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web page):  Attacks Claimed in Kandahar, Zabul - Al Jazz Claims Americans Trying to Convert Afghans to Christianity - USA Military Says "We're NOT Proselytizing"


"U.S. drone attacks in Pakistan 'backfiring,' Congress told" - USA May Give Joint Control over Drone Missions Over PAK?




3 May 09

Smiling Kids=Less Danger


Narrated Videos of CAN Troops at Work


Reporter/blogger: "There are lessons both NATO and American forces can learn, from their own unique experiences. As Canadian Forces move into the last years of this mission, it is an opportunity that should not be lost."


How CAN's Helping Get Water Where it's Needed - USAID Working in Zabul - USA Chair of Joint Chiefs Finds Challenges in Zabul Visit


CAN's RoCK: "Our exit strategy from Afghanistan lies primarily in the establishment of a sustainable economic and political system"


USA Leery About Pushing Even More Troops into AFG?


Bike Bomber Kills Civvies in Helmand Market - More - more


Taliban Aching to Down Brit Chinook? (.pdf permalink) - OSINT Bibliography on Taliban/MANPADS


Black Watch Into the Breach - Brit Officer Nabbed in "Medal Fiddle" - More - more - Curry Night for UK Troops


Talkin' to the Taliban:  AFG Seeks IRN's Involvement with Taliban


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web page):  Claims of USA Troops Causing Civvy Cas in Uruzgan


"Clinton Sees 'Intense' Afghanistan-Pakistan Talks"


"Pak General Wants Drones Grounded in Taliban Cease-Fire Deal"


2 May 09

Michelle Mendes, R.I.P.:  Laid to Rest - More - more - video - "Garde d'honneur rend un dernier hommage"


Darryl James Caswell, 1981-2007, R.I.P.:  "Motorcyclists on a mission for mom"


"Dernier contingent de Valcartier quitte pour l'Afghanistan" - Plus - plus


"Canadians playing a role in new security unit at Kandahar Airfield" - "Une nouvelle force de protection voit le jour"


"Fighting season is fast approaching, but for the time being, Kandahar is preoccupied with water, food and crops"


CAN DefMin:  PAK Most Dangerous Place on Earth These Days


"L'OTAN prévoit un été «sanglant» en Afghanistan"


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web page):  April 2009 Summary of Taliban Claims of Canadian Casualties - Attacks Claimed in Panjwai, Arghandab and Garmsir



1 May 09

Michelle Mendes, R.I.P.:  Funeral Today, Memorial Service Tomorrow - More


"Le dernier contingent de soldats canadiens s'envole pour l'Afghanistan"


"De ville fantôme qu’elle était il y a à peine trois ans, Panjwai est en train de renaître."


CAN to Make it Easier for AFGs Helping the Troops Get into CAN - "Canada s'apprête à accueillir des Afghans qui ont travaillé pour le pays"


"Père et fils sont affectés en Afghanistan et volent ensemble" - CAN Father-Son Working Hercs


CAN's First RoCK Loved Her Title


CAN Historian on Patrol in K'Har


Deputy Cdr of RC-South Expects "Bloody Summer"


Some Commenters Underwhelmed with Globe's Latest Blog Post from AFG


AFG Cops Need More Human Rights Training - "Kandahar est une bonne école pour les policiers canadiens en mission"


US Navy F-18 Pilot's View of AFG - "Been There, Done That" Advice Blog


IED Factory Dealt With in South


UK Troops Waiting for USA Surge to Help Out in South - More on UK Troops Wanting Even More UK Troops


Taliban Propaganda Watch (links to non-terrorist web pages):  Attack Claimed in Zabul


Red Cross:  Using Clinics as Polling Stations Not a Great Idea


 CAN in Kandahar News July 2007


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