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One Man's Opinion - Afghanistan

Rick Smith, CKPR-AM, Web Posted: 9/19/2006 2:38:44 PM


“Darfur is tasting, smelling, looking in every way shape or form like a repetition of what happened in Rwanda 12 years ago”. So says Romeo Dallaire. “We are going to witness again, with blood on our hands, the destruction of human beings who are exactly like us” he said, calling on Canada to send money, troops, equipment, and humanitarian aid to the region.


But Senator, Canada has had no discussions and no commitments as far as troops are concerned because we are fighting and dying in Afghanistan. And why? Because of 9-Eleven. What did Afghanistan have to do with 9-Eleven? Those terrorists were all from Saudi Arabia. Why don’t we invade Saudi Arabia? Ahh, but they were training terrorists in Afghanistan! But we’ve uncovered a terrorist training camp at a paintball setup in Great Britain – why don’t we invade England. But women have been denied what we consider their “rights” in Afghanistan! Check out the status of women in Saudi and you’ve another reason to attack those Saudi’s. But Afghanistan is a major producer of illicit drugs – so why don’t we invade Columbia. Do you feel safer? Do you think terrorist threat has been eased since Steve followed George into Afghanistan or are we higher on their hit list?


What are we fighting and dying for when it appears to so many to be a scrap we can’t win? You don’t suppose it’s all about American oil interests, do you?


This is Rick Smith and That’s One Man’s Opinion

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